
New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause丨Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and embark on the road to happiness

author:Pingliang release
New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause丨Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and embark on the road to happiness
New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause丨Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and embark on the road to happiness

Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and step onto the road of happiness

Lingtai County, located at the southern edge of the Loess Plateau in Longdong, belongs to the gully area of the Loess Plateau. The Loess Plateau is the most fragile area of the ecological environment. Therefore, Lingtai geological disasters are prone and frequent. The difficulty of governance can be imagined. In recent years, Lingtai County has seized the opportunities of national, provincial and municipal policies, and through the implementation of ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation and geological disaster prevention and control projects, it has fulfilled the dream of "living in peace" for 2,420 households, implemented 5 geological disaster prevention and control projects, and reduced disaster risks. These measures have not only accelerated the process of urbanization, but also improved the modernization level of county development and stimulated new vitality for rural revitalization.

Move out of danger and live in a new home

Three years ago, Feng Yulin was still living in Liyuan Village, Baili Township, which is often hit by heavy rains. Now, he has moved to the Shitang Nimgou Ecological and Geological Disaster Avoidance and Relocation Site, away from the threat of the mountains. Zhang Lei, mayor of Baili Town, told reporters that in recent years, the town has managed 11 geological disaster hidden danger points, through the implementation of ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation policies, in accordance with the one-time planning, annual implementation, and the idea of rectifying the river basin, the current construction of 5 centralized resettlement points, 331 households relocated, and 151 households will realize the dream of "living in peace" this year, the implementation of this policy has effectively improved the sense of security and happiness of the people at the geological disaster hidden danger points. In the process of relocation, focusing on "who to relocate", Lingtai County carried out accurate mapping and identification according to the different situations of geological disaster occurrence areas, hidden danger areas and prone areas, and accurately identified the relocation objects; Focusing on "where to move", we should adopt a variety of methods such as centralized resettlement, decentralized resettlement, upstairs resettlement, and housing resettlement, and guide the masses to appropriately concentrate in county seats, towns, central villages, and along highways. At present, 2,420 households like Feng Yulin in Lingtai County have moved into new homes, and according to different regional characteristics and economic conditions, some have moved into centralized resettlement sites for the relocation of the whole river basin and down the mountains to Sichuan, some have moved into the centralized resettlement sites for abandoned mountains and towns and villages, and some have moved into resettlement buildings for "living in peace upstairs and working in peace downstairs". This year, 870 households and 2,504 people will all be relocated and relocated to new homes.

Prevent and eliminate hidden dangers in the prevention and control of land disasters

At the same time of relocating "people", Lingtai County also strengthened the management of 69 hidden danger points in the county, and implemented geological disaster prevention and control projects such as landslides by striving for central funds, reducing possible future disaster risks and promoting long-term sustainable development. During the summer solstice, walking into the landslide treatment site of Tongjiapo Society, Nandianzi Village, Zhongtai Town, there was a busy construction scene, and the workers under the scorching sun were standing on the scaffolding and were working on the rib wall. Prior to this, the construction team took measures such as slope cutting and load reduction, concrete retaining wall, bolt lattice structure on the back wall of the farmer's house, and also intercepted the drainage canal in the later stage, in order to ensure the solidity of the project. Since the start of construction in early April this year, 50% of the construction tasks have been completed. "This year, by striving for 6.65 million yuan of subsidy funds for the construction of the central natural disaster prevention and control system, 43 households have implemented the landslide control project behind the house, which has solved the worries of the masses." Ma Xuezhen, secretary of the party branch of Nandianzi Village, told reporters. In recent years, Lingtai County has actively sought 50.15 million yuan of central funds, and has successively implemented 5 unstable slope treatment projects for middle school roads in the county and unstable slopes in Xiahe Village, Zhongtai Town. This year, the county also won a total of 9.35 million yuan in subsidy funds for the construction of the central natural disaster prevention and control system and the third batch of additional treasury bonds, and carried out the elimination of danger and danger in seven geological disaster hidden danger points. Through the gradual elimination of hidden danger points, Lingtai County's original approved 69 geological disaster hidden danger points have now been written off, and 1 new one was added last year, and 61 hidden danger points are currently registered. For the registered geological disaster hidden danger points, in addition to the implementation of the system of on-duty duty, special group combined monitoring and early warning response, etc., the county continues to tap the relocation potential, in accordance with the "two sides" (Shizi Yuanbian involves 5 township risk control areas and the geological threat area of the Liangyuan Dujiagou watershed on the side of the Heihe River), two more years, and the completion of the "thousand households" idea, the county has thoroughly identified 425 households and 604 households to be relocated in 2025 and 2026, and has completed the preparation of the 2024-2026 geological disaster risk area control and relocation work plan.

Industrial revitalization is vigorous

Getting the masses out of the geological disaster danger zone is only the "first step" in Lingtai County's implementation of ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation. In order to allow the relocated people to stay in their new homes with peace of mind, the county has done enough to "revitalize the industry" and let the supporting industries bloom everywhere in the relocation and resettlement areas. Four years ago, Ai Xiaolin, a girl from Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province, married in Shangli Village, Baili Town, and when she stepped into the door of her mother-in-law's house, she saw a simple earthen house, which made her heart cool a lot. Thanks to the implementation of the ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation policy, she also has a 6-room new home with white walls and tiles, which "saved" her once lost heart. After having a safe new home, just when she was shy and anxious about her pocket, the high-yield dairy farm introduced by the county brought her employment opportunities. In February this year, Ai Xiaolin applied for the position of milkman, "Working at the door of the house, less than 3 miles away, it is very convenient, earning more than 5,000 yuan a month, and taking care of food and housing, this job has added more happiness to me." Speaking of this, Ai Xiaolin's eyes narrowed into a slit with joy. In order to ensure that the follow-up development of 195 households and 600 people in the block is guaranteed, Xinkai Township has supported six major industries to help farmers increase income, "We strengthen the agglomeration role of the industry, deepen and expand the 'six ones' employment channels, that is, build and revitalize the breeding community, help farmers develop the breeding industry, employ left-behind women to work in the garment processing workshop, and organize willing labor to work in fruit and vegetable fresh-keeping warehouses, agricultural and sideline product processing plants, apple orchards and Chinese herbal medicine planting bases to increase income, so that the relocated people can increase their income and get rich at the door of their new homes." Tian Senfu, deputy head of Xinkai Township, said. In the interview, the reporter learned that at present, Lingtai County has successively built 4 breeding communities, 300 vegetable greenhouses, 1,800 acres of dwarf orchards, and supported 486 households to develop planting and breeding industries. For the relocated people with skills, it is recommended to sign employment contracts with construction enterprises and construction projects in the county, and absorb more than 680 people to work nearby. For the upstairs resettlement of the masses, help the development of catering, commerce, logistics and other business activities, to achieve upstairs to live in peace, downstairs to work. Industrial revitalization not only puffed up the "money bags" of the relocated people, boosted the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, but also enhanced the endogenous power and competitiveness of the regional economy to a certain extent.

Immerse yourself in the town

Shizi Town is located in the hinterland of the center of Shizi Plateau, the second largest town in Longdong, with convenient transportation and active commerce, and is a national key town, a pilot town for the comprehensive reform of the construction of small towns in the province, and a pilot town for new urbanization in the city. The implementation of the ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation policy has allowed Liu Aixi, who is 7.5 kilometers away from the town, to integrate into the town and live the same life as a city person. Liu Aixi, who lives in Shengli Village, Shizi Town, lived in a brick house built in the 80s of the last century before he moved. Last year, he spent more than 300,000 yuan to build a two-story small western-style building of 162 square meters, of which he enjoyed a policy subsidy of 100,000 yuan. Speaking of integrating into the coveted town life, Liu Aixi is particularly happy, "Since moving here, the surrounding environment is good, the flowers and plants go out outside the door, the home is also connected to natural gas, and the floor heating is also installed." Like Liu Aixi, Dong Zhaorong, a villager in Nandianzi Village, Zhongtai Town, who lived at the junction of urban and rural areas, could not enjoy supporting resources such as natural gas and heating, and the original house was within the scope of geological hazards, which made him difficult at both ends. In order to let him move out of the geological disaster hidden danger area, the county compensated him with 780,000 yuan, and now Dong Zhaorong, who lives in the building, is happy in his heart, "Let me evacuate the danger zone and live in the building, and my heart is very steady." In recent years, with the implementation of the ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation policy in Lingtai County, the urbanization process of the county has been accelerated, driving the sales of 55,000 square meters of new commercial housing, 643 households have entered the urban life, the urbanization rate has increased by 1.2 percentage points, and the relocated people enjoy a modern new life. ( Reporter Wang Fuqiang )

New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause丨Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and embark on the road to happiness

丨Source丨Pingliang Rong Media Center丨Production丨Pingliang Rong Media Center

丨Audit丨Feng Yuqiang, Liu Jie

丨Editor丨Wu Peng

New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause丨Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and embark on the road to happiness
New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause丨Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and embark on the road to happiness
New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause丨Lingtai: Move out of the hidden danger area and embark on the road to happiness