
In the drunken fireworks

author:Sumi Shizukawa

In that drunken fireworks, time seems to have been brewed into a jar of wine, which makes people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves. Those lingering memories, like stars, are embedded in the firmament of years, bright and eternal.

In the drunken fireworks

The eyes full of stars are the windows of the soul, reflecting the prosperity and loneliness of the world. In that deep gaze, I seemed to see the infinite universe, containing endless mysteries and dreams. Whenever I meet such a gaze, a warm tide swells up in my heart, which is the blending of souls, the echo of heart to heart.

Xia He's graceful and jade stand is the most elegant posture of nature. Under the caress of the breeze, the lotus leaves sway gently, and the lotus flowers bloom with a delicate smile. The pink petals, like the shy cheeks of a girl, are intoxicating. The lotus flowers in the pond, some budding and some blooming, dance in the water, as if telling a moving story. And when this beautiful scenery meets the drunken eyes, everything becomes even more dreamlike.

In the drunken fireworks

Staring at your sleeping smile, it seems as if the world has stopped turning. The slightly raised arc of the corners of the mouth is a portrayal of inner tranquility and contentment. In this noisy world, it is so precious to have such a moment of tranquility and beauty. Your smile, like the warm sun in winter, warms my heart; It is like a summer breeze that dispels the boredom in my heart.

The affection in your eyebrows is the poetry of the fragrance of summer. Every look, every eyebrow raised, contains endless love and care. Those affectionate moments have been engraved in the long river of time and have become eternal classics. In this unforgiving world, we often get lost in the chaos and hustle and bustle, forgetting our inner desires and pursuits. However, when we look back, those affectionate moments, like the brightest stars in the night sky, illuminate our way forward.

In the drunken fireworks

In this complex world, pleasing yourself is more beautiful than ever. We don't have to pander to other people's expectations, we don't have to chase vanity and fame, we just need to listen to our inner voice and follow our dreams. When we learn to care for ourselves and appreciate ourselves, we can truly exude a unique charm.

In the drunken fireworks, there are the brilliance of the stars, the grace of Xia He, the sleeping smile, and the affectionate poems. Let us stick to the purity and beauty of our hearts in this fireworks world, and write our own wonderful chapter with love and warmth.

In the drunken fireworks