
Yongning District: "Government, Enterprise, Village and Agriculture" jointly build to help industrial revitalization

author:Nanning Agriculture

In the breeding rooms scattered in the green water and green mountains, the feeding, feeding, temperature control, humidity control and other work of broilers can be operated with one click...... In recent years, Yongning District has always adhered to the development of industries and promoted development, taking the development of livestock and poultry industry as an important industry for rural revitalization, based on the advantages of local resources, constantly optimizing the structure of livestock and poultry industry, developing livestock and poultry industry, promoting farmers' income and prosperity, and helping rural revitalization.

01 Industry into the village to help development

In the Pingtian Livestock and Poultry Efficient Breeding Demonstration Park in Zhonghe Town, Yongning District, rows of intelligent chicken coops are presented in front of you, clean and tidy chicken coops are neatly arranged, and each layer is equipped with automatic water supply, feeding, manure belts and other automation equipment.

The demonstration park covers an area of 45 acres and will be put into use in October 2022, with a total of 4 fully automated and efficient broiler breeding greenhouses, and complete supporting buildings such as road hardening, hydropower engineering, quarantine, transportation, and environmental protection in the park. There are more than 140,000 broilers in the existing barn, and more than 560,000 broilers can be slaughtered annually.

"In recent years, our town has implemented the mode of industrial development into the village and group development, and the eight administrative villages in the town have jointly funded the establishment of town-level professional cooperatives, implemented unified management of cooperatives, unified investment, further strengthened the village collective economy, and enriched the people and rejuvenated the village." Li Jing, mayor of Zhonghe Town, said that the town-level professional cooperative signed a lease agreement with the leading enterprise Nanning Guangdong Wen's Livestock and Poultry Co., Ltd., with an annual rent of 120,000 yuan for each breeding greenhouse, 10 jobs and more than 100 surrounding farmers. In addition, Zhonghe Town also makes full use of the idle vacant land in the breeding demonstration park to invest funds in each of the 3 villages and 2 poverty alleviation villages for the development of village-level collective economic photovoltaic power generation projects, with an annual rate of return of 10.5%-12%, which can increase the village-level collective economic income by 52,500-117,600 yuan per village per year.

02 Joint agriculture with agriculture to support and promote income increase

In the livestock and poultry efficient breeding industry demonstration park in Xinjiang Town, Yongning District, the rows of chicken coops in the 6 breeding houses are neat and orderly, each building is equipped with 3 layers and 7 rows of cages, and each building can breed about 30,000 broilers per batch, and it is expected that 720,000 broilers will be slaughtered annually.

Yongning District: "Government, Enterprise, Village and Agriculture" jointly build to help industrial revitalization

Grow. Photo by Huang Dexi

"From February last year to now, our family of 6 people have raised chickens here, and the chicken coop I am responsible for alone has slaughtered about 80,000 broiler chickens, with a net income of more than 80,000 yuan." Yang Guojing, a farmer, said that there is a supply of chicken seedlings, site support, technical guidance and information operation, which is more relaxed than doing odd jobs in the past, and his family is around, so he has more motivation to make money.

The broiler industry has puffed up the pockets of local farmers, and many farmers have built family farms, which are raised and sold, and one family learns one family, one household leads multiple households, and the chicken industry has developed vigorously. "You can earn 5 yuan by raising a chicken." Lu Chaochang is a villager of Xinjiang Community, Xinjiang Town, in 2019, with the policy support of Nanning Guangdong Wen's Livestock and Poultry Co., Ltd., he began to breed broilers, and now each batch of more than 20,000, with a cumulative total income of more than one million yuan, the family tasted the sweetness of breeding, felt the happiness of entrepreneurship, and is now planning to build a second efficient chicken coop to expand the scale of breeding.

In Yongning District, like Lu Chaochang's family, there are more than 840 farmers who have become rich by breeding broilers, and in their hearts, Nanning Guangdong Wen's Livestock and Poultry Co., Ltd. is just setting up breeding houses in their homes. The company adopts the "company + farmers" "production, supply, marketing, research" one-stop model to develop animal husbandry, and local farmers to cooperate with broiler breeding, the company provides farmers with chicken seedlings, feed, drugs, sent technicians to assist farmers to manage chickens, slaughter broilers to take protective price recovery, bear market risks, farmers mainly bear the risk of breeding, through the mutually beneficial income model, to achieve a win-win situation for farmers and the company.

Liang Dong, the director of the field who manages the daily work of the Xinjiang Livestock and Poultry Efficient Breeding Industry Demonstration Park, concluded: "We play the role of a 'supervisor' and a 'guide'. The company has a mature breeding program and a strong technical team, the market risk is borne by the company, farmers are not affected by market changes, and profits are guaranteed. ”

03Multi-party joint construction and win-win cooperation

"Our company is an agricultural enterprise, and the cooperative farmers are all over the towns in Yongning District, and we have a deep friendship with the farmers. In order to promote the upgrading of broiler breeding, by promoting the upgrading of hardware, from the traditional farmer stocking type to the fully enclosed closed control chicken house, support the farmers to expand the scale of breeding, the scale and efficiency are increased by 30% and 20% respectively, so that 'the chicken is very cool in summer and not cold in winter'. Zhou Weibang, head of Nanning Guangdong Wen's Livestock and Poultry Co., Ltd., introduced that in recent years, the average feeding volume of each batch of cooperative households has increased from 7,000 to 10,000 birds, the average weight of broilers has increased from 1.95 kg to 2.15 kg, and the gross profit of broilers has risen from 3.2 yuan to 3.6 yuan, and the average annual slaughter of about 25,000 birds has reached more than 90,000 yuan.

It is reported that the project implements the "government-enterprise-village-farmer" cooperation model, mainly invested by the government in the construction of infrastructure, through the professional operation and management of the project, the village collective obtains the rental income of the chicken coop, and the farmers obtain the income from land rental and breeding services. At present, relying on the Xinjiang and Zhonghe Livestock and Poultry Efficient Breeding Demonstration Park in Yongning District, a total of 45 rural households have been driven by land transfer, including 11 poverty alleviation households; Breeding drives 356 farmers, including 14 poverty alleviation households, with a total of 7.24 million birds on the market, a total output value of 252.35 million yuan, and a gross profit of 27.63 million yuan.

"In the next step, Yongning District will further develop the 'government-enterprise-village-farmer' cooperation and co-construction model according to the actual situation and its own advantages, encourage enterprises and farmers to expand the scale of breeding, and continuously expand the livestock and poultry industry in the whole city." The relevant person in charge of the Yongning District Agriculture and Rural Bureau said that at present, the livestock stock in Yongning District has reached 80,300 heads, about 144,100 heads were slaughtered in the first half of the year, and the poultry inventory reached 6.0927 million birds, and about 12.3893 million birds were slaughtered in the first half of the year, and the output value of livestock and poultry was about 1.05 billion yuan.

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