
Concentrate on educating people, practicing the virtue of teachers, and be stable and far-reaching

author:Browse the horizon

Summer and June are full of flowers, and the teacher's style is full of virtue. In order to deepen the construction of teacher ethics and teacher style, improve teachers' moral quality and educational feelings, further optimize the quality of education and teaching, and create a good educational environment, on June 30, 2024, Longzheng Kindergarten of Hai'an High-tech Zone, Jiangsu Province launched an education activity with the theme of "Bacon casts soul and cultivates people with virtue".

Master's style is an in-depth study

Principal Gao Fengmei led all the teachers and staff to study the "Ten Guidelines for the Professional Behavior of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in the New Era" and the "Implementation Rules of Jiangsu Province <中小学教师违反职业道德行为处理办法>(Trial)", she asked all teachers to standardize educational behavior, consciously resist paid make-up classes and illegal acceptance of gifts and gifts, strictly abide by the professional ethics of teachers, keep the "bottom line" of teacher morality, stay away from the "red line" of teacher morality, and be a good teacher of "four haves".

Concentrate on educating people, practicing the virtue of teachers, and be stable and far-reaching

Police Ethics Abide by discipline and discipline

All faculty and staff watched typical cases of violating teachers' ethics and style together, selected typical cases of violations of discipline and law that really occurred, and used cases to explain reason, warn, discipline, and explain the law with cases. The shocking cases and heavy lessons have aroused great repercussions in the minds of all teachers, and it is imperative to strengthen the education of teachers' personal morality, discipline and self-discipline.

Concentrate on educating people, practicing the virtue of teachers, and be stable and far-reaching

Abide by the commitment and sign the letter of responsibility

A commitment, a responsibility. We carefully read the "Kindergarten Summer Teacher Ethics and Teacher Style Responsibility Letter" and solemnly signed, internalize their seriousness and sincerity to the cause of education, externalize it in their actions, and put it into action, so as to be a preschool teacher who adheres to professional ethics.

Concentrate on educating people, practicing the virtue of teachers, and be stable and far-reaching

Talk about the experience of love and dedication

The stories of the two teachers, Song Rulan and Jiang Wenwen, inspire each of us to continue to inherit the spirit of Longyouren who do not forget their original intentions, love their jobs, have the courage to take responsibility, and are willing to contribute, and spread love to every child.

Concentrate on educating people, practicing the virtue of teachers, and be stable and far-reaching
Concentrate on educating people, practicing the virtue of teachers, and be stable and far-reaching

Through this activity, the teachers' sense of responsibility and mission was further enhanced. All the teachers and staff of Longzheng Kindergarten will practice their commitments with practical actions, dedicate their love to children, teach honestly, consciously resist paid tutoring, practice the original intention of education, teach according to law, consciously restrain themselves, standardize their words and deeds, and better be a good teacher for others and the people! (Longzheng Kindergarten, Hai'an High-tech Zone, Jiangsu)

Editor in charge: Wang Wei