
Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?

author:Car World

Surprisingly, in the U.S. market, up to 271,330 Volkswagen Atlas and Atlas Cross Spor (i.e., the American version of the Volkswagen Touron and Touron X) will be recalled. Obviously, the number of recalled models is as high as 271,000 units, and the scale is still considerable.

Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?

Volkswagen is recalling more than 270,000 units of the U.S. version of the Touron and Touron X

According to Xinhua News Agency, the models involved in this recall are mainly the 2021-2024 "Volkswagen Atlas" and some 2020-2024 "Atlas Cross Spor".

As for the cause of the recall, it is due to a faulty wire in the front passenger seat heating system of the vehicle. This may result in the airbag not being able to pop out when someone occupies a seat.

In view of this, Volkswagen advises the users involved to suspend the use of the front passenger seat until they receive a recall notice. Users involved will be notified of this recall from August 16.

Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?

Volkswagen is recalling more than 270,000 units of the U.S. version of the Touron and Touron X

For these two models, the domestic car market is no stranger. SAIC Volkswagen's Volkswagen Tourang and Tourang X are highly well-known in the domestic auto market.

In terms of market performance, the Volkswagen Touron and the Touron X have also achieved good sales results in the segment. In particular, the Volkswagen Touron has a high level of awareness in the market segment.

In the domestic auto market, the monthly retail sales of the Touron are generally stable at around 5,000 units. In some months, the Touron was able to exceed 7,000 units in a single month.

Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?

Volkswagen is recalling more than 270,000 units of the U.S. version of the Touron and Touron X

Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?

Volkswagen Touron

After entering 2024, the competition in the domestic auto market is becoming increasingly fierce, but the monthly retail sales performance of the Volkswagen Touron is still remarkable.

According to the latest industry comprehensive sales data, in May 2024, the monthly retail sales of the Volkswagen Touron will be 4,658 units. Compared to the previous month, sales volume increased.

From January to April 2024, the monthly retail sales of Volkswagen Touron were 5,226 units, 2,496 units, 5,353 units, and 4,369 units, respectively.

Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?

Touron's sales trend

Obviously, from January to May 2024, except for February, when the monthly retail sales of the Volkswagen Touron were less than 3,000 units, the monthly retail sales of the rest of the months were all above 4,000 units.

However, the decline in monthly retail sales of the Volkswagen Touron in February is understandable. After all, in February 2024, the domestic auto market coincides with the Spring Festival holiday, and major car companies have launched preferential car purchase measures.

Under the influence of the above two factors, the sales of many domestic auto brands or car companies have mostly shown a trend of rapid decline.

Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?


Therefore, on the whole, the Volkswagen Touron is still a model with good sales in the market segment. Of course, in the current Chinese auto market, competition has become the norm in the auto market.

Many models, including the Volkswagen Touron, will be under greater competitive pressure. Therefore, in the subsequent process, how to ensure competitive advantage will be a problem worthy of consideration by Volkswagen Touron.

Here, we hope that Volkswagen Touron and Touron X will continue to provide users with a better product experience and obtain better market sales.

Volkswagen recalled more than 270,000 units of the American version of the Touron and Tourang X, what happened?


Finally, the model sales data involved in this article comes from the comprehensive industry sales data released by third-party platforms. According to the data description of the third-party platform, it is displayed in strict accordance with the corresponding relationship between the sales volume and the platform announced by the Automobile Dealers Association and the manufacturer, with an accuracy rate of more than 99%, which is for reference only.

It is worth noting that the sales data provided by third-party platforms may be different from the official data due to differences in statistical methods and other aspects. Since I have not found the official sales data of the car company, the sales data of the third-party platform used is for reference only, and the official data shall prevail.

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