
The high temperature "rekindled", and the showers and thundershowers will be frequent next week...

author:Xiangyang Meteorology

Today's live

At 09:00 this morning, the Xiangyang Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for high temperatures

The high temperature "rekindled", and the showers and thundershowers will be frequent next week...

On the last day of June, the sun was "full of firepower", and the temperature climbed up vigorously, except for Zaoyang and Yicheng, the daily maximum temperature in most areas of the city rose to more than 35 °C, and Baokang rose to more than 39 °C, and the outdoor roasting feeling was obvious.

As of 15 p.m., a total of 102 stations in the city had a high temperature of 35°C+, 42 regional stations had a temperature of more than 37°C+, and the highest temperature was 42°C. (Transition Bay, Baokang County)

The high temperature "rekindled", and the showers and thundershowers will be frequent next week...

In the afternoon, thundershowers occurred in Nanzhang, Baokang, and Gucheng, and some towns and villages, so everyone should try to minimize outdoor activities during the lunch period, and pay attention to heatstroke prevention and sun protection measures.

Future forecasts

It is expected that the city will be mainly cloudy weather this night, affected by the eastward movement of the high-altitude trough, and there will be light rain in most areas during the day tomorrow, with moderate local rainfall, and the temperature will drop slightly, the day after tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow with the westward advance of the subtropical high, and the low-altitude southwest jet stream will develop and strengthen, and the city is located at the northwest edge of the subtropical high, mainly cloudy weather, and more precipitation will occur, of which the day after tomorrow will be affected by the northward lifting of the shear line, and the city will have a light to moderate rain process, locally accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunder and lightning and strong winds and other strong convective weather.

The high temperature "rekindled", and the showers and thundershowers will be frequent next week...

Everyone should pay attention to the nowcasting warning information in time, and need to guard against the adverse effects of strong convective weather, please bring rain gear when you go out, and pay attention to traffic safety.

Specific forecasts

Forecast for the next 3 days

Tonight to tomorrow: cloudy to light rain, southerly to northerly wind 2~3, 24~31 °C

Tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow: showers turn cloudy, northerly wind turns southerly wind 2~3, 23~34 °C

Later to the day after tomorrow: cloudy to light rain, southerly wind 2~3, 25~31 °C

(Xiangyang Meteorological Observatory released at 16 o'clock)

Forecast for the next 4~10 days

The high temperature "rekindled", and the showers and thundershowers will be frequent next week...

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