
I took care of my mother-in-law for 7 years, and she didn't subsidize me a penny, but asked me to pay 50,000 yuan in rent to the concubine to decorate the house

author:I'm a March Fish


My name is Zhang Qian, I am 32 years old, I have been married to my husband Zhou Sen for 7 years and have a daughter.

When I first got married, my family situation was not very good, so I didn't have a dowry. My mother-in-law gave me a bride price of 10,001, and I brought it back as the start-up capital for our small family.

After my daughter was weaned, I also thought about going out to earn some money and buying a house earlier. But my mother-in-law said, aren't we all earning money for the children, not to mention that she is not in good health and can't take it.

Hearing her say that, I was shaken too. From the bottom of my heart, I don't want my daughter to become a left-behind child. After discussing with my husband, I decided to take care of my children at home and take care of my mother-in-law by the way.

My mother-in-law has high blood pressure and needs to take medicine regularly, but she is reluctant to spend money. Naturally, I took over the family's crops, and my husband continued to go out to work.

I usually save money, and occasionally I can sell some food to subsidize my family, and my life is slowly getting better.

I thought that the original happy life would continue, but as the concubine entered the door, I realized that it was not like that.

The concubine is from the city, her parents are in business, and she is an only child. She has her own hairdressing store, married a suite when she got married, and bought a lot of high-end clothes for her mother-in-law, and her mother-in-law naturally likes her very much. In comparison, I'm not so likable.

I lived under the same roof with my sister-in-law, especially after she gave birth to a nephew, I obviously felt that my mother-in-law's attitude towards me and my daughter had changed.

I took care of my mother-in-law for 7 years, and she didn't subsidize me a penny, but asked me to pay 50,000 yuan in rent to the concubine to decorate the house


The full moon banquet of the nephew, in the busiest hotel in town. It was the first time I went to eat at such a nice place.

That day, I packed up the house, took my daughter, packed a red envelope, and went with two sets of babies.

In the splendid hall, there are crystal lamps hanging down, and around the corner, the mother-in-law and the concubine's family stand together, greeting relatives and friends.

When she saw me, my mother-in-law's face changed subtly. She glanced at my worn-out shoes, and soon smiled again, and I knew she thought I was embarrassed.

During the banquet, the mother-in-law happily closed her mouth and toasted each table one by one with the concubine's family.

When I came to our table, I was feeding my daughter and had to say, "Congratulations, congratulations!" ”

The concubine came over to me and said, "Sister-in-law, I don't have milk, your nephew will trouble you more in the future!" ”

Before I understood anything, my mother-in-law answered in front of everyone: "It's a good thing to work hard to make money, young people are under pressure, don't worry, your sister-in-law and I will take care of the child!" ”

When I went back in the evening, my mother-in-law told me that I was busy with business and planned to take my nephew in my hometown. When the child goes to kindergarten, they will take them back to the county seat, and they will give 1,000 yuan of milk powder money every month.

My mother-in-law said that she couldn't take her nephew alone, so she asked me to help.

I had mixed feelings. When I said that I would go out to earn money, my mother-in-law said that she couldn't stand it. It turned out that this was not the case at all, and she didn't even think to help bring it.

Concubine, too, the child is so young, she can't bear to be separated from her baby? Are you willing?

I can't say anything.

Besides, I can't take care of my daughters, so I don't have time to help them take care of the children.


Not long after, my mother-in-law celebrated her 60th birthday, and she asked me to buy more food a day in advance, prepare two tables, and invite my parents, relatives and friends to dinner.

I suggested going to the restaurant and booking two tables, so it would be better.

But my mother-in-law didn't want to do it at home. She said that her parents like to eat vegetables from the countryside, especially green beans and tomatoes, which are so original that they can't catch up with them in the supermarket.

That day, in the sweltering kitchen, I was sweating all morning and finally made all the meals.

Halfway through eating, my mother-in-law took out a gift box for me: "Qianqian, you have worked hard, this is the gold bracelet I bought for my granddaughter, the conditions at home did not allow it before, and now I will make it up to you." Bring it for her! ”

After saying that, she handed another same box to her concubine, saying that it was for her nephew, and she treated it equally.

In front of everyone, my concubine and I brought it to the child.

Everyone clapped their hands and said, this grandma is really generous and well done. He also said that let our two daughters-in-law honor their mother-in-law in the future.

I nodded, got it, and pulled the rice from the bowl.

A few days later, I was cooking in the kitchen, and my daughter cried and clinged to me, not wanting to play with the children.

I gave her the toy, and she wouldn't want to. I took out a thermometer, and it was 38.5 degrees, and my wrist was crimson, and there were eczema-like particles.

I panicked, took my daughter in my arms and went to the hospital in town. After examination, I found out that it was caused by heavy metal allergy and wearing a fake bracelet.

Doctors say that children's immunity is very poor, and even a little contact with low-quality products can cause allergies.

After hanging the bottle for the child, I went to the only gold store in town to verify. It turned out that the mother-in-law only bought a gold bracelet. My daughter's one isn't his family at all, it just looks like it.

When I got back, I threw the bracelet to my mother-in-law: "If you can afford it, buy it, and if you can't afford it, don't make a fake one to fool me." Do you know how much a child suffers? Is it necessary to be so eccentric? ”

After saying that, I slammed the door of the room hard, only to hear my mother-in-law crying and coaxing my nephew outside the door.

I couldn't swallow this breath and vowed to save money. In the future, I will buy a real one for my daughter, and I will not accept other people's fake charity.

I took care of my mother-in-law for 7 years, and she didn't subsidize me a penny, but asked me to pay 50,000 yuan in rent to the concubine to decorate the house


Since my mother-in-law took her nephew, she didn't get up until 8 o'clock in the morning, so she probably stayed up late!

On this day, she got up at 6 o'clock for the first time and cooked me a poached egg with brown sugar mash. I thought she was trying to reconcile with me in this way, but I didn't refuse, and went straight to the table to eat.

At this time, my mother-in-law made a request to me to give her 50,000 yuan, and she was in a hurry.

I'm confused, this breakfast is too expensive!

Under my questioning, she confessed that she wanted to decorate the wedding room and let her nephew go to the city as soon as possible.

When they got married, their mother-in-law promised to help them pay for the decoration, and they added the name of their brother-in-law to the house.

In recent years, the business of physical stores has not been good, and the consumption of the concubine and the brother-in-law is high, and they have not saved much money. Her parents didn't care about them anymore, and they heard that the money they borrowed before had never been repaid.

The mother-in-law took out all the pension money, but it was still not enough. So, I came to mind.

My mother-in-law also assured me that she would save money to pay me back.

I instantly felt like chewing wax on the poached egg in my mouth, and I couldn't swallow it, and I didn't spit it out.

"Mom, you have money you can give it to them, I don't care. Their conditions are much better than mine's, do you see what you eat, wear, and use better than me?

You helped her take care of the children, did she give you living expenses? You paid for the milk powder, right? Don't think I don't know.

Have you ever bought my daughter's food? Now you still want to ask me to borrow money, and I haven't gone to work, where did I get the money? ”

I took care of my mother-in-law for 7 years, and she didn't subsidize me a penny, but asked me to pay 50,000 yuan in rent to the concubine to decorate the house


The mother-in-law did not relent: "You can borrow it, you have lived in this house for so many years, so I will charge you 50,000 rent!" ”

Hearing her say this, I became even more angry: "Don't forget, this house also has half of my husband's, and my daughter is also from the Zhou family!" ”

After that, I packed my clothes and went home, I couldn't stay in this home anymore.

Within a few days, my mother-in-law called me on the phone, crying and urging me to hurry back, saying that the house was in a mess. My mother-in-law couldn't even cook, and the crops needed to be taken care of.

At this time, she remembered me, and I directly released cruel words: "Wait until I help my parents finish harvesting corn, let's talk about it!"

If you are too busy, go to your concubine. You gave her the baby, and now it's time for her to repay you! ”

The mother-in-law was crying over there. I was so hurt by her.

After that, I discussed with my husband to go to the place where he worked and find a job, where my daughter went to kindergarten.

Together, we worked hard to earn money to buy a house, away from my mother-in-law.