
Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

author:The readings are unique
Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

In the first half of the year, commodity funds, QDII funds and bond funds led the returns, and the average return of domestic active equity funds was -5%

Text: Huang Huiling

Edit | Guo Nan

This week's key concerns: the end of the semi-year, how the performance of the public fund; Chang Yuan stepped down and won the long-term value; Bank of Communications Tian Yulong stepped down from all funds.

Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

2024 semi-annual performance statistics of the fund

The first half of 2024 has ended, what is the performance of public funds? The statistics of "Reading Banner" by secondary investment type are as follows:

Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

As can be seen from the table above, commodity funds are far ahead with a semi-annual average return of 11%; followed by QDII funds, with an average return of between 4%-6%; This is followed by bond funds, with an average return of between 2-3%; The average return of domestic active equity funds was negative overall, with an average decline of 5%; The worst average return was the stock FOF, with the average FOF of 14 stocks falling by more than 7%.

Specifically, among the commodity funds, gold-themed funds are the main force, with an average return of 13%. In addition, the only silver-themed fund in the whole market, UBS SDIC Silver Futures, led the gains with 23%.

Among QDII funds, the Nasdaq 100 index rose 16% in the first half of the year, and funds tracking the Nasdaq index also recorded similar returns. The most prominent of these is the Invesco Great Wall Nasdaq Technology Market Cap Weighted ETF, which is up 33% year-to-date.

Further combing can find that the fund's outstanding income comes from the purification of the technology constituent stocks of the Nasdaq. The fund focuses on the technology sector in the Nasdaq-100 index and is distributed on a market capitalization-weighted basis, with the top three weighted stocks being: Nvidia with a 14% weighting; Microsoft, 13% weighting: Apple, 12% weighting. Among them, Nvidia's stock price has risen 150% this year.

The fund's quarterly report recalled that technological innovation, represented by artificial intelligence, is in full swing, and the current earnings forecasts of technology leaders are generally optimistic, coupled with the decline in the risk-free rate in 2024, technology stocks are expected to continue to show strong performance. Overseas investment is an indispensable part of the asset allocation of domestic residents, and it is recommended to keep an eye on overseas technology investment products.

In addition to the Invesco Nasdaq Technology ETF, QDII funds that have also benefited from the AI industry trend and achieved outstanding performance include CCB Emerging Markets Preferred, E Fund S&P Information Technology, Harvest US Growth, etc.

In terms of active equity funds, artificial intelligence and high dividends have become the main sources of income. A number of Wang Peng's funds are on the list, Manulife Prosperity Pilot has held it for two years, with a return of more than 30% since the beginning of this year, and Xu Tuo's Winning Dividend Preferred A has a semi-annual return of 28%.

Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

Compared with the diversification of the top-performing funds in the first half of the year, the investment direction of the lower-performing funds is concentrated in small-capitalization stocks. Jinyuan Shun'an Industrial Reserve A fell by nearly 40%, and many Beijing Stock Exchange 50 index funds fell by more than 30% in half a year.

Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?
Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

Chang Yuan stepped down and won the long-term

Yongying Fund announced on June 29 that due to the company's internal arrangement, Yongying Long-term Value Mixed dismissed the original fund manager Chang Yuan and was replaced by Xu Tuo.

Founded on September 13, 2021, Winwin Long-term Value has been in operation for nearly three years and has lost 37% since its inception. This fund, which is the same as Changyuan, was managed separately by Changyuan in the first two years, and the fund fell by 44% during the period of sole management. In June 2023, Xu Tuo's performance improved after the addition of Xu Tuo.

Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

Chang Yuan jumped from E Fund to Yongying Fund in 2019 and has been working as a fund manager for more than seven years. The scale of Yongying long-term value was nearly 8 billion yuan at the time of the initial fundraising, and it is currently less than 3 billion yuan.

Xu Tuo has been a fund manager for just over three years, and joined Yongying Fund in 2022 by ABC Huili, and the current best-performing product is Yongying Dividend Selection, with a 279-day tenure and a return of 32%.

Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

Bank of Communications Tian Yulong stepped down from all funds

Bank of Communications Schroder Fund announced on June 29 that Tian Yulong resigned from all its funds due to work arrangements. It is understood that Tian Yulong's resignation this time is a resignation.

Tian Yulong is a fund manager independently cultivated by Bank of Communications Schroder Fund. He has served as a fund manager for more than five years, representing the data industry of Bank of Communications, serving for five years, with a return of 91%, and preferring the field of technology investment.

After Tian Yulong leaves office, the Bank of Communications Schroders data industry will be taken over by Gao Yang. Gao Yang joined Bank of Communications Schroders Fund in 2016 as an industry analyst. At present, he manages the Bank of Communications Cree Technology Innovation Fund, and has a return of -30% in the past 3 years.

The industrial opportunities of the Bank of Communications are managed by Zhu Weizhen. Zhu Weizhen holds a master's degree in industrial economics from Tongji University and a bachelor's degree in finance from Jinan University. In 2016, she joined BOCOM as a researcher, which was her first time managing a fund.

Halfway through 2024, what fund is the most profitable?

Readings was created by the Securities Group of Caijing Magazine. Tell the story of capital and interpret the wealth code.