
"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

author:Chinese veterans
"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

At about 15 o'clock on May 25

110 Alarm Center of Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province

received a report from the public

A suspected artillery shell was found at a construction site

"EOD expert" Luo Jinfang and his apprentices

Immediately rush to the scene to deal with it

This is a remnant of the war years

Weighing 85 pounds of used artillery shells

They moved it to a professional venue for storage

Eliminate potential safety hazards in the vicinity of the construction site

This "EOD expert"

There is another identity......

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives
"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

Associated with "explosion".

Cut the red line or cut the blue line?

Go down with a pair of scissors

A countdown to the second is being read on the bomb

It came to an abrupt end......

This is our common film and television drama picture

But in reality

EOD is often not that simple

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives


Luo Jinfang graduated from secondary school

In the old family of the armed forces to take care of the gun magazine

During this period, the yearning for the military sprouted

Three years later he enlisted in the army

Came to the First Group Army of the former Nanjing Military Region

Ground explosion company of the engineer regiment

Become a deminer

That's 16 years

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

"Are you dying?"

When the mission was out that year

The squad leader often scolded this fledgling young man

At that time, I just felt ashamed

Now recalled

Luo Jinfang felt very warm

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

Although mine bombs are already well familiar

But the danger of explosives

Luo Jinfang will also have concerns

In 2006, when he transferred to the police

37-year-old Luo Jinfang

I once fantasized about being assigned a relatively stable position


Zhenjiang patrol special police detachment

I know that there is such an "EOD expert"

Naturally, I don't want to miss it

Hopefully, he can continue to carry the burden of EOD

within the public security system

"EOD" is one of the most dangerous positions

Every EOD

It's a dangerous and unpredictable test

"Since it's here

Take on this responsibility! ”

It doesn't matter day or night

Just get the task

Luo Jinfang can always rush to the EOD site as soon as possible

Handle the police situation safely

He has been a police officer for 18 years

The explosive-related police information he handled

There are more than 350 cases in total

Manually defuse 2 parcel bombs

16 suspected explosives

Eliminate used shells, bombs, etc

3,507 explosives of various types

524 rounds of bullets

Guarding the peace of the ancient city

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

Skilled people are bold

Scrap shells and criminals

The situation of the explosive device made

Complex and unstable

Every disposition is a test of life and death

"Used shells have been buried underground for a long time

Suddenly it was cut off

It is very dangerous. ”

But every time

Luo Jinfang relies on superb skills

Escort the bombs to a dedicated storage point

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

Once, Luo Jinfang received a task

In an abandoned house somewhere in Zhenjiang

A large number of waste detonators were found in a haphazard pile

Because of the age

Explosion sensitivity changes

Even friction between human clothing

The slightest static electricity generated can cause an explosion

Some of the detonators are the size of a cigarette

Wearing a heavy EOD suit is simply not operable

"You guys don't have enough experience in dealing with it, I'll come!"

After that, Luo Jinfang soaked his whole body with water

At great risk

One by one, counting, classifying, and placing in an orderly manner

He also organized personnel to dig deep pits

More than 1,000 detonators were destroyed on the spot

The danger was successfully ruled out

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

One more time

One was found on the riverside in the suburbs

It is a 1.7-meter-long bomb weighing more than 500 pounds

The projectile body is corroded and the fuse is intact

and attached with a large amount of silt

However, it is difficult to accurately determine the type of fuze for a while

The operation is slightly worse than the pool

There will be a danger of detonation

"Retreat to a hundred meters away and find cover!"

Luo Jinfang shouted back

Individual "hairy guys" who want to move forward

After a careful assessment of the risks

He decided to use a crane to lift it

He carefully used a wire rope

It is set at both ends of the bomb and fastened

Then hold the projectile body steadily

Until the bomb landed smoothly

Dangerous goods transport vehicle platform

Everything is fine

He drove the car alone

The bomb was delivered to a safe area

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

EOD is a silent battlefield

Travel through life and death in an instant

EOD depends on courage and, more importantly, on ability

It is in this and again in real combat

Luo Jinfang has practiced

Courage and confidence to be brave and fearless

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

EOD elite team, formed!

EOD requires teamwork

The problem that Luo Jinfang once faced was

At that time, there were very few people in the police force who had seen a bomb

Not to mention bomb disposal?

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

"Zhenjiang City Police

There are only 5 of us in the dry EOD work

EOD can only succeed and not fail

There is no chance of a restart."

Luo Jinfang often said to his apprentices

practice what you preach

It is the principle that Luo Jinfang has always adhered to


Jurong found a suspected parcel bomb

Luo Jinfang led a team to the scene to deal with it

He's experienced

Identify it at the first time

It was a homemade explosive device with a pull-out type

At that time, the apprentices suggested destroying with "water cannon guns".

It is also the safest way to dispose of it

But after Luo Jinfang's assessment

Decisive choice of manual demolition

Manually dismantle the device after that

It provides effective clues for the police to quickly solve the case

It was soon found out that they were involved in two attempted bomb attacks

Relevance of major criminal cases

The suspect was successfully arrested

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

When the apprentice asked him why he didn't use a water cannon gun

He said, "In case you encounter something like this again in the future."

Or destroy

What can you learn? ”

Luo Jinfang's eldest apprentice Li Zuxing said

"He's really giving us practical lessons with his life."

Under his guidance and guidance

The apprentices behind him took the baton steadily

Become a "pioneer in EOD"

Built in the province

The well-known "Zhenjiang EOD Elite Team"

"Suddenly I looked back

I realized that this life has a fate with 'explosion'

Don't fantasize about running into a big guy and becoming famous

No 'explosion' in the world is our real pursuit. ”

Lao Luo sighed

"Don't you want to die?!" Over the course of 18 years, he had "close contact" with 3,507 explosives

Article source: Chinese veterans (ID: zgtyjr). The reprint must be indicated from the WeChat public account of "Chinese veterans", otherwise it will be regarded as infringement.

Source: Zhenjiang Veterans Affairs Bureau of China Veterans Comprehensive Bureau, Yangtze Evening News