
Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

author:Three Kingdoms

It's really hard to be a mother, and it's hard to take care of your energetic children for a long time. But no matter what, mothers don't abuse their children, but when this identity comes to cats, the style of painting seems to have changed a lot.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

Netizens said that the raccoon cat at home has its own unique understanding of bringing a baby. It's obviously a baby born by himself, just like he doesn't know. With airplane ears, fried hair, and looking down, he walked out of a set of steps.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

Then he suddenly rushed over, hugged and thrashed twice. Behind the back, the dragon swings its tail directly, and a jio kicks the child out. If it weren't for the shovel officer who watched the whole process, he really thought he was teaching the children of Lao Wang next door.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

Don't be in a hurry to talk about this cat mother, this one is already relatively good, at least there is a little interaction with the child. And the other cat mother has already reached the state of being out of sight. Jumping directly on the windowsill, watching his children waiting to be fed, without the slightest idea of feeding.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

But if you look closely, these 5 kittens are either black or white. Each one is so much like their irresponsible scumbag daddy. No wonder the mother cat is not in the mood when she sees it.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

And it's normal for cats to take babies, in fact, it has nothing to do with IQ, after all, it is known as the smartest raccoon cat, and after becoming a mother, it is also a bit upset. In the last second, he was still licking the child's hair intimately, looking harmonious.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

The next second, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't dropped the kitten, so I pulled the child down directly. No hesitation at all!

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

The shovel officer couldn't stand it anymore, and directly reached out to stop the tragedy of Meow Lun. As a result, I didn't expect that someone was saving her child, but the cat mother was unhappy, so she came up and started directly, and beat the child and the shovel officer.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

Some more responsible cat mothers will take their babies for a while, but they won't last long. When he was annoyed, he gave the child to his shovel officer, "As a grandmother, you also want to see the baby!"

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

Before the owner could agree, the mother cat had already turned around and left. The pace is firm, as if the child can take care of himself.

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

In case the owner doesn't want to bring it, the cats and cats will even ask their own dogs for help. Directly treat the dog as a nanny, are you really not afraid of a dog just a kitten and a cat?

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

Dogs: Watching the kids? I? Does the owner add dog food?

Bao Ma took the baby crazy! Push the child to the ground after kissing it? Netizen: This is quite normal

Cats are really annoying when they are cubs, they only need to sleep for 5 minutes, and they can keep harassing the elders and cat mothers in the family. I don't know how your cat mothers bring their babies? Welcome to expose in the comment area the irresponsible behavior of cat mothers with babies!