
[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

author:Car quotations

On June 19, Meizu held the "Flyme AIOS Media Communication Conference" with the theme of "Wisdom Without Boundaries" in Beijing to discuss the latest achievements and future layout of Meizu in the field of intelligent travel under the guidance of the All in AI strategy. Peng Fan, Vice President of Meizu, Jin Peng, Product Director of Meizu OS R&D Department, Shen Wenjie, Director of Marketing Digital Center of Geely Automobile Group, Wang Wenjun, Vice President of Polestar Technology, Liu Xing, User Representative and other guests spoke freely and discussed the application and prospects of Flyme AIOS in the intelligent cockpit.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

Peng Fan, Vice President of Meizu Fortune, shared the development history of Flyme Auto along the way. Flyme Auto is an intelligent cockpit software solution jointly developed by Meizu and ECARX, which is a continuation of the functional modules and engineering capabilities of Meizu Flyme AIOS and ECARX in the intelligent cockpit.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

A question that industry insiders often ask is why do you want to do FlymeAuto? In this regard, Mr. Peng said that, as Chairman Li Shufu said, with the development of a new generation of communication technology, technological innovation and cross-border integration in the consumer electronics industry and the automotive industry are imperative.

Based on the judgment of this trend, the team took the lead in cutting into the smart travel track in 2021, combined with more than 16 years of experience in operating system self-development, so the Flyme Auto intelligent cockpit operating system was well received by the industry and users as soon as it was launched. At present, the entire automobile industry has gone through three stages, the 1.0 era is mechanization, represented by the old car manufacturers, the 2.0 era is electrification, represented by Tesla and Wei Xiaoli, and the 3.0 era is intelligent and ecological, represented by Huawei, Xiaomi, and Meizu. The second half of the intelligence of the 3.0 era is developing in depth, which is typically represented by the interconnection of handcars.

As for the outlook for the future of intelligent travel, Mr. Peng also shared, "The view of software-defined vehicles is increasingly recognized by people in the industry, and the software ecosystem will become an important area for car companies to build differentiated advantages." Many people will say that in the past 10 years, we have transitioned from mobile to mobile travel, and what kind of milestones have we experienced, in fact, here we think like this, one is the popularization of smart phones, the other is the development of Bluetooth technology, the development of Internet of Vehicles technology, and the application of intelligent operating systems. This is a good transition from mobile to mobility, and we have more reason to believe that the second half of intelligence is in China. ”

Based on the forward-looking judgment of the deep integration trend of consumer electronics and the automotive industry, Meizu entered the smart travel track as early as 2021, "It can be said that Flyme Auto's human-computer interaction framework and experience are groundbreaking in the entire industry. The Flyme Auto was first installed on the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P model, which was widely recognized by the market and users, helping the sales of the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P exceed 60,000 units.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

In the second half of automotive intelligence, the ecological model based on "handcar interconnection" gradually emerged. Meizu is the first in the industry to put forward the concept of mobile phone domain to realize the seamless connection, ecological sharing and capability sharing of mobile phones and car machines. Peng said that through Flyme Link, the apps on the mobile phone can be seamlessly transferred to the car without installation, and special features such as unbounded desktop, super car search, and mobile phone-assisted OTA upgrade provide users with a seamless ecological experience.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

"After creating the highly-received hand-car interconnection solution, we proposed to take the car as the center and use the capabilities of Flyme Link to help car companies build a smart terminal ecosystem." According to Peng Tuo, Meizu and Lynk & Co jointly created a tablet Co Pad, which can be equipped with up to 3 tablets at the same time, which can be connected to mobile phones and Pads, realizing one-to-one and one-to-many interconnection, and will also open up AR smart glasses in the future to build an unbounded ecology and provide users with an immersive experience.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

On November 30 last year, Meizu released a new intelligent cockpit industry solution "Unbounded Intelligent Mobility Open Platform" based on Flyme Auto, which realizes the modular opening of the core capabilities of the intelligent cockpit, and allows car companies to flexibly choose software and hardware solutions to achieve free customization, fast access, and stable delivery.

Peng Tuo revealed at the communication meeting that the Unbounded Zhixing Open Platform 2.0 will be launched at the end of this year, providing a complete set of customization tools for car companies, allowing car companies to quickly make a set of OS systems with their own brand style on the basis of the core framework of Flyme Auto Design, and dynamically adjust them through the online editor and real-time preview functions to help car companies choose cockpit solutions in a lower cost and more efficient way.

Today, with the wave of AI technology sweeping, AI on the car has also become a development trend of intelligent cockpits. Flyme Auto will adhere to the original intention of scenario-based creation, deeply integrate AI capabilities with vehicle usage scenarios, and let AI empower vehicle use scenarios.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

In Flyme AIOS, AI has officially entered a new stage of system productivity. Jin Peng, Product Director, explained the comprehensive upgrade of the new Flyme AIOS with the support of AI technology. With Flyme AIOS as the core, Meizu realizes full-scene interconnection of multiple terminals from smartphones to smart glasses to smart cars, opening up more and more life scenarios to enter the AI development stage, so that AI can truly accompany users to travel.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

"Flyme AIOS is our strategic underlying capability, which condenses our thinking about the operating system in the AI era." "We're not patching the previous generation of systems with AI, we're building a completely new and completely different AIOS." AI is the philosophy and cornerstone of system design, and AI is a priority in the structure and interaction of systems. ”

In Flyme AIOS, the new Aicy assistant has been upgraded to a multi-modal global AI hub, adding microphone conversations, web page summarization, document interpretation, and AI search. AI global interaction, instant circle search, instant response, and drag and drop flow to refresh the new level of convenience, one drag to search, one drag to upload; AI scenarios are ubiquitous, with new AI phone assistants, AI recording summaries, AI note creation, and gallery AI capabilities such as AIGC elimination and image stylization.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

Flyme AIOS adds two new system AI native capabilities, task script and task robot, on the system model, so that AI is not only a voice assistant, but also the "automatic driving" of a smartphone, from assistance to full-scene automatic execution, Flyme AIOS officially integrates the automatic operation capabilities of L2, L3 and L4 levels comparable to car autonomous driving on mobile phones into the system experience. The addition of task scripts and task bots allows users to solve tedious and complex click operations in one sentence on Flyme AIOS, and gives full play to the maximum role of AI in ecological interconnection through full-scene linkage.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

Just as L4 level intelligent driving can really act as a veteran driver, L4 level task robot is a truly experienced personal secretary, so that the task robot can understand the user's voice or text instructions through a large model, and reflect and learn from the current perceived mobile phone interface with the knowledge, memory and experience related to the mobile phone, and then plan and make decisions, and simulate the user's operation.

When we take a taxi, the conventional operation is to find the taxi APP, enter the address and then place an order, after the task is executed, say where to help me take a taxi, this sentence can complete the software wake-up and the execution of the entire task, you can imagine how much efficiency the L4 level task robot can liberate the user. A lot of what used to be can now be done in a sentence or two. Jin Peng, Product Director, shared an example of what these teams are currently working on.

In addition, the design of Flyme AIOS has also been completely renewed, with new live notifications, AI-generated wallpapers, and music live wallpapers to bring a new personalized experience.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

"After opening the strategic layout of All in AI, Meizu has entered a new stage of AI development. In the future, our AI capabilities will be extended to AR smart glasses, smart cars and other terminals through Flyme AIOS, accurately matching different usage scenarios and providing users with a new smart travel experience. Jin Peng said.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

At the communication meeting, Meizu and mainstream media, industry experts, and user representatives had in-depth discussions on the smart travel ecology and looked forward to the development prospects of smart travel.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

Shen Wenjie, director of the marketing and digital center of Geely Automobile Group, said that smart travel should take into account more life scenarios, such as using AI technology to inform users of scenic spot reservation information in advance, and provide the best ticket purchase plan, and solve user pain points with humanized services, so that users can be warm and surprised. In the future, Lynk & Co will continue to cooperate with Meizu to cover more usage scenarios, jointly build an open ecosystem, and bring more convenience to users.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

Wang Wenjun, vice president of Polestar Technology, believes that the two core words of smart travel are "intelligence", and the construction of an intelligent travel ecosystem requires all parties to form a joint force, and the participants in each link of the division of labor and cooperation to achieve information sharing and circulation, so as to produce real intelligence. Polestar is committed to working closely with ecosystem partners to integrate multiple resources to create the ultimate travel experience for users.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

User representative Liu Xing shared his experience of using the Meizu 20 Pro to connect with the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P. "Flyme Auto is non-inductive and doesn't require superfluous operations. For example, after I get in the car, the navigation of my mobile phone will be automatically displayed on the car machine, and the music that I have not listened to on the mobile phone will be directly transferred to the car machine after getting into the car, and the whole experience is seamless and very smooth. In his view, smart travel should achieve seamless flow between different terminals and provide users with a more convenient experience.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

At the communication meeting, it was also talked about the follow-up in-depth cooperation between Flyme Auto intelligent cockpit system and Geely Automobile, which is currently first applied to the models of Lynk & Co and Polestar, and the future cooperation between Flyme Auto and other new energy brands under Geely has also been continuously promoted.

[AI makes travel easy, Meizu Flyme AIOS depicts a blueprint for smart travel]

At the same time, Mr. Peng also mentioned that "Unbounded Zhixing is an open platform, which is equipped with Flyme Auto in Lynk & Co 08 ( Parameters | Inquiry | Picture ) Equipped with Flyme Auto, an intelligent cockpit solution jointly created by Meizu and ECARX, we work with ECARX platform and even external platforms to add Flyme Auto intelligent cockpit solutions to promote to car brands...... We hope that the overall cockpit solution is iterated one version and one version after another, just like Android version by version iteration, delivered to different platforms for rapid adaptation, so that users can quickly feel this ultimate experience. ”

With the continuous development and iteration of Flyme AIOS and Flyme Auto, Meizu will open up more and more life and travel scenarios, bring users a multi-terminal, full-scene, and immersive integrated experience, and build a global intelligent travel technology ecosystem. As users, we can see that AI is gradually intervening in different scenarios of life, truly and gradually optimizing our daily travel experience, and the era of AI making travel easier is coming.

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