
How much can I get after retirement if I pay 10,000 yuan a year for pension insurance?

author:Daddy Bao
How much can I get after retirement if I pay 10,000 yuan a year for pension insurance?

In order to facilitate the calculation and presentation of the income of pension insurance,

When we give examples, most of them use the data of [annual payment of 100,000].

But for many people, the pressure of paying 100,000 yuan a year is very great.

The example is just a reference, and it can be based on the actual situation when applying for insurance.

Some customers consult us in the background:

If you only pay 10,000 premiums a year to buy annuity insurance, is it too low, and is there any meaning?

How much can I actually get each month after retirement?

If you don't have a lot of budget and have retirement planning, this article is worth a reference.

For quick enquiries, click here:


The budget is not much, is it necessary to buy pension insurance?

Annuity insurance can be simply understood as:

When you are young, you pay a sum of money to the insurance company, and when you reach the agreed retirement age,

You can receive money from the policy on a regular basis until the contract expires.

Most annuity insurance, most of which are insured for life or up to the age of 105,

That's why we often say that pension insurance can provide us with a cash flow that is as long as our life.

For people with low incomes and small budgets,

Pension insurance is still a good pension planning tool:

First, it can help you force saving

Many people want to develop the habit of saving, but they can't control their hands, and moonshine is almost the norm.

The pension insurance is paid on a regular basis, and the time of receipt is agreed at the time of insurance, and it cannot be withdrawn at will.

As a long-term financial planning tool, it can help policyholders develop the habit of forced savings.

If you just keep this money in the bank, or buy short-term wealth management products,

It is likely that because you can't control your desires, you will take out the consumption halfway.

And for ordinary people, it is mandatory to save this money every year,

It will not affect the usual quality of life, but can save a lot of unnecessary consumption.

Warren Buffett famously said:

Life is like a snowball, and the important thing is to find very wet snow and very long slopes.

How much can I get after retirement if I pay 10,000 yuan a year for pension insurance?

After a long enough period of accumulation, if in the right environment, invest funds that can continue to grow on a rolling basis,

The snowball of wealth will get bigger and bigger, reflecting the true power of compound interest.

Therefore, if you have a small budget, you need to start doing a good job of wealth planning as soon as possible.

Second, it is safe and robust, and its mission must be achieved

In today's economic environment, there are not many tools for ordinary people to choose from to manage their money prudently.

Whether it is bank deposits, government bonds, or large certificates of deposit, interest rates have been falling.

The current price of pension insurance is written into the contract, and from the date of insurance, you can know how much money you receive every year/month after retirement.

And the interest rate is locked for life, which is very safe and stable.

It is a tried-and-true financial instrument at home and abroad, and it is very suitable for ordinary people.

For example, when we are young, we accumulate interest little by little by paying premiums, and after more than ten years or even decades of compound interest,

When you are old, you will receive this already considerable amount of "pension" on a regular basis.

There are also some products that can be attached to the universal account, if the money is not used for the time being,

It can also be put into the universal account to accumulate interest and realize the secondary appreciation of funds.

Annuity insurance is like the ballast stone in our family assets, and it is a protection tool used by ordinary people to resist inflation.

Third, it can provide stable cash flow and hedge against longevity risks

You know, people nowadays are really living longer and longer.

Longevity is a good thing, but from another perspective,

In the future, we need to bear greater health risks and economic gaps, and we need to prepare a little more pension money.

Although many of us have social security, but we want to live a comfortable and decent old age,

Social security alone is not enough, and you need to make additional supplements yourself.

And pension insurance is one of the good options:

One, as we mentioned at the beginning, it can provide cash flow that is as long as life,

That is, how long to live, how long to receive, to avoid the dilemma of old age and nobody.

Second, as long as we live, we can receive money, and for every additional year we live, our family will have an extra income.

This form not only motivates us to strive to live longer, but also motivates the people around us to take better care of us.

Everyone's ability to pay and pension needs are different, if you want to customize an exclusive pension plan, you can click here to consult us.

Of course, in addition to the above advantages,

There are many "hidden highlights" in the current pension insurance:

How much can I get after retirement if I pay 10,000 yuan a year for pension insurance?

For example, many people now choose to insure themselves with an annuity insurance before getting married, as a pre-marital property, to give their future selves more protection.

In addition, annuity insurance also contains a wealth of value-added services, such as services for the retirement community.

If you purchase such a pension insurance, if the premium reaches a certain amount, you can directly get the admission ticket to the retirement community, which adds another guarantee to your future self.

So even if you don't have a high budget, you can consider taking out an annuity insurance as a guarantee for the future.

Moreover, the insurance threshold for many products is very low, and ordinary people can easily get on the car.

How much can I get after retirement if I pay 10,000 yuan a year for pension insurance?

So how useful can this policy be with a low budget?

Let's take a look at the actual product policy benefits!


If I pay 10,000 yuan a year, how much can I get after retirement?

Take Monopoly 3.0 annual insurance as an example,

30-year-old male, annual payment of 10,000, 20 years of payment, a total of 200,000 yuan, 60 years old to receive:

How much can I get after retirement if I pay 10,000 yuan a year for pension insurance?

Let's look at the annuity receipt first:

Starting from the age of 60, you can receive 22,990 yuan per year, which is about 1,915 yuan a month;

At the age of 68, the cumulative annuity is 206,910 yuan, which exceeds the premiums paid.

How much can I get after retirement if I pay 10,000 yuan a year for pension insurance?

When you reach the age of 80, you will receive a cumulative annuity of 482,790 yuan, and the cumulative IRR will exceed 3% at this time;

Until the age of 90, he received a total of 712,690 yuan, and the cumulative IRR reached 3.851%.

Let's look at the cash value:

Monopoly 3.0 Annual Insurance is a lifetime with a current price, that is, it can also take into account the future inheritance.

For example, when you are 60 years old, you have just started to receive it, and the cash value is 282797 yuan;

At the age of 70, the current account price is still 211388 yuan, and if the policy is surrendered at this time, the IRR is 3.156%.

It is equivalent to earning a pension for 10 years in vain, and you can get back the total premium paid at the beginning.

If you receive it until the age of 80, the current account price is still 140577 yuan, and the surrender IRR reaches 3.674%.

If the insurance is surrendered at this time, the more than 140,000 yuan can still be used as a good property for future generations.

What if, before reaching the age of collection, or the person who is leading it is gone?

Don't worry, annuity insurance basically has death protection,

For example, Monopoly 3.0 loses like this:

  • In the event of the death of the person who received the payment, the premium paid or the increase of the current price will be paid;
  • If you die after receiving it, you will be compensated at the current price of the year.

In any case, there is no need to worry about "losing money".

You see, if you save 10,000 yuan a year, you can get an extra 2,000 yuan per month after retirement.

Although it is not a lot, it can also have a good old age with social security and pension.

Moreover, Monopoly 3.0 annual insurance is not limited to men and women, and it can be supported from the age of 40 at the earliest.

If you want to retire freely and receive money early, pension insurance can also help you achieve it.

Of course, in addition to Monopoly 3.0 pension insurance, there are many high-quality products on the market to choose from.

We have also put together a list of the latest pension insurance products, which can be viewed here.

If you want to further calculate or understand the product situation, you can also click here to consult us to >>>.


Daddy concluded

Many friends always feel that when they insure annuity insurance and increased life insurance, they have the nature of financial management.

If you invest too little, the return will not be high.

But in fact, judging from the above case, even if you save 10,000 a year, the income is good!

And it is better to save than not to save, and buying savings insurance is to accumulate a lot and gather sand into a tower.

If you don't save a little money, you won't have big money.

If you have any other insurance questions, please feel free to contact us here