
If there is no resentment, you will be angry

author:The mountains stand tall and the sea is deep
If there is no resentment, you will be angry

A few days ago, I heard a teacher talk about a pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and herself, which made me realize:

Everyone has an "automatic defense mechanism" in their hearts, they just want to receive harmony, and once they encounter resentment, they will automatically rebound.

Therefore, in the communication between people, let yourself be free from resentment - because, when there is no resentment, you will be angry; And when the harmony came, everything went well.
If there is no resentment, you will be angry

This pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, when the daughter-in-law is pregnant, the mother-in-law often sends chicken soup to replenish her body, but every time the chicken soup is cold.

Therefore, the daughter-in-law picked on it, thinking that she was pregnant, but her mother-in-law sent cold chicken soup to herself, what does this mean?

This resentment is a lifetime, and the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is naturally not good - because, looking at people with a resentful filter, what others do, they can't see it well.

Later, the daughter-in-law's eyes have been spasming, and the child's body also has minor problems, and when chatting with the teacher, the other party reminded her that she had a discordant relationship with her elders? Don't like your elders? She remembered these past events.

If there is no resentment, you will be angry

At that time, the teacher advised her:

Think about it, you are pregnant, your mother-in-law is on the bus, and she often sends you chicken soup from afar, and it is delivered to you, and it is normal to be cold. If your mother-in-law is here to stumble you, why bother making this trip?

What's more, what you are carrying in your belly is someone's own grandson, why should people have trouble with their eldest grandson? These are just the grievances you have in your own heart, your own cranky thoughts, and the troubles that only increase.

Therefore, when you go back, you should apologize to your mother-in-law, and you should reflect on yourself - you are disrespectful, resentful, and hurt yourself and your children, because you have atrophied the root of your life with resentment.

In fact, some words, when they come out of other people's mouths, especially those who are highly respected, can often wake people's hearts at once.

Later, the daughter-in-law went back and really apologized to her mother-in-law, and the two of them said that the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law was too good to be good, just like the mother and daughter. After that, unconsciously, the spasm of her eyes was also healed, and even the body with the child was healthy.

If there is no resentment, you will be angry

People cannot grow in isolation, and life must be in relationships to thrive.

And the invisible relationship can only be connected by the vitality of harmony.

The so-called "harmony generates wealth" - this "wealth" is not only the wealth of gold and silver, but also a healthy body, harmonious relationships, a peaceful life and deep wisdom.

Because, harmony is the harmony of yin and yang, and wherever this qi flows, there is vitality, harmony, creation, and vastness.

This harmony is like light, and when the light shines, all darkness will be dissipated.

If there is no resentment, you will be angry

The teacher also told a little story of her own.

The teacher's wife is a well-known TCM acupuncturist in her hometown, and she usually has healthy habits and rests at about 10 o'clock in the evening.

But when he returned to his hometown, he was always used to browsing the Internet at night for some miscellaneous information, so he often dragged off until eleven or twelve o'clock before going to bed.

Sometimes, when the lady woke up, she found that he had not slept yet, and was somewhat resentful, so she urged him to rest quickly.

But a person's heart is very sensitive, even if he has more theories in his head, and no matter how many people he usually persuades, as soon as he feels the resentment of others, his heart will immediately enter a defensive state, and he will unconsciously want to rebound this resentment.

So, even though he was just surfing the Internet at the time, he would still find a way and say, "Don't you see that I'm working and preparing for tomorrow's lecture?" ”

Then, he dragged the lady back and delayed it for a while before going to bed.

If there is no resentment, you will be angry

Later, a friend of his gave his wife a guqin. His wife practiced the piano every day, but her heart was very peaceful.

When he returned to his hometown, the same scene was repeated, and his wife woke up, just saying: "If only our family had a suite, it would be good......"

Madame said quietly, without any resentment, but the teacher was immediately ashamed, thinking of Madame's habits, thinking of his own body, immediately packed up the computer, and went to rest.

If there is no resentment, you will be angry

In fact, the human mind knows everything, and the reaction speed of the heart is much greater than that of the mind.

  • When the heart comes into contact with resentment, immediately erect a shield to protect yourself;
  • But when they receive harmony, they open their hearts and let them go inward with awareness.

Therefore, when we communicate with people, no matter how beautiful they are, if there is no harmony in our hearts, it is impossible for the magnetic fields to resonate.

If you are resentful, let alone say, no matter how reasonable it is, it is useless - it is all useful nonsense, and the other party will not listen to a word, because this "medicine" is wrapped with a layer of toxins, and if you eat it, it has not yet worked, and people will gam first.

If there is no resentment, you will be angry

If a man's heart has no resentment, it will be angry.

Because, we only have harmony in our hearts, just like the sky is always clear, only occasionally dark clouds drift by, and it is obscured.

So, when the resentment comes, remind yourself that you know that this resentment is coming, and that's it. When a person can observe a river, he is not in it; When I could see the mountain, I was beyond the mountain.

Only by being able to withdraw from emotions can we talk about the next step and transform emotions.

Emotions are a good teacher, grateful for the reminder of emotions, aware of the causes of emotions, and this is how the mental strength slowly grows.

Be grateful for everything that happened, and thank every teacher for the expression!

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