
Lamadian Town held a cultural performance to celebrate "July 1st".

author:Jilin Rural Daily

On the occasion of the party's 103rd birthday, on June 26, Lamadian Town held a wonderful celebration of the "July 1st" literary and artistic performance, which presented an affectionate gift for the party's birthday in the form of rich and diverse programs.

Lamadian Town held a cultural performance to celebrate "July 1st".

With the theme of "Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Following the Party, and Building the Chinese Dream Together", this art show attracted many residents to watch. The performance kicked off with the passionate chorus "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and the singers expressed their love for the party and the motherland with heroic singing.

Lamadian Town held a cultural performance to celebrate "July 1st".

During the period, Gao Yanmei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Lishu Economic Development Zone and secretary of the Party Committee of Lamadian Town, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party facing the party flag, they clenched their right fists, their eyes were firm, their voices were loud, and the oath was solemn: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" Every word is full of loyalty to the party and the determination to fight for the cause of communism for life, which is exciting.

Lamadian Town held a cultural performance to celebrate "July 1st".

The songs "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" and "Reflecting the Red Mountain" show the hardships and hopes of the revolutionary years with melodious melodies and moving singing, making the audience feel as if they have returned to that era of burning passion. The three-and-a-half-sentence "Praise to the Party" expresses praise and respect for the party in the form of a humorous and affectionate performance.

Lamadian Town held a cultural performance to celebrate "July 1st".

In addition, there are wonderful dances, two-person turns, musical instrument performances and other programs, which are diverse in form and rich in content. The actors were fully engaged and won bursts of applause from the audience with their wonderful performances. Finally, the performance came to an end with the song "I Love You China", and the passionate melody and affectionate singing pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

Lamadian Town held a cultural performance to celebrate "July 1st".

This art show not only showed the positive spiritual outlook of the residents of Lamadian Town, but also further stimulated the enthusiasm of the cadres and masses to love the party and the country. Everyone said that under the leadership of the party, they will not forget their original intentions, forge ahead, and work hard to build a better Lamadian Town.

Source: Zhuan Xiang Pear Tree

Editor: Chi Ruibing