
Jiao Dongfeng Yunlu: Liu Hulan-style heroine - Xie Wenqing

author:Peninsula Literature
Jiao Dongfeng Yunlu: Liu Hulan-style heroine - Xie Wenqing

Martyr Xie Wenqing

Inscription: If you don't suffer, you can't be soft, but you can't be rigid; But Gangsi is not afraid, but Gangsi is promising. He will carry the sun and the moon, the heaven and the earth and other dust. What is the word of wealth, and the courage is the future. ——The famous martyr Luo Xuezan's poem "Self-encouragement".

In the Laixi Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, there is a martyr's mausoleum known to all ages. Whenever the willows spit green and the grass is green, especially on the day of the Qingming Festival, there is an endless stream of people who come to worship and sweep the mausoleum. Groups of Young Pioneers, groups of Communist Youth League members, young people, and people from all walks of life are here to remember the achievements of the martyrs and mourn the heroic souls of the martyrs. Who is buried here? She was persecuted by the Kuomintang Homecoming Regiment in the Liberation War in order to save the masses, and finally died heroically in the flames, and was known as the "Liu Hulan-style heroine" - martyr Xie Wenqing.

Suffering childhood

The Zhuhe River is a river that originates in the hilly area of the northwest of Laiyang. On the edge of the Huanhe River in Laixi City, Shandong Province, there is a village of more than 100 households, called Yitandian, which is the hometown of Xie Wenqing's martyrdom.

At the east end of the village, there is an old and dilapidated thatched cottage with an open gable sloping outward, supported by a few wooden sticks.

One day in the winter of 1929, the north wind was howling and the snow was falling, and the artemisia grass on the broken thatched roof was blown to pieces. The hut was black and hollow, and a few snowflakes drifted in from outside from time to time, shining with a few glimmers of light. In the midst of this bleak wind and snow, Xie Wenqing descended into this world.

Xie Wenqing was born and lived a hard life. Father carries work for others all year round, and grandmother carries a dog beating stick along the street all day long to beg for food. Due to the torture of hunger, Xie Wenqing was skinny.

When she was 9 years old, her father, who was seriously ill, was forcibly dragged by the pseudo-chief of the security department to the head of the ditch to repair a bunker for the Japanese devils, and the illness and heavy labor ruthlessly took her father's life. Two years later, his poor and sick mother also left Xie Wenqing and his younger brother Xie Wencheng and passed away. Xie Wenqing and his younger brother rely on their elderly grandmother to pull them to live.

Due to the compulsion of life, Xie Wenqing, who was not yet 12 years old, took on the burden of family life. During the day, she carried a basket on her back and led her younger brother to dig wild vegetables and collect grass; In the evening, sit in the moonlight and spin the ribbon. The younger brother is young and ignorant, he only knows what he needs to eat when he is hungry and what he needs to wear when he is cold. The younger brother shouted Russia, and she was sad; The younger brother cried, and she wept. She couldn't bear to let her brother cry, so she let him lie on her lap like a loving mother, and while coaxing him to sleep, she struggled to shake the spinning wheel.

Children without fathers and mothers are especially bullied. The children of the rich man's family in the village, when they met Xie Wenqing's sister and brother, either twisted their ears and pulled their hair, or wiped their noses and held mud blocks, scolded Xie Wenqing as a "stupid mother", called her younger brother "Xiaohuazi", and said that they were a natural pair of "biaozi" (fools). The siblings and their elderly grandmother depended on each other, and they struggled to survive the years of bullying, starvation and cold, and suffered hardships in life.

Xie Wenqing's neighbor Xie Hongchang was an upright farmer, and Xie Wenqing respected this simple and hardworking elder very much. One year, Xie Hongchang decided not to work for the landlord anymore because he was unwilling to be squeezed by the landlord. The landlord actually arrested him to the stronghold of the Japanese devils and insisted that he was an anti-Japanese element. As a result, Xie Hongchang was beaten to death by Japanese soldiers and almost died.

One day, his younger brother Xie Wencheng passed in front of the landlord's house, and the landlord's son saw that others were weak and bullied him, asking him to lie on the ground and ride as a dog. Xie Wencheng, who was stubborn by nature, resolutely refused to comply, and the landlord's son summoned a vicious dog to bite him.

Xie Wenqing rushed to hear the news and saw that his younger brother was innocently bullied, so he quickly picked up a stone and threw it at the vicious dog, and the injured vicious dog howled wildly and fled back to the landlord's house with his tail between his legs. As soon as the dog entered the yard, the landlord's wife came out of the yard, violent, beating her chest and stomping her feet, making a big noise, shouting to kill Xie Wenqing's sister and brother. Xie Wenqing was not afraid, and argued with the landlord's wife. Later, grandma came, and it took a lot of effort to persuade Xie Wenqing's sister and brother to go home.

The years of suffering were day after day, year after year, and Xie Wenqing gradually grew up. Everything around - the landlords and old wealth did not work hard, lived a life of spending all day and wine, drunk and golden, poor peasants worked all the year round, but could not eat enough, did not have warm clothing, all kinds of injustices in the world, so that Xie Wenqing suddenly had the idea of changing the dark reality, and this simple class feeling laid a solid foundation for her to participate in the revolution after her back.

Bask in the morning sun

On August 22, 1945, Lacey was liberated. At that time, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had just ended, and the domestic situation was extremely grim. Chiang Kai-shek, who had been hiding in Mount Emei for eight years, with the support of US imperialism, vainly tried to provoke a war, start a civil war, usurp the fruits of the victory of the Chinese people in the eight-year War of Resistance, and prepared to go down the mountain to "pick peaches." In order to defend the fruits of the people's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao waged a-for-tat struggle against Chiang Kai-shek. The party sent the Eighth Route Army and local cadres to the newly liberated areas to propagate and explain to the masses the policies and propositions of our party and our army, and to enlighten the masses' ideological consciousness.

In December 1946, county and district cadres were stationed in Yitandian Village, and Xie Wenqing was able to contact them. Zhan Bin, president of the county women's rescue committee, often organizes literacy classes for women, tells stories about the revolutionary struggle of the Communist Party, and teaches them to sing revolutionary songs. The first song Xie Wenqing sister and brother learned to sing was:

What flowers bloom towards the sun?

Who supports the Communist Party?

Sunflowers open towards the sun,

The common people support the Communist Party


Zhan Bin said to Xie Wenqing: "The suffering of the poor is not destined, but exploited by the landlords. If the poor want to be liberated, they must follow Chairman Mao and the Communist Party to carry out revolution, fight landlords, and fight bullies. ”

Zhan Bin is like a good teacher, who taught Wen Qing a lot of revolutionary truths and told many heroic stories. Xie Wenqing is like a seedling in a long drought, bathed in the moisture of rain and dew, and revolutionary ideas germinate in his heart. She was the first to sign up as a guide and deliver notices for the team's visits. Every time the People's Liberation Army came to the village, she would shop for the soldiers, borrow cooking utensils, dismantle and wash and sew up, and actively take the lead in all kinds of work. Due to her active work, Xie Wenqing was elected as the captain of the young women of Licun.

Soon, Chiang Kai-shek launched a full-scale civil war and attacked the liberated areas. Fighting in the front and supporting in the rear, Xie Wenqing devoted himself to the work of supporting the front. She took the lead in setting up a substitute farming team and a car support group to help the families of the martyrs take care of housework and do a good job in production. The village was stationed in the army, and she assisted the troops in laying floors, borrowing cooking utensils, and washing clothes. In front of the military shoes, she flies the needle and walks the line, busy day and night, others make one pair, she can make two pairs; Asked for 5 days to complete the task, she completed it in 4 days. Lacking cloth, she offered the only cloth she had at home; Asking for food at the front, she led the young women to grind and grind, stay up all night, and personally send flour and millet to the front line.

In the battle to liberate Gaomi City, Xie Wenqing led the women's team members, organized a women's stretcher team, and transferred the wounded overnight. In the battle to liberate Pingdu and Yexian County, Xie Wenqing braved the pouring rain, traveled dozens of miles back and forth, and transported the wounded three times in a row. Along the way, she was afraid that the rain would infect the wounds of the wounded, so she took off her coat and covered the wounded. The Political Department of Jiaodong Military Region awarded Xie Wenqing the honorary title of "Model of Support". The People's Liberation Army built fortifications in Shuiji, and Xie Wenqing personally sent planks to the position. Because of her outstanding achievements in the work of the front, she was commended by the Jiaodong Military Region and won the title of "Model of the Front". It was rated as a second-class merit at the merit appraisal meeting of Maren District.

Leader of the reform

On February 17, 1947, a special day, Xie Wenqing joined the Communist Party of China and served as the president of the village women's salvation.

Xie Wenqing began a new stage in her life journey.

In the summer of that year, a vigorous land reform movement was launched in the Jiaodong area. When the wheat was golden, the village cadres were brewing the question of how to carry out the autumn reform movement. At that time, Yitandian Village had a large number of wealthy households and strong feudal power, and it was a famous stubborn village within a radius of dozens of miles. There is a landlord nicknamed "Four Cripples" in the village, who has a lot of land, wealth and great power, and runs rampant in the township, preying on the common people, bullying men and women, and doing all kinds of evil, and the masses hate him to the core. If we can't defeat him, we won't be able to break the situation of the land reform movement. After analysis and study, Xie Wenqing and the village cadres decided to hit the snake first and start with the "four lame", and formulated specific steps and measures.

In order to fire the first shot, Xie Wenqing and the village cadres went to the village to publicize the great significance of the land reform, enlighten the masses, expose the crimes of the "four lame", and cultivate backbone elements. When the time came, a struggle meeting was held in the village. On the same day, more than 1,000 people from Yitandian Village and several neighboring villages came to the venue early in the morning. Xie Wenqing organized a cheerleading team of children's league members and young women to shout and cheer at the venue, and personally led people to the home of the "four lame people" and dragged him to the venue. The crowd at the venue was passionate, and the slogan of "Down with the four lame" came and went. The four lame men were paralyzed by fright, and the arrogance of the past was suddenly gone, but they still quibbled, denied, and refused to admit their guilt. Seeing this, Xie Wenqing jumped onto the stage with an arrow step and accused the "four lame people" of the crime: "Which of your family wealth, 100 acres of fertile land, which case, which case is not shaving the poor?" Do you drink the blood and sweat of the poor, do you want to spit it out?

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the masses in the audience, under the leadership of Xie Wenqing, came to the stage one after another to expose the accusations, and the crowd was passionate. The "four lame" had to obediently bow their heads and confess their guilt under the deterrence of the masses. The land reform movement opened up the situation.

The victory in the first battle strengthened the courage and confidence of Wenqing and the village cadres to do a good job in land reform. But the landlords were not willing to fail, and they changed their methods in an attempt to win over and corrupt Xie Wenqing. One night, Xie Wenqing and his younger brother were having dinner, and a landlord's wife sneaked to Xie Wenqing's house with a burden. As soon as she entered the door, she pretended to be pitiful and said to Xie Wenqing:

"Auntie, we are all surnamed Xie, the same clan, the same family. For the sake of the distance and the proximity of the family, my family's property, you can do well, tell everyone about it, and keep it for me. "As he spoke, he put the burden on the kang and said flatteringly;" I see that you go to the district and enter the county all day long, and you don't have any clothes that fit, so you can keep these clothes and wear them. Xie Wenqing slammed down the dishes and chopsticks and scolded her;

"I only know that the poor people in the world are one family, and the same clan surnamed Xie is not the same, if you want to buy me, you can't do it!" Seeing that she couldn't win over, the landlord's wife glared at her and threatened: "Don't be too angry, the Kuomintang will have you looking good when you come back." Xie Wenqing was so angry that he tested the iron

Qing, shouted angrily: "You get out of here!" You brutes want to turn the sky upside down, that's a dream!" Throwing her burden hard in the yard, the landlord's mother-in-law saw this, hurriedly picked up the burden, and walked away.

The enemy is not willing to lose, and when he sees that one plan fails, he uses another plan. At that time, although Laixi was liberated, the Kuomintang was still entrenched in Qingdao, and Kuomintang troops were also stationed in Jimo City, which was adjacent to Laixi. During the land reform, the landlords and spies who had absconded to Qingdao came back from hiding and conspired with the rich elements in the village to plot to kill the village cadres.

One night in July 1947, dark clouds rolled, lightning and thunder roared, and heavy rain poured down. The white waves of the river are turbulent, the river overflows the embankment and rags, and the water in the center of Yitandian Street is waist-deep. The roads between the villages are cut off, and it is impossible to communicate between households. The enemy thought that the time had come for God's "gift", so they gathered twenty or thirty thugs, robbed the cash and account books of the peasant association, arrested the village instructor Xie Hongshan into the village office, and forced him to hand over the large seal of the peasant association, guns, ammunition, and the property he had been turned over. Xie Hongshan refused to agree, and the mob knocked him to the ground, tied him up and put him in a sack, intending to sink him into the river and drown, and then snatch weapons and wipe out all the party members and cadres in the village.

At this critical juncture, it happened that Xie Wenqing was on his way to stand guard when he discovered the enemy's atrocities. What to do? Xie Wenqing suddenly thought that the People's Liberation Army of the Second Transportation Brigade of the Jiaodong Military Region was stationed in the village south primary school, so he hurriedly ran towards the primary school. On the way, Xie Wenqing stepped through the turbulent water, rushed through muddy ditches, stumbled all the way, and rushed to the troop station to call the police. After the troops got the news, they sent soldiers to arrive in time to quell the riot, and Xie Hongshan was also rescued.

Xie Wenqing often said: "Turn over and seek liberation, not for the sake of treasure." During the land reform, the landlords' grain, livestock, clothing, furniture, and land deeds were all moved out and piled up in the courtyards of the village offices and on the streets. Xie Wenqing's younger brother thought to himself: My sister is a cadre and is in charge of the fruit bank of the struggle, so I have to wear a new dress this time. However, after three or four days of fruiting, the friends all wore new clothes, and Xie Wencheng was still wearing a pair of torn pants with exposed flesh. The younger brother cried and went to Xie Wenqing to ask for new pants, Xie Wenqing hugged his younger brother and whispered: "As a children's group, you should be sensible." My sister is a cadre, so I have to think of the masses first. Xie Wencheng saw that his sister was also wearing her own sewn old pants and coarse cloth gown, and never mentioned the matter of dividing the pants again. During the land reform, Xie Wenqing was honest and honest, and did not give himself an extra penny, an inch of cloth, or a penny of land. The people in the village said: "Wenqing struggles to be the vanguard, and enjoyment is behind."

Heroic righteousness

Jiao Dongfeng Yunlu: Liu Hulan-style heroine - Xie Wenqing

The martyr Xie Wenqing was punished

In the autumn of 1947, the Kuomintang army launched a major offensive against the liberated areas of Shandong. During the land reform, the landlords and bullies who fled to Qingdao and other places formed a return group and followed the Kuomintang army back to their hometowns. In this critical situation, in early August, the evacuation of our troops from Laisi began. The party organization ordered Xie Wenqing to move quickly, but she was worried about the work in the village, worried about the wounded and sick who might be transferred from the front, and worried about the masses who were being transferred, so she resolutely asked to stay. After most of the people had already moved to other places, and the enemy was only more than 10 kilometers away from the village, she went to her fiancé's house in Zhangezhuang Village to hide.

On September 17, Xie Jiajin, Xie Zhenhan, Xie Baoguo, and other members of the Yitandian Village Returning to the Township returned to the village with a group of bandits returning to the village. Within a few days, six people, including village chief Li Huanzhong, staff chairman Luan Hongshun and his daughter, self-defense head Li Changheng, and the wife of poor peasant Li Huanrui were killed. On September 27, Xie Baoguo persecuted the masses: hand over Xie Wenqing, and if he couldn't hand it over, he would be beheaded all over the house, and the whole village would be killed. The masses were helpless, so they sent one of Xie Wenqing's sisters-in-law to find Xie Wenqing in Zhangezhuang. After listening to her sister-in-law's explanation, Xie Wenqing said: I will do things by myself, and I will never affect you. She resolutely followed her sister-in-law back to the village to join the clutches of the homecoming group.

Xie Baoguo and others vainly wanted to get the list of Communist Party members from Xie Wenqing's mouth. At the beginning, he came soft, trying to use "favor", "benevolence" and "money" to soften Wen Qing. Xie Baoguo said to Xie Wenqing in a mocking manner: "You are still young, what are the benefits of following the Communist Party Hulong?" As long as you tell who the Communist Party is and where the village secretary has gone, I will guarantee you a happy life. Xie Wenqing replied with a sneer:

"You don't want to get a word out of my mouth!" Xie Baoguo asked again: "To whom did you divide all our property to?" Xie Wenqing replied: "Things belong to the masses and are distributed to the masses." Xie Baoguo couldn't ask anything when he saw him, so he said to Xie Wenqing: "Go back, think about it at night, and let's talk about it tomorrow." Xie Wenqing saw through the enemy's conspiracy at a glance: let me go back, because I wanted to contact the organization and comrades for help, and wanted to catch them all, delusional!

Xie Wenqing was not fooled. She returned home, didn't go anywhere, sat down calmly, picked up a pair of unfinished soles and began to fly the needle. The younger brother asked her to eat, and Xie Wenqing shook his head; When her brother asks her what happened, she snorts at the back window, suggesting that there is a "dog" outside the window. In silence, the younger brother saw that Xie Wenqing's face was covered with clouds, and his eyes were staring deeply into the distance. This night, Xie Wenqing didn't close his eyes, and the enemy watching outside the window didn't close his eyes, and the enemy's trick went bankrupt. Annoyed and angry, Xie Baoguo sent four or five bandits to summon Wenqing early in the morning of September 28, and she was dragged out of the door. On the way, the returning group tied up Xie Wenqing with a water-soaked hemp rope and escorted him to the four empty houses in the east of the villager Xie Jiapu, where they continued to interrogate the land reform review and the party's organization. Xie Wenqing was silent, Xie Baoguo's true form was revealed, and he instructed someone to grab Xie Wenqing's hair and hang her on the beam. Xie Baoguo asked: Who is the Communist Party? Who have you fought us with? Xie Wenqing still gritted his teeth and didn't say a word. Xie Baoguo began to be ruthless, instructed the pawns to take the black locust sticks, and beat Xie Wenqing on the head and face, asking while beating, Xie Wenqing still didn't spit a word. Her clothes were torn into strands, her arms and legs were broken, her skin was torn apart, and a large pool of blood soon accumulated on the ground. But Xie Wenqing didn't cry out in pain until he passed out. The thugs woke her up with cold water and continued to torture: "Where the hell is your secretary?" Xie Wenqing had blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and replied resolutely: "He is hiding in my heart." A thug shouted, "Who is your leader?" Xie Wenqing said proudly: "It is our great savior, Chairman Mao!" She was clear about the situation of the party organization in the village, and even knew that a Communist Party member had not been transferred due to serious illness, but she still gritted her teeth, did not spit a word, and kept the party's secrets with her life.

Xie Wenqing's younger brother Xie Wencheng was worried about his sister, so he evaded enemy surveillance and secretly climbed up to the back window. I saw my sister Xie Wenqing being hung on a beam, and the bandits were inhumanely cutting off her fingers and toes, and rubbing them with salt water. Xie Wenqing fainted in pain, and the thugs woke her up with cold water. A bandit took an angular wooden stick and stabbed Xie Wenqing in the mouth viciously, pinning out three or four of her teeth, and Xie Wenqing immediately spat blood. The bandit shouted viciously: "Your cadre Luan Hongshun told us to be buried alive yesterday, and if you don't say it, you will end up in the same fate." Xie Wenqing's eyes were filled with anger, and he used his greatest strength to spray a mouthful of blood on the enemy's face, and said categorically: "If you want to kill or cut your convenience, if you want to get a little secret from my mouth, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky!" Wait, we must pay the blood debt you owe with your blood!" In an instant, Xie Wencheng's heart ached, his heart seemed to be grabbed by a cold hand, and he fell from the window after a burst of dizziness.

Later, Xie Wencheng learned that although the enemy tortured and tortured Xie Wenqing repeatedly from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Xie Wenqing was always loyal and unyielding. The thugs who had nothing to do went crazy and shouted, "Set her on fire!" The bandits lit a pile of wheat seedlings at the feet of Xie Wenqing, who had passed out. In this way, Xie Wenqing dedicated his precious youth to the cause of the people's liberation.

In December 1947, the Battle of Jiaodong ended successfully, and Laixi returned to the embrace of the people. The people's government brought Xie Wenqing's murderer to justice and recovered the blood debt for Xie Wenqing. In order to commemorate the martyr Xie Wenqing, the government built the Xie Wenqing Martyr Memorial Hall in July 1965, and was awarded the Shandong Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit in December 2006. Due to disrepair, the house was renovated and rearranged in August 2016. It is mainly composed of three parts: the literature exhibition hall, the wartime items exhibition hall and the courtyard display, which focuses on displaying the life deeds of the martyrs through various forms such as words, pictures, physical objects, reliefs, statues, etc., and provides a learning and education position for the majority of party members, cadres, the masses and young people. There are 3 houses in the former residence of the martyrs, which mainly display the utensils, furniture and other items used by the martyrs in those years.

["Inheritance of Red Genes" Party History Research Office of the Laixi Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China]