
Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!



With a new round of revisions of CCTV Toutiao, not only the video channel has been canceled, but also some optimizations have been made for users on all platforms, such as Toutiao unlocking function and Toutiao membership, etc., and Toutiao has also added some advertising pushes, so as to increase Toutiao's revenue.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

Among these newly launched features, Toutiao has launched the unlock function, users can unlock the function by watching videos, but the income is only a few cents, just to save the time of people who don't want to watch ads, from these launched features, Toutiao still prioritizes user experience, but also provides users with a lot of benefits.

In the unlock function, in addition to the meager income, users can also get an unlock card, so that you can neatly see the information without ads.

In addition, unlocking also has a benefit, which is to provide users with a comment area, in this area, you can complain about some small things in daily life, and you can also share to see how you are in the eyes of others, so this function is still very good.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

In this unlock function, netizens have also left their own comments, some people complain that this function unlock card is too difficult to obtain, some people share their lives with everyone under this function, and some are doing a small advertisement, recommending some products they are using to everyone, but there is a comment that has aroused heated discussions, and the comment reads: "This is called talent."

People are very curious about this, so in the unlocking feature, who is so amazing, let's take a look.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

From the little girl in the countryside to a trip to space.

The hero of this comment is the owner of the heated discussion in this unlocking function, and he said in the comment: "This is called talent."

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

People's curiosity about him was also very vigorous, so someone below asked: "This big guy, I don't know who the talent you are talking about is?"

The big man said with a smile: "Of course it's Wang Yaping, she is the first female astronaut in the mainland, why don't you talk about talents."

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

People suddenly realized that the talent that this big guy was talking about was Wang Yaping.

Wang Yaping is not only the first female astronaut in the mainland, but also the first female astronaut in the mainland who has been in orbit for more than 100 days.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

When she was eleven years old, at the age of exploration, she was full of curiosity, and when she first set foot on the land of "city" in the eyes of her parents, she realized that there were so many people, so many buildings, and the whole city was so prosperous and beautiful in her eyes.

It was also since then that she opened her eyes and became more diligent and studious, and at the same time, she had a happy childhood when she was young.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

But since she returned to her hometown, she found that the idyllic scenery of her hometown was also so beautiful, so Wang Yaping often went to the fields to walk, blowing the wind in the fields, and looking at the rolling sun in the distance, everything seemed so beautiful.

So whenever she was tired of walking, she would snuggle up in the shade of the big trees in the field and lie lazily, all of which made her heart very soft, and at the same time made her more melancholy and open-minded at a young age.

At this time, she would imagine that she had a pair of space-sized wings, just like that beautiful bird, which could soar in the sky, facing the mountains and seas in the distance, and she could fly as she wanted.

Since she was a child, Wang Yaping has been determined to become a pilot, so she always shouts at the planes in the air: "When I grow up, I will also take a plane and travel around the world."

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

It is also her heart full of yearning for this, her insistence on learning, hard work and self-motivated character has also won the appreciation of others, but also won the support of her grandfather, since then, she often looks at the sky with her grandfather, looks at the planes flying in the sky, and dreams of imagining that one day she can fly out of the countryside by plane.

But one day, when Wang Yaping was in junior high school, her grandfather died suddenly, all of which Wang Yaping couldn't accept and lost himself for a while.

At the same time, it also caused her studies to deteriorate a lot, but her classmates were admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China during the college entrance examination, which put endless pressure on her back, and also made her understand that the people around her did not blindly praise herself, but really saw her shining point.

So Wang Yaping regained her strength, and worked as a teacher in a rural primary school in her hometown, while also attending a local school for a year, and then she embarked on a journey of repeating her studies and was admitted to university again.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

Aerospace heroes stick to their dreams.

During college, she brought her dream back to her teacher, "I want to be a pilot, I want to be admitted to a pilot school and become a pilot."

After hearing this, the teacher said to her: "Wang Yaping, you think too much, the conditions for becoming a pilot are very harsh, you have not received military education, if you take the exam, the chance of being able to go to a flight school is too low."

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

But for the teacher's words, but Wang Yaping more firm in her own thoughts, if she went all out for her dream, so after graduating from college, she began to prepare for the exam, after several twists and turns, she finally got her wish, became a pilot, Wang Yaping also officially embarked on her first step into space.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

After that, Wang Yaping really felt that she had gained unlimited power from the aerospace industry, and she returned to the road of astronauts from her career as a pilot.

In 1998, she was selected by the China National Space Administration to become a member of the mainland's first astronaut team, and also trained as China's first female astronaut.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

After years of hard work, finally in 2012, Wang Yaping became a member of the mainland aerospace hero team with his technical level and rich work experience.

On June 11, 2013, Wang Yaping took the Shenzhou 10 spacecraft into space, which she had never experienced, and it was also the voyage she had always dreamed of, and it finally became a reality.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

When she was in space, Wang Yaping also entrusted herself with the first grafting of space life, which is also the real grafting of military projects and scientific research projects into aerospace engineering.

Even though the hardships of space life are self-evident, and the expensive expenses are self-evident, everything is incomparable to the excitement of the people, and the prayers and expectations of the people have also turned this greatest human exploration program in history into the Chinese dream.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

But in the process of space flight, it is difficult to imagine what challenges astronauts will face.

These more complex challenges than imagined are equally fatal, ranging from the problems exposed in the spatial environment, the problems exposed in the living environment, to the problems of health and physiology, and psychological problems.

These will test the physical and mental fatigue and psychological pressure, to constantly adapt to the environment of space life, at the same time health is also the most important, for astronauts will also face physical discomfort and mood swings, so persistence is king.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

In the space environment, astronauts cannot choose their diet at will as they do on Earth, they need to drink purified urine and water, and at the same time will do a certain degree of exercise to maintain good health.

And astronauts have lived in space for a long time, like Wang Yaping, who has lived in space for 114 days, has refreshed Jean. Serna's record of 254 days.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

But after experiencing these harsh space environments, they will face a new challenge after they go to space, that is, to carry out rehabilitation training.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

It is difficult to land and rehabilitate for half a year.

After completing the 202 hours and 31 minutes of mission time in space, Wang Yaping's space journey ended, but since the completion of the Shenzhou 10 mission in September, Wang Yaping has ushered in half a year of rehabilitation training, which is also the most arduous task after she landed in space.

Space sequelae? Wang Yaping's honest space journey is costly, and it is difficult to land!

Although after a medical diagnosis, her physical conditions are qualified, but her body has been accustomed to working and living in a low-gravity environment, so there will definitely be a certain degree of adaptation period when landing to live, so it is difficult for astronauts to move when landing from space.

For astronauts like them, they don't spend as much time on the ground as they do in space, but only through continuous exercise and training can they become at ease again.

In this rehabilitation training, Wang Yaping is performing various training processes every day, whether it is the training of reaction ability, or the training of balance, how much training volume, Wang Yaping is silently counting in his heart.

At the same time, she also has to take time to sort out her professional knowledge and study new scientific research results, so when she goes out from home, she has to count her steps silently, so that she can do it, although she is worried or sad, but now what she has to do is to persevere and keep moving forward.

Just like you have to stick to the training session every day, she is the same, although the process of training is difficult, but she still has to persevere to complete every training, this is her craftsman spirit.


Wang Yaping's space journey is worthy of recognition, but in the process of her persistence, we should see more of the dedication and sacrifice, her contribution is not only personal, but also family, is the firmness of personal dreams, and the yearning for career.

As an astronaut, Wang Yaping is a role model for us to learn from and pursue, and her story is also a model for us to learn from.

As a person in society, we should pay more attention to Wang Yaping, a special group, praise everything they have done, and provide them with more help.

Wang Yaping's dream was realized with the help of everyone, so with Wang Yaping's dedication, what can we not accomplish?