
Zhang Pan, secretary of the district party committee, visited the old party members

author:Kunming Xishan released

On June 28, on the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, Zhang Pan, Secretary of the Xishan District Party Committee, visited and condoled with the old party members Shi Guangrong and Chang Jixiang, and sent them the care of the party organization and holiday greetings.

Zhang Pan, secretary of the district party committee, visited the old party members

Shi Guangrong, a veteran party member, has been a party member for 58 years this year, and through the "sending school to school" activity of the community party committee, he still insists on learning the party's theoretical knowledge and constantly updating his ideological concepts. Zhang Pan inquired about the physical condition and living conditions of the elderly, expressed his gratitude to the veteran party members for their positive contributions to the party's cause and the development of Xishan, and asked the veteran comrades to take care of their health.

Zhang Pan, secretary of the district party committee, visited the old party members

At the home of the old party member Chang Jixiang, Zhang Pan chatted with the old man about family life, recounted the past, recalled the details of the work of the old man when he served as the secretary of the community party committee, expressed his gratitude to the old party members for their positive contributions to the party's cause and the construction and governance of Xishan, and hoped that the old comrades would continue to give full play to their residual heat while paying attention to their health, give more ideas and opinions, and continue to care about and support the development of Xishan.

Hu Jianjun participated in the visit and condolences.

Zhang Pan, secretary of the district party committee, visited the old party members

Kunming Xishan released

Source: Xishan District Rong Media Center

Reporter: Tang Yuxuan, Sun Tao

Editor: Zhang Man, Liu Yihan

Editor: Hu Tao, Yan Yijing