
Breakfast, which determines the metabolism of the day! Keep in mind the 3 breakfast principles to keep you burning fat during the day

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Breakfast, as the most important meal of the day, determines the metabolic rhythm of our body throughout the day. After a night of metabolism, the body is empty, and a good breakfast is not only the awakening of taste buds, but also the key to opening the body's metabolism.

Breakfast, which determines the metabolism of the day! Keep in mind the 3 breakfast principles to keep you burning fat during the day

Many people choose to skip breakfast to achieve this in order to lose weight, which is a highly unwise and harmful behavior to health.

First of all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and is known as the "key to starting the day". When we wake up in the morning, the body urgently needs nutrients and energy to replenish the consumption during the night, and skipping breakfast will put the body in a state of starvation, causing the metabolism to slow down, and in turn reduce the weight loss effect.

Breakfast, which determines the metabolism of the day! Keep in mind the 3 breakfast principles to keep you burning fat during the day

Secondly, skipping breakfast can also lead to an increase in appetite and overeating at lunch. This kind of "compensatory eating" can not only make weight loss plans fall short, but can also lead to a range of health problems, such as indigestion, obesity, high blood pressure, etc.

In addition, breakfast plays an important role in maintaining blood sugar stability, improving concentration, and enhancing memory. Skipping breakfast can cause blood sugar fluctuations, affect brain function, make people feel exhausted at work, and reduce productivity.

Therefore, skipping breakfast in order to lose weight will not be able to lose weight, but it may harm your health. So, how should you eat a fat loss breakfast to continue to burn fat?

Breakfast, which determines the metabolism of the day! Keep in mind the 3 breakfast principles to keep you burning fat during the day

1. Avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods for breakfast, especially fritters, biscuits, pancakes, fried noodles and other foods, which can easily lead to fat accumulation.

2. Choosing a low-sugar, low-fat, and high-protein food for fat loss breakfast can not only control calorie intake, but also supplement nutrients, so that the body can run efficiently, which is the first step towards healthy fat loss.

You can choose 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, a cup of sugar-free soy milk or pure milk, which can promote muscle synthesis, with an appropriate amount of coarse grains (eight-treasure porridge, corn, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, pumpkin, etc.), supplement high-quality carbohydrates, and also promote metabolism.

Finally, some vegetables or fruits (lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as promote intestinal peristalsis.

Breakfast, which determines the metabolism of the day! Keep in mind the 3 breakfast principles to keep you burning fat during the day

3. The calories of breakfast can be controlled at about 400-450 kcal, and it should be completed before 9 o'clock, and don't eat too late. Drink a glass of water before meals to dilute blood sugar levels and promote waste excretion.