
Just spend your life in leisure

author:Yantian culture
Just spend your life in leisure
Just spend your life in leisure

Sit and drink the water and watch the frying dust.

There is no reason to hold a bowl and send it to tea lovers.

-- Bai Juyi

Just spend your life in leisure

A simple bowl of tea can bring people such profound emotions. And in life, this situation can be seen everywhere. Make a pot of old tea, and chat with a few confidants who "don't welcome you, don't send it", and talk about some gossip that has nothing to do with Fengyue.

Whenever you have a tea room, the taste of relaxation will be in your heart. Li Qingzhao's witty words "Don't be idle" are enough to understand this situation.

Just spend your life in leisure

The windows are bright and clean, and the wind and bamboo cicadas are singing outside the window.

The flower garden and vegetable garden in front of the house are thriving. Behind the house is a green mountain forest, and the stream on the side of the house skirts the ridges.

On the single couch, on this tea cabinet, pour your favorite tea. Leisurely and happy, what more can you ask for.

Just spend your life in leisure

Yuan Hongdao, a Ming scholar, said: "The first cheap thing in the world, there is really no one who is more idle."

Leisure is the most luxurious and simple thing in life. In the busy life of weekdays, a moment of quiet in the tea room can be exchanged for half a day of Qingfu, and the literati have the deepest understanding of this.

Su Shi, Wen Zhengming, Zhang Dai, etc., how many chapters were written in the tea affair...... Eating tea is an indispensable thing in their lives.

Just spend your life in leisure

The literati drank a bowl of tea, not only for the enjoyment of the tongue, but also for the dialogue with the sages, with the heart, and with nature, so the mood and environment of drinking tea are particularly important.

Xu Wei, a literati of the Ming Dynasty, wrote "Seven Categories of Sencha", on the place of drinking tea, saying: "The pavilion is quiet, the window is clear, the monks are in the Taoist courtyard, the Ziliu Yushi, the old and the scattered people, or the disciples of the Xuan crown, and the transcendent taste of the world...... Finding a place to find a resort, boiling water and cooking tea, regardless of the rights and wrongs of the world, for the literati of the old days, it was not only a daily state of tea tasting, but also a way of life that could send affection and calm the heart.

Just spend your life in leisure

However, the "leisure" of the environment is always external, and the real leisure comes from inner peace.

Su Shi once said that "strange tea is wonderful and ink is fragrant", if drinking tea is together with other elegant things, such as reading, writing poems, talking, burning incense, etc., it can help to add Qingxing and chat to express nostalgia.

It can be said that the word "leisure", through the tea ceremony, has been engraved into the sexual spirit of the Chinese and integrated into the life of the Chinese.

Just spend your life in leisure

"Leisure" is not necessarily far away in the mountains, in the bustling city, in the middle of the residence in a tea room, sit and lie at will, poetry and books as you like.

Enjoy the leisure time quietly in the fragrance of tea, comfort the daily fatigue, and feel the poetry of life in addition to mediocrity.

Just spend your life in leisure

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Source: Most Ceramic