
Sun Moon Tan Tian丨The people on the island refuse to be "Taiwan independence"! Lai Qingde can't be fooled

author:Strait Net

Recently, 23 million people on the island have been inexplicably "Taiwan independence," which makes them very indignant.

The cause of the incident was that in response to the mainland's issuance of the "Opinions" on criminal punishment for "independence," Lai Ching-te claimed that "in the eyes of the mainland, only the Party for Promoting Reunification in Taiwan is not 'Taiwan independence,'" and "the heaviest death sentence is the case, and ninety percent of the people in Taiwan may be affected." The Mainland Affairs Council even announced through the Mainland Affairs Council that the travel alert to the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao had been raised to "orange," and advised the people on the island to avoid unnecessary travel to the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao.

Relevant words and deeds quickly became the focus of public opinion on the island, and some netizens on the island left a message sarcastically, saying, "It turns out that I am 'Taiwan independence', why don't I know?" "Lai Qingde's face is so big, the whole people 'Taiwan independence' will come as soon as they open their mouths" and "The 'orange' warning should be observed by the 'Taiwan independence' elements......

As a matter of fact, Lai Ching-te originally wanted to expand the target of punishment in the "Opinions" from "Taiwan independence" diehards to all the people on the island through the tactics of coaxing and intimidating, so as to further provoke cross-strait confrontation.

However, according to Tan Zhu's observation, many people on the island have clearly cut ties with "Taiwan independence" and refused to be "Taiwan independence." Lai Qingdra's people's abacus of going into the water not only did not start, but was slapped in the face, and he couldn't be deceived.

"We are not 'Taiwan independence'!"

Tan Zhu noticed that after Lai Qingde confused the people with "Taiwan independence," the volume of the media and social platforms on the island that "we are not 'Taiwan independence'" has risen sharply.

Public opinion on the island strongly criticized Lai Qingde's shameless behavior of "daring to do things but not daring to act" and pulling all the people on the island to support him. Some netizens on the island posted on social platforms that the "Opinions" are very clear from the title to the content to the official interpretation of the mainland, and it is only aimed at "Taiwan independence" diehards. Guo Zhengliang, a former representative of public opinion, said in a political discussion program, "If Lai Qingde causes an accident, he will pull down the whole of Taiwan as a backstop." Zheng Liwen, a former representative of public opinion, also questioned that it was Lai Qingde who shouted "Taiwan independence" and wanted to fight and kill, "Now let us 23 million people stand in front of him?" ”

Sun Moon Tan Tian丨The people on the island refuse to be "Taiwan independence"! Lai Qingde can't be fooled

△ Screenshot of media comments on the island

More people on the island refused to be "kidnapped" and "endorsed" by Lai Qingde, and stood up to make clear their "non-independence" position. Chen Fengxin, a commentator on current affairs in Taiwan, angrily denounced Lai Qingde, saying, "'Taiwan independence' is your own goal, and we are different from you." Lai Yueqian, a current affairs commentator, also said in a political discussion program, "Lai Qingde, don't tie us to your 'Taiwan independence' chariot, you don't represent Taiwan." Li Shengfeng, vice chairman of the New Party, said: "Taiwan and 'Taiwan independence' are clearly distinguished, and there is no equal sign in between. Want to pull Taiwanese people to 'sacrifice' for 'Taiwan independence'? Taiwanese don't do it! Taiwan's China Times News Network published an article entitled "Who Should Be Afraid of Punishing 'Independence'" and pointed out that the vast majority of the Taiwan people are wise and kind, and they are not fellow travelers of "Taiwan independence."

How do you view the statements of public opinion on the island? Xie Nan, associate researcher at the Institute of Taiwan Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in response to Tan Zhu's question that this shows that the overwhelming majority of the people on the island have realized that the mainland is punishing "Taiwan independence" and not ordinary people. Xie Nan further pointed out that judging from the recent issuance of the "Opinions" on the punishment of "independence" and the convening of the Straits Forum, the mainland on the one hand resolutely and forcefully punishes "Taiwan independence" and does not leave any room for seeking "independence"; On the other hand, we will not hesitate to continue to promote reunification through integration, implement equal treatment for Taiwan compatriots, and let Taiwan compatriots share the opportunities and fruits of Chinese-style modernization. Therefore, Lai Qingde acted cleverly to bind the people on the island, but instead accelerated the people's drawing of a clear line with "Taiwan independence."

Sun Moon Tan Tian丨The people on the island refuse to be "Taiwan independence"! Lai Qingde can't be fooled

△ Screenshot of media comments on the island

In Tan Zhu's view, the mainland's issuance of the "Opinions" to severely punish "Taiwan independence" is actually to better guarantee the peaceful development, exchanges and integration of the two sides of the strait, better safeguard the interests and well-being of the people on the island, and benefit more people on the island. It is foreseeable that as the effect of punishing "independence" gradually becomes apparent, public opinion on the island will become higher and higher in the future, which is clearly cut off from "Taiwan independence."

"We should not be 'cannon fodder for Taiwan independence'"

In fact, pulling people into the water is a consistent practice of the DPP. The people on the island have been victimized by it on more than one occasion, but they do not want to be fooled again and refuse to act as "cannon fodder for Taiwan independence."

Scholars on the island told Tan Zhu that the most typical example of the DPP headed by Lai Qingde in "pulling the people into the water" is to prepare to fight a town war in Taiwan and forcibly tie all the people to the "Taiwan independence" chariot. Prior to this, the DPP authorities purchased mine-laying trucks and turned Taiwan into a landmine island that would cause harm to future generations. Recently, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has reached an arms sale deal with the United States for suicide drones. Analysts believe that these are all aimed at fighting in cities and towns, and that the DPP is cooperating with the United States in promoting the "hell scene" plan in the Taiwan Strait.

Sun Moon Tan Tian丨The people on the island refuse to be "Taiwan independence"! Lai Qingde can't be fooled

△ Screenshot of media comments on the island

Public opinion on the island denounced the DPP and refused to be a human shield. Fu Laiqing, chief of the Taiwan legislature of the Chinese Kuomintang, recently called out to Lai Qingde, "Are all the towns, towns, and streets in Taiwan ready to fight?" With such a careless regard for human life, where do we push the kind and sincere people of Taiwan? Some netizens on the island left messages saying that Lai Qingde just wanted to save "cannon fodder" for "Taiwan independence" and "none of us will go to the battlefield for 'Taiwan independence.'"

The DPP not only persecuted and coerced the people, but also flaunted various banners and disguised itself as a whistleblower warning that "the wolf is coming" and tried every means to coax the people on the island to embark on the desperate road of "Taiwan independence."

For example, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has deceived the people on the island into supporting the implementation of the "Five National Security Laws," especially the "Anti-Infiltration Law," on the grounds of so-called "safeguarding national security." Taiwan's "China Times" recently reported under the title "The 'Anti-Infiltration Law' Is the 'National Security Issue'" that during the election at the end of last year, the DPP authorities used the "Anti-Infiltration Law" to arrest, detain, and prosecute senior governors and people who went to the mainland to participate in activities. Scholars on the island told Tan Zhu that the "anti-infiltration law" is aimed at shaping a social atmosphere in which "supporting 'Taiwan independence' is loving Taiwan" and coaxing the people on the island, so that the people on the island will not dare to contact and exchange with the mainland, let alone loudly advocate reunification, and intimidate the people into moving closer to "Taiwan independence" at the cost of sacrificing their normal lives.

The people on the island have long seen that the real "wolf of harm to Taiwan" is the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which is engaged in "Taiwan independence," and they deeply hate it. Some people interviewed said that the "Five National Security Laws" and "Anti-Infiltration Law" on the island have affected their daily work and social activities, causing them to lose a lot of development opportunities that they should have. There are also many young people on the island who said in street programs, "What does the mainland threaten us? The DPP knows how to deceive, and we don't accept this set."

The people on the island, who have been kidnapped by the "Taiwan independence" forces for a long time, can no longer bear it, and Lai Qingde's lie of "Taiwan independence for all people" has completely failed. According to the latest poll by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, Lai Qingde's public support has fallen sharply, and he has lost 2 million people's support. Lai Qingde's Internet favorability released by the Taiwan Issues Research Center on June 25 has also dropped by more than 50% compared with when he first took office.

This is enough to prove that the people on the island have become more and more disgusted with "Taiwan independence" and are unwilling to go along with it. After the mainland promulgated the "Opinions," the people on the island, who have suffered greatly from "Taiwan independence" and have clearly seen the fate of "Taiwan independence," have even made it clear that they will cut ties with "Taiwan independence" and are afraid to avoid it. In the end, Lord Tan wants to say that it is not only the "Opinions" that will punish "independence" in the future, but also the surging public opinion!

Sun Moon Tan Tian丨The people on the island refuse to be "Taiwan independence"! Lai Qingde can't be fooled

Source: Sun Moon Tan Tian (CCTV News Client)