
"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! I often drink 3 kinds of detoxification soup, detoxification and dampness

author:Shukuri Musume

With the arrival of dog days, the temperature gradually rises, and the dampness and heat of the human body also accumulate. There is a health proverb in traditional Chinese medicine: "If you don't detoxify on dog days, your body will be blocked for a year." This quote emphasizes the importance of detoxification during this period of time. Dog days are the time of the year when yang energy is at its peak and moisture is the heaviest, and if you don't detoxify and remove dampness in time, it is easy to cause toxins to accumulate in the body and affect your health.

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! I often drink 3 kinds of detoxification soup, detoxification and dampness

Therefore, using this period to recuperate and drink some soups with detoxifying effects is an effective way to keep your body light and healthy. Here are three natural detox soups that are not only delicious but also help detoxify and remove dampness.

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! I often drink 3 kinds of detoxification soup, detoxification and dampness

1. Barley, lotus seeds, lily and duck broth

Ingredients: 300 grams of duck meat, 50 grams of barley, 30 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of dried lily, 3 slices of ginger, salt to taste

Detailed Steps:

1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the duck and cut it into cubes. Soak barley, lotus seeds and dried lilies in water for 30 minutes respectively and set aside.

2. Blanching: Add water to the pot, put in the chopped duck meat, skim off the foam after boiling, and remove the duck meat for later use. This step helps to remove the fishy smell and impurities of the duck meat.

3. Soup: Add an appropriate amount of water to the soup pot, add the blanched duck meat, soaked barley, lotus seeds, lily and ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Cook until the soup is milky white and the ingredients are crispy, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, and cook for another 5 minutes to turn off the heat.

Barley and lotus seeds and lily duck broth set to clear heat, dispel dampness, nourish the stomach in one, duck meat is cool, can nourish yin and nourish the stomach, with barley and lotus seeds, help to clear heat and dampness, lily can moisten the lungs and calm the nerves. This soup is especially suitable for drinking on dog days, which helps to eliminate dampness and heat in the body and improve physical fitness.

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! I often drink 3 kinds of detoxification soup, detoxification and dampness

2. Winter melon pork rib soup

Ingredients: 300 grams of pork ribs, 500 grams of winter melon, 5 red dates, appropriate amount of wolfberry, 3 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of salt.

Here's how:

1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the pork ribs, cut them into cubes, peel and cut the winter melon into thick slices. The red dates are pitted and the wolfberries are slightly soaked in water.

2. Blanching: Add water to the pot, put the pork ribs into a boil, skim off the foam, and remove for later use.

3. Soup: Add water to the pot, add the pork ribs, ginger slices and red dates, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Add the melon cubes to the soup and simmer for another 20 minutes, add the goji berries when the melon becomes transparent and cook for 5 minutes. Finally, add salt to taste, cook for another 2 minutes, then turn off the heat.

Winter melon pork rib soup is a classic summer soup, winter melon is cold, has the effect of diuresis and swelling, heat clearing and detoxification, with the tonic effect of pork ribs, it can not only increase the freshness of the soup, but also dispel dampness and heat down. The addition of red dates and wolfberries increases the sweetness and nutrients of the soup, making it more suitable for dog days to drink, helping the body detoxify and cool off.

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! I often drink 3 kinds of detoxification soup, detoxification and dampness

3. Loofah seaweed egg soup

Ingredients: 1 loofah, appropriate amount of seaweed, 2 eggs, a little shredded ginger, an appropriate amount of salt, a little sesame oil, an appropriate amount of cooking oil.

Here's how:

1. Prepare the ingredients: peel and slice the loofah, soak the seaweed for later use, add salt to the eggs, stir-fry them in the pot, and set aside.

2. Cook the soup: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the ginger shreds and fry until fragrant, add an appropriate amount of water to boil, put in the loofah slices, cook until the loofah becomes soft, put in the soaked seaweed, then pour the scrambled eggs into the soup, add salt to taste, and pour a little sesame oil to turn off the heat.

Loofah seaweed egg soup is simple and quick, light and delicious. The loofah has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating heat and diuretic, seaweed is rich in minerals and can help remove toxins from the body, and eggs supplement protein and increase satiety. This soup is especially suitable for hot summer days, helping to detoxify the body and maintain a refreshing state.

Dog days are an important season for health preservation, and by drinking the above three natural detoxification soups, you can expel damp toxins from the body and regulate body functions. During this time, in addition to diet, you should also pay attention to adequate rest and maintain good living habits in order to maintain a healthy and comfortable state in the hot summer. I hope that everyone will be lighter and more comfortable through healthy eating habits during dog days.

[Personal opinion, for reference only!] This article is original by "Show Chef Niang", the article and pictures are copyrighted, please do not plagiarize, delete, or misappropriate without permission, and infringement must be investigated! 】