
Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

author:Kunming Xishan released


In this fast-paced life,

We are often chased by trivialities,

Forget that there are so many beautiful scenery around you that are worth stopping.

But keep in mind that


Don't let your mind's eyes be dusted!

Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

Now, I would like to recommend to you an excellent viewing spot - the top of the West Mountain!

Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

Standing on the top of the West Mountain, you will feel the shock like never before. The cityscape unfolds like a picture scroll, with high-rise buildings and bustling streets, which look particularly charming in the afterglow of the setting sun. The mountains in the distance constitute a magnificent natural picture.

Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

Here, you can forget the hustle and bustle of the city for a while, and let the mind get a moment of peace and relaxation. Take a deep breath of fresh air and feel the breath of nature, as if all your worries have been swept away.

Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

Don't miss out on this great viewing opportunity! Come to the top of the West Mountain, and have a romantic encounter with the beautiful scenery of the city!

Bring your camera and friends to capture this unforgettable moment. Whether it is the magnificence of the sunrise, the gentleness of the sunset, or the bright starry sky at night, it will become an eternal memory in your heart.

Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city
Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

Life needs a sense of ritual and a pursuit of beauty. Come to the top of the West Mountain, give yourself a moment of relaxation and enjoyment, and let the soul be nourished and sublimated in the beautiful scenery.

Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

We look forward to you finding your own tranquility and joy in the beautiful scenery on the top of the West Mountain.

Come and join us to discover the beautiful secrets of the city!

Maomaoqing, the top of the West Mountain, look at the remnants of the city

Kunming Xishan released

Source: Xishan District Rong Media Center

Editor: Zhang Man, Liu Yihan

Editor: Hu Tao, Yan Yijing