
【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

author:Healthy Shenyang
【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer
【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer
【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

In the summer, blood pressure will be a little lower due to the heat of summer, the blood vessels will dilate, and the blood pressure will be a little lower. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to the fluctuation of blood pressure when taking medicine, reduce the dosage appropriately under the guidance of doctors, and never stop taking medicine at will.

【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

1. Pay attention to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, and the room temperature should not be too cold

Alternating hot and cold can easily cause fluctuations in blood pressure, followed by serious events such as strokes, so it is best to control the indoor temperature at 22 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius.

【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

Second, it is best to take a nap to make up for the lack of sleep at night

The high temperature in summer, the long days and short nights often make the elderly sleep insufficient, which will affect the stability of blood pressure. Therefore, in addition to the night sleep time, you can take a nap for 1 hour a day in summer, which will help stabilize blood pressure.

【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

3. Pay attention to the dietary structure, which can be varied to ensure balanced, reasonable and proper nutrition

Eat a diet rich in poultry, fish, legumes, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, while limit salt, desserts, red meat, fat, and sugary beverages.

【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

Fourth, pay attention to physical exercise and control the amount of activity

Choosing the right time and doing a moderate amount of exercise is conducive to relaxation, dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.

【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

5. Pay attention to drinking water or weak tea frequently, and replenish water in time

In order to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events caused by excessive blood viscosity, a small amount of water should be replenished many times to cope with seasonal changes in blood pressure.

【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer

Here is a reminder that under the guidance of a doctor, adjust or decrease the dose of antihypertensive drugs, and do not stop or change drugs without authorization.

Author: Liu Yuzuo

Source: Shenyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Editor: Bai Bing, Sun Kaifeng

Proofreading: Qiu Wei, Chen Zeming

Preliminary review: Sun Baijun

Review: Xu Jiang

【Health knowledge】Elderly patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to these in summer