
Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

author:Yunnan Armed Police
Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Listen to the radio for half an hour

Read the newspaper for half an hour

Watch the news for half an hour

Three and a half hours is a fine tradition of the troops

Enhance the ideological and political consciousness of officers and men

Broaden the horizons and thinking of officers and men

An effective measure for the ability to analyze and reason

Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers


The Wenshan detachment of the armed police stationed at the foot of the old mountain

Based on reality, actively innovate methods to implement the "three and a half hours" system

Constantly "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Gain knowledge in "speaking" and "commenting".

Make effective use of the scholarly barracks

Stick to news feeds

Radio and newspapers, traditional media

Officers and men are encouraged to come to the stage enthusiastically

Focusing on hot spots and key points, we have carried out activities to evaluate current political news, network news, and squadron observations, and give full play to the role of officers and men as the main body

Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers
Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Draw strength from "reading" and "understanding".

Adhere to the daily "circle newspaper intensive reading"

Guide officers and men to strengthen their faith by reading newspapers and circles

Officers and men are encouraged to copy beautiful texts, analyze their feelings, and exchange their gains

Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Through the "People's Armed Police", "Yunnan Armed Police" WeChat public account, Douyin account

"Learning to strengthen the army", strong army network and other carriers

All officers and men should be kept abreast of the dynamics of the troops

Consciously learn the typical advanced

Create a strong political atmosphere

In the subtle way, the thinking of officers and men has been infected and edified

Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Distinguish between right and wrong in "turbidity" and "clearness".

Clarify fallacies and distinguish between right and wrong

It is necessary to avoid the dissemination of vulgar information with no nutritional value, which will lead to erroneous understanding among officers and men and affect the construction and development of the troops

Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Chiefs of grass-roots units

Personally examine and approve the sources and contents of information, organize and carry out special education, so that officers and men can obtain correct information and cleanse their thinking

Enhance inner quality

It is necessary to further strengthen the political enthusiasm of officers and men for taking the initiative to study

Make full use of the "three and a half hours" to "store energy and recharge" the minds of officers and soldiers

Continuing the fine tradition and making full use of the "three and a half hours" has enabled officers and men to further strengthen their ideals and convictions in the course of daily life and the accumulation of time and have laid a solid foundation for improving the quality and efficiency of ideological and political work. (Author: Xia Xingshu, Zhang Guijie, Wang Shufa, Wang Chuwen)

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Planning: Wang Zhiping Producer: Dong Zhaoxin Editor-in-Chief: Ruan Xueliang Reviewer: Liu Zhenggang Editor: Sun Jiekang Issue: 2550 Submission Email: [email protected]