
"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage

author:Shenzhen Satellite TV Deepvision News

Today (30th) at 3 p.m

Deep middle channel

It was officially opened for trial operation

This "super project"

Finally, a historic moment has arrived

What is the situation on site after the opening of traffic?

Let's follow the reporter to the scene!


Citizens queued up early

Be among the first witnesses

Before the official opening of traffic, Shenzhen Satellite TV & One Shenzhen client reporter saw at the scene that there was a long queue at the entrance of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel. Many vehicles came to the scene early to wait in line, just to compete for the first "good luck" to drive on the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage. Some citizens said that although they were in a state of slow traffic along the way, it did not affect their excitement today.

"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage
"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage

In addition to some people queuing up to be the "bridgehead car", many citizens spontaneously organized a convoy to pass through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage to commemorate and witness this historic moment in various special ways.

As a transportation artery connecting the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor greatly facilitates the travel of residents in Shenzhen, Zhongshan and even surrounding cities. The driver who queued up to get on the bridge told reporters: "Very excited! Witness a historic moment! After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, it only takes more than 20 minutes to go from Ma'an Island to Nanshan, Shenzhen, making life more convenient. ”


The Shenzhen channel was officially opened to traffic

Citizens are enthusiastic about traveling

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened for trial operation. The scene was lively and hot. The reporter saw at the scene that just a few minutes after the opening of traffic, traffic jams began to appear in the direction of entering the toll station to the Shenzhong channel.

"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage

Social vehicles queue up in an orderly manner to enter the toll station at the entrance of the airport, and all 7 lanes are open, of which 3 are dedicated lanes for ETC. In addition, the etiquette staff of the Shenzhen Expressway also distributed 100 on-board gift bags to the citizens who passed the station.

"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage

In the tunnel, it is generally in a state of slow traffic with many cars. Some members of the public said that they felt good about the first experience of passing. Here, Xiaobian also reminds the majority of riders not to drive at a high speed in order to enjoy the scenery, losing safety!

"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage

Bring the whole family along

Witness a moment in history

Driving on the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, I feel not only the convenience of this simple, but also the high-tech content of the construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor and the strong strength of China's infrastructure also make the citizens admire. "That's awesome! The Chinese are too good at infrastructure construction and have won many world firsts. A citizen told reporters.

Some citizens brought their families to explore this super project, and they said: "Today is as happy as a holiday!" We brought our children to check in the Shenzhong Passage so that he could feel the honor of our country. ”


The first bus of Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus was full

With the trial operation of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the first bus of Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus has also been successfully opened, and it is expected that more than 100 round-trip trains will be arranged on the same day.

"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage

It is understood that more than 1,000 passengers have made reservations to buy tickets through the "Shenzhen Bus Travel" applet, and everyone has said, "I want to visit the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel for the first time, and I want to go to Zhongshan to eat pigeon and crispy carp." In addition, the bus group also prepared a "surprise package" for passengers on the first day, including mineral water, tissues and snacks.

"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage
"The car is slow and happy"! Directly hit the opening moment of the Shenzhong Passage

Click here to find out how to buy tickets: "Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus and airport special line are coming!" Official ticketing channels online →》

As the first batch of citizens drove onto the Shenzhong Passage

The east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary

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It is a huge step forward for the entire Greater Bay Area


Friends who haven't had time to check in on the spot

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"Greater Bay Area, Great Connectivity, Great Future! ——

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened to traffic

Bay Area Cities Joint All-Media Live Broadcast"

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Where can I watch the live stream?

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Reporter / Dewey, Xia Zhiqiang, Condensation, Lan Ting, Xin Zeming, Chen Jiahui

Editor / Tan Shijing, Cao Mingshan

Proofreading / Pang Shifan