
Seven Laws, Ode to Seven Songs (Outer 2 Songs)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Mu Fuxiang/Li Xiancheng/Wang Middle School

Seven Laws, Ode to Seven Songs (Outer 2 Songs)

Seven Laws Seven Verses

Mu Fuxiang (Cangzhou, Hebei)

The South Lake has been windy and rainy for many years, and the beautiful colors are beautiful and beautiful.

Ambitious to move forward to donate blood, pride in the long way to set up a red boat.

The land of Shenzhou is vast with smoke and clouds, and the sky is purple for thousands of miles.

Yingjie is loyal to the family and the country, and the people are stable and dancing.

Seven Laws, Ode to Seven Songs (Outer 2 Songs)

Seven Laws of Summer Yin (Tong Yun)

Li Xiancheng (Jimo District, Qingdao)

The scorching garden pavilion is chaotic, and a little romance is unbridled.

The green lotus pond frog is happy, and the pale yellow whip willow swallow is playing.

When the summer solstice flowers follow the rain, people are accompanied by the dog moon and the wind.

If you want to give the soul a single drink, and you will be lonely and ride the clouds.

Seven Laws, Ode to Seven Songs (Outer 2 Songs)

Yanjiahe Ancient City Village

Wang Middle School (Macheng, Hubei)

The picture scroll of the countryside is in sight, and the poverty alleviation decision-making party is looking forward.

The bright house is wide and the people are happy, and the grass, trees, fields and streams are charming.

Seven Laws, Ode to Seven Songs (Outer 2 Songs)

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Wu Jun/Chang Xianyun Editorial Department of Qingyanwei Literature