
Changan Qiyuan A05 has a long range of more than 1200km

author:Old Don 7024

Changan Qiyuan A05, a hybrid car with a comprehensive range of more than 1,200 kilometers, is now discounted for a limited time of 35,000, and the minimum is only 96,900 to drive home, which is really a bit ruthless!

To be honest, Brother Long, I was stunned when I first saw this price.

Isn't that a joke?

A hybrid car with such a strong range is actually cheaper than some pure electric vehicles, isn't this going to turn the market upside down?

But if you think about it, this trick is really high!

Now the new energy vehicle market is fiercely competitive, and whoever can take advantage of the price will be able to win the favor of more consumers.

Let's take a closer look at what makes this car so special.

In terms of appearance, Changan Qiyuan A05 can be said to be very distinctive. The front face adopts an electrically charged digital bionic smile design, with interstellar wing lights, the whole shape looks fashionable and avant-garde, and standing on the side of the road can definitely attract a lot of heads.

The overall shape of the body is also very attractive, and the low-lying and fast-back design makes it look elegant and dynamic, which belongs to the kind of model that can definitely "stand up" when driving out.

The interior design takes the high-end route, and the layered center console and contrasting color design look very high-grade.

The most eye-catching thing is the 13.2-inch high-definition central control screen, which is matched with the 10.25-inch full LCD instrument panel, full of science and technology.

There is also that zero-pressure ergonomic sofa seat, you don't want to get down when you sit on it, and you are not afraid of getting tired after long-distance driving.

Speaking of power, this is the best thing about Changan Qiyuan A05.

It uses a 1.5L Blue Whale engine + battery + motor extended-range hybrid system. The strongest version of 000 acceleration takes only 6.8 seconds, which is already comparable to the 200,000-level electric sports car.

And its endurance is even more amazing, with a maximum cruising range of 1300 kilometers when fully fueled and fully charged!

From Beijing to Shanghai, you don't have to worry about running out of electricity and oil halfway.

In terms of energy consumption, it is also quite impressive.

The long-range version consumes 14.2 kWh per 100 kilometers and 4.6L/100km. The short-range version consumes less power at 10.8 kWh/100km.

In this way, the cost per kilometer in the pure electric state is not even 0.1 yuan, and even in the feeding state, the fuel cost per kilometer is about 0.4 yuan.

With such a money-saving car, driving it out can make the next-door neighbor blush.

Of course, there are many similar models on the market.

As the big brother of the hybrid market, its comprehensive cruising range can also reach about 1200 kilometers, and the power performance is also good.

However, in terms of price, it is not as advantageous as Changan Qiyuan A05, and the cheapest version is also in the early 120,000s.

The range and power performance are good, but the price is also quite high.

Changan Qiyuan A05 is really full of sincerity this time. The appearance can be beaten, the power is powerful, the battery life is amazing, and the most important thing is that the price is simply a "slap in the face" of the entire industry.

This is definitely a good choice for those who want to buy a new energy vehicle and are worried about range anxiety.

Changan Qiyuan A05 has a long range of more than 1200km
Changan Qiyuan A05 has a long range of more than 1200km
Changan Qiyuan A05 has a long range of more than 1200km
Changan Qiyuan A05 has a long range of more than 1200km