
Happy Home丨Red Story "Immersion" Campus

author:Yingze release
Happy Home丨Red Story "Immersion" Campus

There is a kind of nostalgia

After the ups and downs of the times, it is more mellow

There is a spirit

Through the clouds and smoke of history, it will last for a long time

There is a power

Accumulate a hundred years of sparks and create great causes

Recently, the Party Branch of Chaoyang Street Primary School in Yingze District, Taiyuan City carried out the activities of party members, league members and young pioneers to jointly talk about the history of the party, aiming to guide children to strengthen their ideals and beliefs in loving the party, the country and socialism, and continuing the red gene of the century-old party.

At the beginning of the event, the Young Pioneers performed the red sitcom "Dialogue Through Time and Space". During the performance, they crossed time and space, told the children of the old society about today's prosperity, and firmly set up the ambition of "please rest assured that the party will strengthen the country with me"! In the strong contrast of different eras, the children received a huge ideological baptism, deeply realized the hard-won good life, and also enhanced the children's national self-confidence and pride!

Find the source of the spirit and gather the strength to forge ahead. The Chaoyang Party History Propaganda Group, composed of representatives of party members and teachers, youth league members and teachers, and representatives of young pioneers, took the campus party history corridor as the background to deeply interpret the "spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists". The impassioned explanation deepened the children's impression of the history of the party, and the seeds of family and country feelings took root and grew in the hearts of the children.

Happy Home丨Red Story "Immersion" Campus

The 100-year-old party is in its prime, and national rejuvenation is irreversible. The representatives of the league members and teachers interpreted the spirit of the Anti-Japanese War, the spirit of Xibaipo, and the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea for the children, and encouraged the children to cherish the motherland, study hard, and strive to be the successors of the motherland by revisiting that period of tragic history. In addition, the members and teachers also combined "science education" to lead the children to learn the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite". The touching stories of scientists interpret the outstanding contributions of the older generation of scientists and deeply touch the Young Pioneers.

Happy Home丨Red Story "Immersion" Campus

The representatives of the Young Pioneers explained the spirit of earthquake relief and the spirit of manned spaceflight in easy-to-understand language, and encouraged all the Young Pioneers to internalize the great spirit into the driving force for personal growth, keep pace with the times, pioneer and innovate, and bravely climb the peak of science!

Happy Home丨Red Story "Immersion" Campus

The spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists is the backbone of the nation forged by generation after generation of Chinese Communists with tenacious struggle and unremitting struggle, and with their lives and blood! At the end of the event, Duan Shuguo, secretary of the party branch of the school, summarized the event and called on all teachers and students to carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red gene.