
Unfavorable urination, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination? ——Qinglin granules are diuretic and drenching

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Qinglin granules mainly achieve the purpose of antibacterial through multiple mechanisms such as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic, and improving immunity, making up for the shortcomings of single antimicrobial spectrum, ineffective against pathogenic bacteria, easy to produce drug resistance, and large side effects, and is known as "the green antibiotic of traditional Chinese medicine against urinary tract infection".

1. The source of the group

Qinglin granules originate from the famous prescription Bazhengsan in the classical medical book "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Formula", which is a collection of products such as Qu wheat, Qi Chu, Mutong, psyllium, talc and water Tong, which has a good effect on the treatment of drenching syndrome.

Unfavorable urination, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination? ——Qinglin granules are diuretic and drenching

2. Drug composition

Qu wheat, succulent, mutong, salt psyllium, talc, gardenia, rhubarb, boiled licorice.

3. Component analysis

Jun: Talc Mutong

Talc clears dampness and heat, and dilutes water; The wood is cleared of the heart and fire, and the dampness and heat are benefited, so that the evil of dampness and heat goes away from urinating and is the king's medicine.

Minister: Wheat and psyllium

Flurry, Qu wheat and salt psyllium are all important medicines for clearing heat and water, and the effect of diuretic and drenching is particularly prominent when combining talc and wood tong, and they are also subordinate medicines.

Sa: Yamatoko Daihuang

Mountain gardenia kernel clears heat and fire, and clears three coke damp heat; Rhubarb cleanses away the evil heat, and is beneficial to the intestines, all of which are adjuvants.

Make: licorice

Licorice blends all kinds of medicines and has the ability to adjuvant it.

The combination of various medicines can play the effect of clearing heat and purging fire, and diluting water.

4. Pharmacological effects

Qinglin granules have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic and immunomodulatory effects, and have strong antibacterial effects on pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus and gonorrhoea that cause urinary tract infection.

5. Functional indications

Clear away heat and extinguish fire, and dilute water.

It is used for gonorrhea and seizure caused by bladder dampness and heat, and the symptoms are frequent urination, astringent pain, poor drainage, lower abdomen distention, and dry mouth and throat.

Unfavorable urination, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination? ——Qinglin granules are diuretic and drenching

6. Clinical application

(1) Urinary tract infection

In particular, "gonorrhea" in traditional Chinese medicine, which is diagnosed by Western medicine as acute pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, and urinary tract infection after kidney transplantation;

(2) Urinary stones

It has the effect of diuretic and excretion of kidney stones and ureteral stones;

(3) Anterior row adenitis

combined antibiotics for chronic prostatitis;

(4) Gynecological inflammation

gynecological inflammation such as non-specific vaginitis and endometritis in women;

Unfavorable urination, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination? ——Qinglin granules are diuretic and drenching

7. Applicable people

Male: unfavorable urination, astringency and pain during discharge, red urine, turbid urine, frequent urination, and poor drainage.

Main treatment diseases: prostatitis, urethritis, etc.

Women: Vulvar itching, sometimes burning, painful.

Main treatment diseases: vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, postpartum urinary retention, etc.

Elderly: frequent urination, incomplete urination, strained urination, etc.

The main treatment diseases: senile seizure, various symptoms caused by prostate disease, habitual urinary tract infection caused by senile vaginitis.

Pediatrics: frequent urination, urgency, urine odor, frequent nocturia, etc.

Main treatment diseases: frequent urination in children, urinary tract and genital tract infections in children.

General: scorching fire, red urine, painful urination, burning urethra, distended lower abdomen, unfavorable urination, constipation.

Main treatment diseases: acute and chronic urinary tract infection, urinary stones, urinary tuberculosis, cystitis, urethritis, chyluria, pyelonephritis, chronic urinary retention and postoperative urinary retention.

Unfavorable urination, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination? ——Qinglin granules are diuretic and drenching

8. Dosage

Rinse with boiling water. 1 sachet at a time. 2 times a day, paediatric discretion.

9. Precautions

1. Pregnant women should not take it

2. Those with weak constitution should not take it.

Reviewer: Yang Yuanrong, Chief Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Jingzhou Central Hospital, and Xiong Jianqun, Deputy Chief Pharmacist

Author: Liu Kaifei, chief pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Jingzhou Central Hospital