
Our city held the "Seed Seed Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity

Our city held the "Seed Seed Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 29, the Lantian Community of Guanlan Street in our city held the "Seeds and Seeds Concentric, Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity, and the neighbors gathered together to celebrate the party's birthday.

Our city held the "Seed Seed Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity
Our city held the "Seed Seed Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity

At the event site, each family brought the special dishes they carefully prepared and put them into a long street banquet with deep friendship. Everyone takes "food" as the medium and "eats" to meet friends, and as far as the eye can see, there are all kinds of dishes, and the food with full color and flavor is mouth-watering. It is worth mentioning that before the meal, people at the same table first said "hello, neighbors" to each other, and then tasted delicious dishes together.

Our city held the "Seed Seed Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity

Wang Yi, a resident, said: "Everyone is very happy today, this event has strengthened the relationship between our neighbors, and I hope there will be more such activities in the future." ”

Our city held the "Seed Seed Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity
Our city held the "Seed Seed Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity

The celebration came to an end with a wonderful folk song and dance program. As the saying goes, "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors", the "Seeds and Seeds Concentric Neighborhood Festival Long Street Banquet" activity has shortened the distance between neighbors, enhanced everyone's feelings, and jointly painted a happy picture of a better life.

Author: Yang Wenxuan

Editor: Li Li

Review: Wang Liping, Li Tang

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