
Don't underestimate any small habits

author:Horse stone

Habit is a silent "conspirator" who, in an extremely covert way, weaves an imperceptible web in the depths of our psyche. At first, it is easy-going, childlike and innocent, but as the years go by, the web it weaves gradually tightens and binds our minds, and then its extremely stubborn and domineering nature is revealed. At that time, it was as if we were imprisoned by invisible shackles.

Don't underestimate any small habits

Therefore, no one who seeks spiritual growth will underestimate any small habit, just as a small seed can take root and grow into a towering tree. Once any behavior becomes a habit, it will take root and sprout, and its roots will be deeply rooted in the heart and difficult to uproot. Of course, if it's a good habit, it's a gem in our life that unconsciously leads us to do good, and that's a solid foundation on our path to success.

Don't underestimate any small habits

When a habit takes root in our hearts, it spreads like ripples, influencing our decisions and actions, and ultimately determining our destiny. Imagine if we develop the habit of not praying on time, then our faith will gradually weaken. If we get into the habit of procrastinating our work, then our efficiency will be greatly reduced. If we develop the habit of hypocrisy, then we will not have sincere friendships.

Don't underestimate any small habits

Therefore, we should pay attention to our daily behavior, such as developing the habit of praying on time, in order to build our character, and strive to get rid of the bad habits that erode our hearts and build a good character. Of course, cultivating good habits requires perseverance, and no matter how difficult things are, as long as you keep doing them every day, they will naturally become habits. The Merciful Allah said: "Those who adhere to the scriptures and observe prayer, We will not allow the righteous deeds to be in vain." ”(7:170)

Text/Horse Stone, Picture/Road