
"Auntie" always visits in advance? When you visit, be careful to join hands in the 5 "crises"!

author:Ask the doctor quickly

Menstruation is a woman's "best friend", and she visits almost every month when she is not sick or pregnant.

Although many women don't like it very much, if they don't visit for a certain month, they will be very anxious.

Whether it's delayed menstruation or abdominal pain during menstruation, these are all signs of irregular menstruation. In addition, some women actually have the case of "great aunts" visiting early.

Actually, once or twice in advance once in a while is not a big problem.

However, if menstruation is often early, it may bring the following harm to the body.

"Auntie" always visits in advance? When you visit, be careful to join hands in the 5 "crises"!

What are the dangers of frequent early menstruation to the body?

1. It can cause headaches

Headaches are very common in daily life. There are many causes of headaches, but most people don't know that early menstruation can also cause headaches.

According to the data, the proportion of headaches caused by early menstruation has reached 20% of women's headaches.

Therefore, whether it is an early or wrong period, it may cause headaches in women.

"Auntie" always visits in advance? When you visit, be careful to join hands in the 5 "crises"!

2. Cause infertility

Giving birth to life is a painful and blissful thing for women, and it is a great thing.

However, if women often have early menstruation, it may be caused by irregular menstruation. If a woman's menstrual irregularities are not cured, it may lead to the tragedy of infertility for women.

"Auntie" always visits in advance? When you visit, be careful to join hands in the 5 "crises"!

3. Cause chest tightness and shortness of breath

When it comes to menstruation, many women don't pay attention to it. Most people feel that as long as menstruation comes, there is no problem, so most women don't care if their period is early or late.

But this is not the case, these problems are actually caused by irregular menstruation. Not only that, irregular menstruation can easily cause chest tightness, shortness of breath, and weakness of limbs to women, which may seriously lead to women not being able to work normally.

Even if you stay on bed rest all the time, this symptom will not be effectively relieved.

"Auntie" always visits in advance? When you visit, be careful to join hands in the 5 "crises"!

4. The inflammation is getting worse and worse

Not only do women be caught off guard by menstruation that come early, but some women don't even prepare for anything, and then menstruation comes suddenly, which can cause women to be in a very awkward state.

In addition, early menstruation can also cause other injuries to a woman's body, such as menstrual arthritis, asthma, toothache, etc., and in severe cases, it may also lead to the occurrence of gynecological diseases such as cervicitis.

If you have any of the above conditions, you need to go to the hospital for examination and treatment immediately to avoid delayed or aggravated conditions.

"Auntie" always visits in advance? When you visit, be careful to join hands in the 5 "crises"!

5. Skin deterioration

Women's skin has a very close relationship with their appearance, if the skin condition is very poor, even if they are very beautiful, they will look like the whole person has no appearance.

If menstruation comes early, it may bring great damage to women's skin, and some women may also have acne, acne and other problems on their skin, and in severe cases, they may also produce pigmentation, which is easy to bring appearance anxiety to women.

"Auntie" always visits in advance? When you visit, be careful to join hands in the 5 "crises"!

Most women believe that as long as they visit every month, they are not in trouble.

But that's not the case, it's not a good thing to always visit early menstruation, it's not only a sign of irregular menstruation, but it may even bring other damage to the body.

If you have any of the above conditions, you should go to the hospital immediately for relevant examinations and actively cooperate with the treatment, so as to reduce the chance of aggravation.
