
The national football team has become the target of variety show ridicule again: 800 million men, not 11 people can play football

author:Akane Football

Recently, the national football team has once again become the target of ridicule in variety shows, which has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. In the show, the host said sarcastically: "This world is really abnormal, if you think about it, 1.4 billion people, nearly 800 million old men, can't make up a football team, is this normal?" This sentence not only humorously pointed out the long-term predicament of the national football team, but also triggered laughter and deep thought from the audience.

The national football team has become the target of variety show ridicule again: 800 million men, not 11 people can play football

Many fans agree with this, believing that the root cause is that many parents are reluctant to let their children play football. Despite the growing popularity of soccer in China, parents tend to prefer to keep their children focused on their studies rather than spending time on the football field. This concept has made the grassroots development of Chinese football face great challenges, and many potential young people are unable to get professional training and growth opportunities.

The national football team has become the target of variety show ridicule again: 800 million men, not 11 people can play football

In addition to serious discussions, some fans also expressed their dissatisfaction with the current situation of the national football team in a ridiculous way. Some fans joked: "My grandfather is old, so you don't have to forget it." This sentence is not only a response to the remarks in the show, but also a kind of helplessness for the current performance of the national football team. After all, in such a large football population, it is indeed embarrassing and disappointing to not be able to assemble a strong national team.

The national football team has become the target of variety show ridicule again: 800 million men, not 11 people can play football

The performance of the national football team has been unsatisfactory for a long time, which has led to it becoming a frequent guest on entertainment programs, and this phenomenon reflects the deep-seated problems of football development. The lack of a systematic youth training system, the low level of professional leagues, and the shortage of excellent coaches and athletes are all important factors restricting the progress of Chinese football. In the face of these problems, how to break the predicament has become the focus of attention from all walks of life.

Despite the dismal reality, there are still many fans who have hope for the future. They hope that Chinese football can learn from foreign advanced training methods and management experience to cultivate more outstanding players. At the same time, he called on all sectors of society to work together to change the concept of parents, so that more children have the opportunity to receive football education and lay a solid foundation from an early age.