
In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army

author:Ludian Media
In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army
In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army
In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army

On June 29, Zhang Hongkun, secretary of the county party committee and first secretary of the party committee of the county people's armed forces department, presided over the 2024 county party committee meeting to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on strengthening the army, convey and study the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Adhering to the Party's Management of the Armed Forces and Strengthening the People's Armed Forces in the New Era" and the spirit of the provincial and municipal party committee meetings, organize and carry out the township (street) party management of the armed forces, summarize the county's 2023 party management of the armed forces, and arrange and deploy various tasks in 2024.

In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army

Zhang Hongkun pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on strengthening the army, strictly implement the tasks of the party's management of the armed forces, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of the party's management of the armed forces, do a solid job in the study and education of party discipline, and guide the vast number of officers and soldiers, civilian personnel, workers, militia, and special military cadres to firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and always unify thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, so as to ensure absolute loyalty, absolute purity, and absolute reliability. All departments at all levels should further enhance their understanding of the importance of doing a good job in the party's management of the armed forces under the new situation, and promote the implementation of various tasks of the county's party management and armed forces with higher standing, stricter standards and more practical measures. It is necessary to shoulder the responsibility of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army, resolutely carry out the party's responsibility for managing the armed forces, and earnestly do a good job in the political education of the militia, conscription, and the standardization of the armed forces at the grassroots level.

In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army

Zhang Hongkun stressed: It is necessary to earnestly strengthen military training and preparation for war, grasp the fundamentals of political army building, grasp the key of building up and strengthening the army in a solid manner, grasp the urgency of responding to emergencies in a real situation, grasp the support of strong support, and earnestly grasp the building of the militia, the building of national defense mobilization, and the actual combat drills of the troops. It is necessary to strengthen military-civilian cooperation and promote the work of double support and joint construction. All departments at all levels in the county should make full use of military day, national defense education day, celebration of "August 1" Army Day and other activities to carry out national defense education on a regular basis, strengthen the awareness of military-civilian integration, and enrich the way of military-civilian integration. It is necessary to comprehensively implement the policy of supporting the military and giving preferential treatment to their dependents, do a good job in the resettlement of retired servicemen, the employment of their families, and the enrollment of their children in nursery schools, so as to create a strong atmosphere of respecting military personnel in the whole society. It is necessary to continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of supporting the government and loving the people, closely focus on the key work arranged and deployed by the county party committee and the county government, actively participate in the county's economic and social construction, rural revitalization, social governance and other work, take the initiative to undertake tasks such as emergency rescue and disaster relief, emergency rescue, and service guarantee, and always be a soldier who obeys the party's command, is trusted by the people, is supported by the people, and is loved by the people.

In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army

Ma Han, deputy secretary of the county party committee, county magistrate, and director of the county state mobilization committee, made arrangements for relevant work. Xia Wandou and Shen Zhenyue attended the meeting.

In 2024, the Ludian County Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a meeting of the army

Source丨Ludian County Rong Media Center, Jiang Kaipeng, Luo Zubo

Editor of this issue丨Li Xuan Ma Xianggang Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission email: [email protected]