
After a long time of disconnection, men suddenly come back to you, most of them have three "purposes"

author:Lianzi said emotionally
After a long time of disconnection, men suddenly come back to you, most of them have three "purposes"

Text/Lotus Seeds

Figure/Sourced from the network

Xi Murong once said: "Human nature is changing rapidly, and a thought is a world." ”

I deeply believe that human nature is complex and changeable, and the same is true in relationships.

In the long river of feelings, there will always be many different people, some people will leave from our side as they walk, which may be the reason for the shallowness, from acquaintance to distance, and then never to see each other again.

We can't change the natural process of gathering and dispersing, so we can only accept it indifferently.

It's just that sometimes you find that the person who left suddenly comes back to you, leaving you at a loss for what to do.

In fact, all departures have been planned for a long time. Since a person has left but suddenly appeared, there is a high probability that his appearance will not be the encounter you expected, but mostly with ulterior motives.

Therefore, when a man has been disconnected from you for a long time, and suddenly comes back to you, acting very affectionately, in fact, he does not really love you in his heart, but has some kind of purpose.

At this time, if the woman can't control her emotions and re-accepts him, then she is likely to fall into the whirlpool of feelings.

Friend Xiaojie is like this, her boyfriend had been disconnected from her for a long time, and suddenly came back to her one day. She couldn't resist the other party's sug, failed to control her emotions, relented for a while, and got together with her boyfriend again.

At the beginning, her boyfriend broke off contact with her because he had a new love, and suddenly came back to her, crying bitterly, repenting of the beginning, and begging for peace in every possible way.

Xiao Jie thought that she had put it down, but fate was lost and regained, so she agreed. As a result, in the end, her boyfriend got rid of her again in the same way.

In fact, when he chose to leave, it proved that he no longer loved you, if you really love someone in your heart, how could you leave easily?

In fact, after the disconnection, the man suddenly came back to you, which has nothing to do with love, but has these three "purposes", women should be careful.

After a long time of disconnection, men suddenly come back to you, most of them have three "purposes"

1. I was dumped by another woman and wanted to find comfort in you

A man has been disconnected from you for a long time, and one day he comes back to you, it is possible that he was dumped by another woman, and he feels uncomfortable and can't let go, and wants to get some care and comfort from you.

This kind of man, who didn't love you when he cut off contact with you, suddenly came back to you, just treating you as an emotional companion to comfort his wounded heart.

Therefore, in the face of this kind of man, women must not be soft-hearted for a while and rashly accept him, otherwise they will be hurt in the end.

Because of this kind of man, he has long stopped loving you, and in his heart you are just coaxing, and you can become his emotional playmate, and you can get comfort from you.

Therefore, when he gets comfort from you, he will not cherish and love you, and once he meets a woman who thinks he is better than you, he will leave you absolutely.

My friend Xiaojie's boyfriend is such a man, after the two fell in love for a year, my boyfriend met a woman again at work, the woman was very beautiful and gentle, he was instantly moved, so he broke up with Xiaojie and was with the woman.

Xiaojie is very sad, after all, the two have been together for a year, they have given their hearts and loved deeply, but her boyfriend is empathetic and don't fall in love, no matter how sad she is, she can only accept it.

However, a year later, her boyfriend came back to Xiaojie, apologized to Xiaojie, repented of his departure, and begged for peace in every possible way.

It turned out that not long after the boyfriend was with the woman, the woman found out that he was not her ideal object and dumped him.

He was very sad and sad, remembering that Xiao Jie had been so good to him before, so he came back to her, wanting to get the care and comfort he wanted from her.

Originally, Xiaojie didn't let go of him in her heart, so she relented for a while, and accepted him again.

But the good times didn't last long, and within half a year, my boyfriend met a young and beautiful woman again, and left again ruthlessly. Only then did Xiao Jie see her boyfriend's true face, and finally let it go.

It can be seen that a man who has been cut off from you for a long time, and suddenly comes back to you, it is impossible for him to love you, most of them have been dumped by other women, just want to get your care and comfort, this kind of person is not worth accepting.

After a long time of disconnection, men suddenly come back to you, most of them have three "purposes"

2. Develop you into a spare tire in case you need it

Some men are not sure about the direction of their emotions, and they do not know what kind of woman they need.

Therefore, after he disconnects with you, he will meet different women, but in order to leave a way back for himself, he will come back to you while interacting with other women.

Therefore, after disconnecting with you, he suddenly came back to you, just developing you into a spare tire, and he didn't really love you. In his eyes, you are nothing more than a woman who can provide him with emotional value.

If he finds a better woman than you, and the relationship is stable, he will choose to leave; If you can't find a better woman than you, you will be chosen.

classmate Xiaolan has been in love with her boyfriend for almost two years, but her boyfriend suddenly cut off contact with her and couldn't contact him.

A few months later, by chance, Xiaolan saw her boyfriend and a woman holding hands in the distance on the street, very intimate, and knew why she couldn't contact him.

At that time, Xiaolan was very sad and wanted to catch up and ask what was going on, but it was too far away and she had to give up. She was in a lot of pain and didn't know and didn't want to break up with her boyfriend.

Just as she was hesitating, her boyfriend suddenly came back to her and explained to her that it was just one of his cousins, not the relationship between men and women as Xiaolan thought.

and showed extra affection to Xiaolan, Xiaolan actually didn't let go of him in her heart, so she re-accepted him after a while.

Under the attack of her eldest boyfriend's sweet words, Xiaolan thought that her boyfriend would enter the marriage hall with her, so she gave him wholeheartedly and took care of him very carefully.

However, after less than three months of getting along, Xiaolan found out again that her boyfriend was with the so-called cousin, and when she questioned him, he confidently told her that the woman was his true love, not some cousin, and ruthlessly proposed to break up.

It can be seen that in a relationship, when a man has been disconnected from you for a long time and suddenly comes back to you, a woman must not be soft-hearted and accept a man again.

Because of this kind of man, he is just emotionally uncertain, so he comes back to you and just treats you as a spare tire. Once he has a stable relationship with another woman, he will definitely leave you ruthlessly and make you hurt again.

After a long time of disconnection, men suddenly come back to you, most of them have three "purposes"

3. Play ambiguous with you and solve emotional needs

A man has been disconnected from you for a long time, and he suddenly comes back to you, and another purpose is that he wants to play ambiguous with you to satisfy his inner emotional needs.

This kind of man is very inattentive to feelings, just a fancy bowel, he will not be responsible for you, and he will not give you the future you want.

This kind of man, he will often associate with different women, play ambiguously together, and be very indulgent in his feelings.

Therefore, after he broke off contact with you, most of them found other women, and he will not cherish you at all. You are but one of his many women, and to him, you are dispensable.

This kind of man, he is tired of being with other women, so he will come back to you, just to seek some freshness, so he will not be with you for long, and he is likely to be disconnected often.

This kind of man, who is not dedicated to feelings, is very casual, never knows how to respect women, and is not worth paying to him.

Therefore, when a woman encounters such a man, once she finds out that he is disconnected, and suddenly comes back to you, she must decisively refuse to avoid being hurt again.

Because, a man who is not loyal to his feelings, he plays ambiguously everywhere, he is not pure for a long time, and he is not true love for you, he just wants to get the satisfaction of emotional desires from you.

Therefore, whenever a woman encounters such a man, she must know how to stop the loss in time and let go as soon as possible, so as not to suffer greater harm in the future.

After a long time of disconnection, men suddenly come back to you, most of them have three "purposes"

Emotional Message:

Zhang Xiaoxian once said: "True love is gentle and firm, and it will not give you a face of gains and losses." ”

Indeed, a person who really loves you deeply will not be willing to let you be wronged, he will always want to be with you, and always pay attention to you, and will not cut off contact with you.

And some women think that after breaking up and disconnecting, the man suddenly comes back to find him because of love.

But the fact is the opposite, men who are "willing to eat back grass" basically have ulterior motives, but have these three "purposes":

was dumped by other women and wanted to find comfort in you; Develop you into a spare tire for emergencies; Play ambiguous with you and solve emotional needs.

Therefore, women must understand that a relationship has been cracked at the moment of disconnection, and no matter how it is repaired, the relationship between the two cannot return to the beginning.

Finally, a question: do you think of the idea that "good horses don't eat grass"? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.


Author: Lianzi, focusing on the creation and sharing of the emotional field, I hope to bring you warmth and comfort in the soul with words that go to the heart. If you like it, please follow me, thank you!