
"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition

author:Xinjiang forest firefighting
"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition

In order to further consolidate the integrated development of the two teams, explore and improve the scientific, efficient, fast and accurate cooperative operation mode of emergency rescue missions, and improve the ability to deal with various types of disasters and accidents, recently, the Yili Detachment of the Xinjiang Corps and the Blue Sky Rescue Team have carried out joint combat and joint training, taking the flame and blue competition of the detachment as an opportunity to actively explore the collaborative operation mode and continuously promote the deep integration and development of the Blue Sky Rescue Team.

"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition
"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition

The detachment invited Tang Wenbin, deputy captain of the Ili Prefecture Blue Sky Rescue Team, and two members with superb professional skills to the team to guide the technical guidance of cliff rescue for the participating team members, and served as the judge and medical security personnel of the two courses of cliff rescue and 10-kilometer fire fighting skills off-road.

"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition
"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition

In order to ensure the safe and smooth development of the whole competition, Tang Wenbin, deputy captain of the blue sky rescue team, explained in detail the essentials of action and safety precautions for the participants, and gave a detailed explanation of the method of tying rope knots and hanging rings during the rope landing, and the rapid handling of unexpected problems.

"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition

On the competition field, the participating team members are not afraid of the "baking" test, with the tenacity of not admitting defeat and the courage to fight for the first, the field is regarded as a rescue site, not afraid of hardships and dangers, and bravely fights.

"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition

"The cooperation between 'Flame Blue' and 'Sky Blue' will further enhance the collaborative combat ability of the two teams, and effectively promote the business construction and team development of both sides." At the scene of the competition, Zhang Haoli, deputy head of the detachment, said this.

"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition

In the next step, the detachment will take this competition as an opportunity to take the integrated combat training office as a bridge to continuously deepen in-depth exchanges and cooperation with the blue sky rescue team, further implement the joint logistics joint training and joint exercise system, continuously enhance the team's emergency rescue business level, and provide more powerful service guarantee for the economic development and social stability of the Ili region.

"Flame Blue + Sky Blue" escorts the "Flame Blue" professional skills competition