
Girl D classmate puppy love (4)

author:Tiger Qiwei

I was born in the Xinjiang Corps, and my family was in a grassroots company when I was a child.

(At the end of 1986, in the winter of thousands of miles of ice, my father and mother, with the approval of the leaders of the regiment headquarters and the division headquarters, ended their careers as soldiers in the Northwest Frontier Corps for more than 20 years, returned to their hometown in Henan, and went to work in Pingdingshan City.) My brother and I went with him. I remember one time when Student D led a group of girls in the dormitory to stand on the side of the school wall, and when I wasn't looking, I noticed that Student D "called" some of us girls to laugh at an aspiring 18 or 9-year-old brother; I understood the intention of classmate D from it: laughing at him for being a nerd who only knows how to study, is a stupid person, has no talent, and the big brother honestly didn't react at first, it seems that his brain and limbs have stiffened, and I don't know if it's caused by the road of "dead drilling" to go to school; When he saw a few younger sisters around him laughing at his incompetence, he didn't refute it clumsily; Hurriedly rode away quickly, clumsy and funny, and then drew a burst of laughter.

After being "reminded" by classmate D, I also saw that this brother was an honest and obedient person, who would only obey the command in a rigid way and would not think about things by himself. One mind to find one's own path in life in academics; I will not think differently and find my life value in another way. If it weren't for the "reminder" of classmate D, I would never have thought that there would be such people in the world; Besides, it is impossible for all talents in the world to come together, people are interdependent, and they have all kinds of talents, and they are staggered to form human society.

(Later, I thought about this incident many times, and from this incident, Student D is really a "talented girl" who will see through a person's talent from the outside.) Maybe there is really a difference between people, I don't have this ability by nature, I can't read words and colors, I can't see people's inner world, until now - the article is published. )

Since the eldest sister of student D went to a certain college in Tianjin for advanced education, it seems that the eldest sister of student D has disappeared in the company's residential area, and it feels that the company's residential area occasionally appears. At that time, I also guessed that after the eldest sister of student D (1983) graduated from secondary school, the leaders of the Youth League Department arranged to work in the Youth League Department. Student D's eldest brother-in-law is still working in the company.

One day during the summer vacation of the following year, 1984, under the pergola of my neighbor's house, my father and several uncles were talking about work, and one of them said that the eldest brother-in-law of classmate D was very talented, and at the current rate of promotion, at the age of 35, he was likely to be promoted to the head of the regiment. Now in retrospect, the eldest sister and eldest brother-in-law of classmate D have been very successful in their careers in the five years after they got married, the husband and wife have completed their studies after marriage, the husband has a bachelor's degree, and the wife has a secondary school degree, both of which are treated as national cadres, and the husband and wife are beautiful and have a little girl. How many people were envious and jealous of this in those days.

Girl D classmate puppy love (4)

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In the summer of 1985, on the afternoon of Sunday when it was about to be the summer vacation, I was washing clothes in the company's machine well, and there were almost no people who came to the machine well to wash clothes and carry water. Because classmate D has always given me the impression of being cold, I didn't take the initiative to say hello and remained silent. I don't know why Student D didn't wait for the clothes to be washed and went home with the basin, I knew at the time that because Student D was disgusted with me and didn't want to wash clothes with me in the machine well, and Student D's home was relatively close to the machine well. My house is far away from the well, and I thought that since I came, I would wash the clothes before leaving, I thought it was a non-aggression, not just wash their own clothes, and it was not a big deal.

A few months later, in the winter of 1985, news suddenly spread through the company's residential area: the younger brother of classmate D's brother-in-law, a young man surnamed R, was transferred to his hometown, a county in Henan Province where his brother and sister-in-law worked, to follow the life route of his brother and sister-in-law. The Xinjiang Corps is a place where people from the mainland come and go, and everyone has a mirror heart, staying when they think it is appropriate, and returning again when they feel that their ancestral hometown is cordial. The sense of belonging to their ancestral homeland in the bones of Chinese drives them to return to their ancestral homeland to live.

In the late autumn of 1985, the eldest sister of student D's secondary school degree, the treatment of national cadres, and the brother-in-law of the company-level leader with a bachelor's degree were transferred from work, and the family of three returned to a county in Henan, the hometown of the brother-in-law of student D. I guess that the brother-in-law (the elder brother of classmate D) took over the leadership of the brother-in-law's company with the approval of the regimental leadership.

(I remember that in the spring of 1985, before the eldest sister and brother-in-law of student D left the company where my family belonged, there was another brother of student D who was younger than the eldest sister of student D in the office of the company. Unexpectedly, the elder brother of classmate D has been in and out of the company office since then, and since then, he has been like this. I hadn't met this brother of classmate D before, and it's possible that I did, but I forgot about it. )

Girl D classmate puppy love (4)

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A few days later, Y student's father and my parents chatted indignantly stating that a few years ago, there were 20 places in the regiment field, and the public sent a college in Tianjin for preschool education, technical secondary school diploma, and enjoyed the treatment of national cadres. As the leader of the company, the brother-in-law of classmate D naturally recommended the goddess in his heart, his wife who had been married for several months, the eldest sister of classmate D. The leaders of the regiment headquarters also considered that the two girls belonged to the same unit (the eldest sister of student D and classmate Y), and one of the female leaders expressed their opinion that the two girls in the prime of life, the unmarried girl should marry far away, the married girl should stabilize the construction of the frontier, and the state will not train the personnel of the Corps to flow out. After the study of the leaders of the Youth League Department, they finally adopted the opinions of the female leaders and decided that the eldest sister of student D was the best candidate to be sent to a college in Tianjin for advanced childhood education, and finally went to the inland country! I understood at that time that the father of classmate Y was worried that his eldest daughter's broad career would be blocked, and vented his resentment, and his father's love was broad and deep.

I am very unfamiliar with classmate D, we grew up in the company's residential area since we were children, we went to primary school together, and went to middle school in the same school, I am very unfamiliar with classmate D, but I still know classmate D like looking at the scenery.

Girl D classmate puppy love (4)

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Classmate D and I have been in the same elementary school and junior high school together since we were children, and classmate D has infiltrated the style and integrity in the rhyme of books and ink. We never said a word because I was lagging behind in my studies, and I had low self-esteem and didn't want to climb above my classmates, such as student D, who performed well and shrewdly in school.