
How to set the channel in Photoshop to color

author:Saburo will be able to sound and shadow

After we open a picture with photoshop, there are 4 channels in the "Channels" panel, which are 1 composite channel RGB and 3 primary color channels red, green and blue, and its red, green and blue channels are gray by default, as shown in the following figure;

How to set the channel in Photoshop to color

Photoshop Channel Colors

Many friends want to turn it into color, so can it be turned into color? The answer is yes, and it's very simple!

Click "Interface" in the menu bar "Edit > Preferences" as shown in the following figure;

How to set the channel in Photoshop to color

Photoshop preferences

After opening, check "Show channels in color" as shown in the image below;

How to set the channel in Photoshop to color

Photoshop color display channel

After this is checked, the red, green, and blue channels in the channel have changed to color, and then click OK in the upper right corner.

Now the channel has become colorful, as shown in the image below;

How to set the channel in Photoshop to color

Photoshop color channel

If you still want to restore the previously gray channels, just open the preferences again and uncheck "Show channels in color"!

Mr. Saburo suggested that everyone use the gray channel display, why?

Because the grayscale channel is easy to see the luminous intensity (or the amount of color) of the current channel, you can better see the area of color distribution, and it is convenient to make some special selections based on the channel!

The above is the knowledge of "how to set the channel in Photoshop to color" introduced to you by Mr. Saburo, I hope it will help you learn PS!

If you encounter problems in the operation of PS, welcome to consult me, a few words from the teacher may solve the problem that you can't solve in a few hours!


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