
TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

author:Writing knife II

The trailer is 2 minutes, presenting 7 fierce gunfight scenes;

In the first 5 minutes, a number of hearty police and bandit duel scenes were staged!

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

TVB, which was recognized by the audience as having a shortage of actors and lack stamina, will now even have a good show!

"Anti-Black Hero", a new masterpiece by TVB, set off a wave of ratings as soon as it was broadcast, and the audience received rave reviews.

It seems that at the critical moment, you have to rely on police dramas to help TVB fight a bloody way!

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

The start is high

The biggest reason why TVB police dramas have been prosperous for a long time is that it can accurately restore the compact, exciting, and thrilling atmosphere and plot of police and bandit dramas, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in them defenselessly.

This point is also vividly shown in "Anti-Black Heroes".

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

The first scene at the beginning is the most typical police and bandit battle in TVB police and bandit dramas.

A store that was open on time as usual was broken by two robbers who suddenly broke in, among which the leader of the robbers, Chen Zuyao, rushed into the gold store in mask to rob it, and after a frenzied search, he was ready to rush out, only to meet two police officers Xuan Shen and Xu Guoxian who were patrolling the street.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Seeing the robbers robbing in broad daylight, Xuan Shen and Xu Guoxian, who were policemen, were naturally the first to draw their guns and rush forward, trying to stop the rampant robbers.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the police, the agile Chen Zuyao quickly fled to the back alley with his younger brother, avoiding the sight of Xuan Shen and Xu Xian.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Xuan Shen and Xu Guoxian were still searching for Chen Zuyao's figure on the street, when they suddenly heard a fierce gunshot from the back alley, and Xuan Shen and Xu Xian hurried to the back alley.

Seeing that Xuan Shen's godfather was shot by Chen Zuyao and fell in a pool of blood, Xuan Shen and Xu Guoxian immediately started a fierce shootout with Chen Zuyao.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

As a result, Xu Guoxian was accidentally shot and fell to the ground, and Chen Zuyao also held another police officer hostage, asking Xuanshen to quickly abandon the gun and surrender and let him go.

Xuan Shen, who was alone and fighting alone, looked at his godfather who was covered in blood, Xu Xian who was lying on the ground and couldn't move, and his colleagues who were held hostage by Chen Zuyao, he endured his anger and unwillingness, put down his pistol and watched Chen Zuyao escape smoothly in front of him.

After this battle, Xuan Shen and Xu Guoxian were hit hard, Xu Xian expressed dissatisfaction with Xuan Shen's behavior of letting the bandits leave, and the brothers turned against each other, Xu Guoxian left the police force in anger, and Xuan Shen continued to stay in PTU.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

The robbery at the beginning, as the lead of the story, not only explained the identities of the three male protagonists, but also paved the way for the subsequent identity change.

With the robbery case experienced in 2018 as the dividing line, 5 years later, Xuanshen, Xu Guoxian, and Chen Zuyao went online with new identities, opening a new round of police and bandit showdowns.

The 5-minute robbery condenses all the essence of TVB police dramas - robbery, gunfights, naked hand-to-hand combat, brothers against each other, etc., every scene is real and wonderful visible to the naked eye, no wonder the popularity soared as soon as it was launched.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

A number of big names

In recent years, many actors have left TVB and developed in the north, which has made the audience feel that TVB has not returned to its original glory, so even if there are occasional new dramas online, the audience will give up chasing dramas because of the lack of strength of the actors.

In order to break this embarrassing situation, "Anti-Black Heroes" gave up using new actors, but gathered familiar faces such as Yuan Weihao, Chen Shancong, Zhang Zhenlang, Yao Ziling, Zhu Chenli, etc., with their years of performance experience as golden green leaves, to bring a new lineup experience to "Anti-Black Heroes".

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Chen Shancong

Chen Shancong was originally an unknown actor in TVB, and he has always played "Green Leaves", if it weren't for his relationship with the gambling king's daughter He Chaoyun, the name Chen Shancong probably wouldn't have been known so soon.

It's a pity that in the end, the gambling king's son-in-law didn't succeed, and he also caused himself a fishy, since then Chen Shancong is willing to cultivate himself and work hard to fight his career in TVB.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Finally, when Huang Zongze, Lin Feng, Wu Zhuoxi and others all went north to develop, Chen Shancong had the opportunity to "sit upright", and TVB began to focus on cultivating Chen Shancong as the queen male number one, and also let him get the title of Emperor Shi.

Chen Shancong, who is middle-aged, now plays the jealous and hateful Sergeant Xuan Shen of the Mobile Force in "Anti-Black Hero", which can be regarded as an online strength, and the audience is not disgusted by it.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Yuan Weihao

In terms of age and strength, Yuan Weihao is on par with Chen Shancong, and even Yuan Weihao has starred in more classic works than Chen Shancong, but Chen Shancong is the male number one, but Yuan Weihao has been reduced to the male number two.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Yuan Weihao's appearance in "Anti-Black Hero" is the image of the leader of the robbers, Chen Shancong's sworn enemy, and also the main character clue for the development of the story.

Because of him, there are classic dramas such as brothers turning against each other and gangster wars.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Zhang Zhenlang

Zhang Zhenlang is an actor who has only slowly developed in recent years, and his most out-of-the-circle role is the gangster Pang Haoyang in "Apostle Walker 3".

At the same time, he also has a good performance in Hong Kong dramas such as "Anti-Black Passerby A" and "Blind Barrister", so he has won more recognition and attention from the audience.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Now, although Zhang Zhenlang can't be the male number one, he can step by step from the golden green leaf to the male number two, which is a big step forward in his career.

In "Anti-Black Hero", Zhang Zhenlang plays Chen Shancong's good brother Xu Guoxian, after turning against each other for a robbery, he infiltrated the underworld alone and found out the robber leader Chen Zuyao who was close to the year as an undercover agent.

Therefore, Zhang Zhenlang's role this time is also very challenging, and it is also one of the key highlights of the whole play.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Yao Zi Ling

Although actresses Hu Dingxin, Li Shihuan, Zhong Jiaxin, Tang Shiyong and others who debuted at the same time as Yao Ziling gradually left TVB, Yao Ziling is still staying in TVB, and it can be regarded as maintaining a good relationship with TVB.

But Yao Ziling has been in TVB for so many years, most of them appear as "female No. 2" and "female No. 3", even if other actresses run away, she has not got more opportunities to show her face.

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

But no matter what, Yao Ziling's acting skills are still very worthy of recognition, she has debuted for so many years and has played many classic roles.

Now she is the second female lead in "Anti-Black Hero", playing the scheming, smart, and a little cunning gangster sister-in-law Lin Xueer, which can also bring a lot of surprises to the audience.

And she and Zhang Zhenlang also have some subtle emotional scenes, and the scenes of the undercover agent and her sister-in-law are ambiguous, and the audience loves to watch them too!

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Zhu Chenli

Zhu Chenli has only been gradually promoted to the position of "female number one" in recent years, but she does not have any out-of-the-circle roles at present, and most of the time she mainly plays the role of "female policeman".

This time she played a female policeman in "Anti-Black Hero", and she also had an emotional scene with Chen Shancong, I wonder if these two can collide with wonderful sparks?

TVB is out again? Many big names in "Anti-Black Heroes" are in charge, and the high-burning scene detonates the whole network

Today's Hong Kong dramas are indeed no longer as brilliant as they used to be, but it does not mean that Hong Kong dramas will decline.

"Anti-Black Heroes" integrates many classic Hong Kong drama elements such as gunfights, action, and police and bandit duels, breaking through the dilemma of "Hong Kong dramas are dead" and rekindling the audience's expectations and pursuit of Hong Kong dramas.

Image source: Internet invasion and deletion