
Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

author:Play Car Report
Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

Judging from the recently released data, the domestic luxury car market is very sluggish, and the sales of many traditional luxury brands have generally plummeted, including in 1~5 months this year, Mercedes-Benz sales fell by 9.6%, BMW sales fell by 6.9%, and Audi is one of the few car companies with year-on-year sales growth, with an increase of 8.8%.

The performance of ultra-luxury brands is even more miserable, Maserati only sold 681 new cars in January ~ May, a year-on-year drop of 69%, and Porsche's current cumulative sales are 22,292 units, more than 14,000 new cars sold less than the same period last year, and sales decreased by 40% year-on-year. It is not difficult to see that luxury brands and ultra-luxury brands are facing an unprecedented winter.

Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

In order to get out of the predicament and boost sales, these car companies that used to lie down to make money have to use price reduction promotions to attract users. No, following Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other brands to start cutting prices, the ultra-luxury brand Porsche has also increased its own promotional efforts.

Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

According to relevant media reports, many Porsche stores in China have started price reduction promotions. Among them, a terminal store in the brand's South China region said that Porsche's main sales Macan model has a large terminal discount, with a maximum discount of up to 160,000 yuan, and the starting price of the terminal after the discount is 448,000 yuan, which is equivalent to a 7.7% discount sales.

Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

Taycan's price reduction is even more exaggerated, the official guide price of the car starts at 1.038 million yuan, and there are reports that the average price of the naked car is now 804,900 yuan, and the full price is more than 830,000 yuan, which is more than 200,000 yuan cheaper than the official guide price.

Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

In addition, some Porsche stores have also issued a large number of car purchase coupons, ranging from 100,000 yuan, 88,000 yuan, 66,000 yuan, and 33,000 yuan.

Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

In the context of the decline in sales of luxury brands and ultra-luxury brands, price reduction promotions have become their helpless choice, and there are many reasons for this phenomenon, mainly due to the rapid development of new energy vehicles in mainland China. At a time when the penetration rate of new energy vehicles is gradually increasing and high-end luxury new energy models are accelerating to the market, the premium loss of high-end fuel vehicle brands is getting faster and faster. At the same time, the price war began to spread to the luxury market, and BBA entered the war, and Porsche could not sit on the sidelines.

Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

The troubles faced by Porsche are not limited to this, recently Porsche Chinese dealers have recently staged a "forced palace" drama, 100 domestic Porsche stores were forced to close, and some dealers directly sued Porsche headquarters in Germany, refusing to pick up the car, demanding the removal of Porsche China's relevant executives, and giving certain compensation.

Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons

Brief summary:

Porsche has not been innovating for a long time, and the new energy transformation has been slow, and finally fell into the quagmire of declining sales. Participating in price wars and selling at lower prices may solve the immediate problem, but in the long run, it will obviously do more harm than good. It's easy to cut prices, but it's hard to raise prices, luxury brands are playing brand premiums, and in price wars again and again, their brand halo will be slowly consumed, and in the long run, the consequences will be unimaginable. There is no doubt that the current luxury brands have entered the stage of hard days, so will they "Wang Xiaoer celebrate the New Year, year by year"? Let's wait and see.


Porsche can't stand it either? Some stores have a 7% discount promotion, and even issue 100,000 cash coupons