
The U.S. military came to the aid of the Philippines, 300 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, the F35 bomb was lifted into the air, and the PLA pulled three lines of fire

author:Wu Xuelan

The U.S. military has successively demonstrated its strike force in the waters near the Philippines, and the situation in the South China Sea is "at a critical juncture", and China is ready.

A few days ago, the U.S. Marine Corps sent four F-35B fighters to drop as many as seven GBU-32 guided missiles at a floating buoy target off the coast of Luzon, which is only 230 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, and the location where the F-35B bomb was launched should be 300 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal. In addition, the U.S. Marine Corps also issued a statement a few days ago confirming that the AGM-179 joint air-to-surface missile attack mobile training target ship was launched by an AH-1Z helicopter gunship in the waters around the Philippines.

The U.S. military came to the aid of the Philippines, 300 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, the F35 bomb was lifted into the air, and the PLA pulled three lines of fire

The frequent displays of air-to-sea strike capabilities around the Philippines by the US side are nothing more than an attempt to show that it is ready to help the Philippines.

In mid-to-late June, controversy arose over whether the US military would come to the aid of the Philippines, because in the past, in order to incite the Philippines to provoke China in the South China Sea, the US side had repeatedly reaffirmed the "indestructibility" of the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos also took the opportunity to claim that the treaty would be invoked once a Philippine soldier was killed in a dispute in the South China Sea. However, in the recent confrontation between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, the US aircraft carrier "Roosevelt," which had been operating in the South China Sea and its vicinity, withdrew from the South China Sea overnight, and whenever asked what it thought of Marcos's invocation of the "US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty," the US side chose to talk about him left and right, and did not dare to agree with Marcos's statement.

There are all kinds of indications that the "indestructible" in the mouth of the US side is really just talking, and the Philippines is already planning to abandon the Philippines in the face of repeated defeats against China in the South China Sea. Therefore, in late June, the Marcos administration's statement on the South China Sea changed dramatically, Marcos made it clear that he hoped that a peaceful solution could be resolved, and Philippine Foreign Minister Manalo even claimed that he had arranged a delegation and was expected to meet with the Chinese side in July.

The U.S. military came to the aid of the Philippines, 300 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, the F35 bomb was lifted into the air, and the PLA pulled three lines of fire

Seeing that it was about to lose the card of the Philippines, the United States hurriedly dispatched the US military to conduct a joint exercise with the Philippines 300 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, and even the F-35, the backbone of the US air strike force, was launched into the air. This move is to hope that the Philippine side can still firmly believe that it is receiving the support of the United States so that it can continue to provoke China in the South China Sea.

However, this will not change the doomed outcome of its own doomed death. First of all, the US military wants to show that it will support the Philippines, but the performance of the US military in mid-to-late June has proved that the US will definitely run faster than anyone else at a critical moment.

Second, the F-35B is a vertical take-off and landing carrier-based aircraft, and the US military has not deployed amphibious assault ships in the South China Sea, so don't look at the US military so vigorously "flexing its muscles" in the South China Sea, in fact, they do not have the ability to respond quickly in the South China Sea.

In addition, the U.S. military lacks a strong deployment in the South China Sea, while the deployment of the PLA is very perfect, and relevant analysis points out that in fact, with the recent appearance of Type 075 amphibious assault ships and Type 055 destroyers in the South China Sea, the PLA has now pulled three lines of fire in the South China Sea:

The U.S. military came to the aid of the Philippines, 300 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, the F35 bomb was lifted into the air, and the PLA pulled three lines of fire

First, the combination of 075 and 055;

second, the "Fire Island" combination consisting of Mischief Island, Fiery Cross Island and Subi Island;

Third, Woody Island, known as the "hub of the South China Sea," is home to an airfield for the main fighter jets of the People's Liberation Army, and Woody Island is only 850 kilometers away from Ren'ai Jiao, which is currently the most seriously disturbed by the Philippines.

The above three lines of fire ensure the PLA's impeccable defense of the situation in the South China Sea, not to mention that the US side may not end up, even if the US side really "loses its mind" and wants to confront China in the South China Sea, the PLA is sure of victory.

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