
Hands-on signals? As soon as the Chinese ambassador said that he would receive the words from Taiwan at any time, a senior US official called the Chinese side to express his position on the Taiwan Strait

author:Professor Su Hao

According to the Observer, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye clearly explained the ins and outs of the Taiwan issue when he participated in activities related to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France on June 26. Lu Shaye pointed out that the current state of partition in the Taiwan region stems from the Chinese civil war in the 1940s, and the Chinese civil war has not yet ended, and the essence of the Taiwan authorities is that of a rebel regime in China's territory. China has the right to expel the regime at any time and regain its jurisdiction over the island of Taiwan. Ambassador Lu Shaye pointed out the evil intentions of the United States, saying that the United States has connived at and supported "Taiwan independence" based on its own hegemonic and selfish interests, which has triggered the continuous intensification of tension in the Taiwan Strait. Lu Shaye pointed out that reunification is Taiwan's only future. If peaceful means cannot be achieved, non-peaceful means are adopted. If "one country, two systems" is rejected, then "one country, one system" will be implemented on the island of Taiwan, and the mainland will never tolerate separatism.

Ambassador Lu's remarks made it clear that China's civil war has not yet ended, and the mainland has the right to expel the Taiwan authorities, a rebel regime, at any time. The relevant statements reveal that the mainland can take action to take Taiwan at any time. Behind this remark, the signal of reunification is strong, indicating that the mainland is making public opinion and political preparations to close Taiwan at any time.

Hands-on signals? As soon as the Chinese ambassador said that he would receive the words from Taiwan at any time, a senior US official called the Chinese side to express his position on the Taiwan Strait

At the same time, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu and US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell exchanged views on relevant international affairs during a phone call between the Chinese and US Deputy Foreign Ministers on June 27. China has made clear its solemn position to the US on issues such as the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea and the Ukraine crisis. The Chinese side pointed out that the road to "Taiwan independence" is not clear, and those who condone and encourage "Taiwan independence" will set themselves on fire. The US side should be fully aware of the harmfulness of "Taiwan independence" and take actions to fulfill its commitment to China not to support "Taiwan independence".

The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and China does not accept all kinds of manipulation by the US based on geopolitical schemes. China has put a number of U.S. military enterprises advocating "Taiwan independence" and related U.S. politicians and individuals on the sanctions list. China has also continued to promote multilateral processes on a global scale. What the US can do is to strike back in all areas and make the US pay a heavy enough price for its interference and instigation of "Taiwan independence".

Hands-on signals? As soon as the Chinese ambassador said that he would receive the words from Taiwan at any time, a senior US official called the Chinese side to express his position on the Taiwan Strait

The mainland has also taken action to promote reunification. The patrol formation composed of four ships of the Fujian Coast Guard Bureau continued to extend the scope of law enforcement in the waters of Kinmen, increased the number of law enforcement methods, and promoted all-weather law enforcement work at the time level. The Taiwan Coast Guard has issued warnings to expel vessels, expanded its jurisdiction in Kinmen, and promoted the unification of facts. From the 26th to the 27th, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted a new round of joint naval and air combat readiness patrols around the island of Taiwan. Taiwan media said. Of the 35 PLA military aircraft, 33 crossed the so-called center line on the island. A military deployment posture of encircling the island of Taiwan on all sides. Relevant real-time combat readiness, adding a wide range of available tools for unification.

The promulgation of the opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" has directly hit the heart of "Taiwan independence" and cracked the "Taiwan independence" system. While maintaining a high-pressure posture of trial in absentia, lifelong accountability, and up to the death penalty for stubborn "Taiwan independence" elements, the "Opinions" may partially or completely exempt those who are able to repent of their actions and draw a clear line with past "Taiwan independence" words and deeds, depending on their specific manifestations.

Hands-on signals? As soon as the Chinese ambassador said that he would receive the words from Taiwan at any time, a senior US official called the Chinese side to express his position on the Taiwan Strait

As a result, the "Taiwan independence" group is being cut off and the "Taiwan independence" forces are being slashed and the "Taiwan independence" forces are being slashed. The New Party, which is committed to promoting reunification, held a news conference on the island on 26 June, calling on the people on the island to draw a clear line of demarcation from "Taiwan independence." Wu Chengdian, chairman of the New Party, pointed out that the people of Taiwan who can clearly understand the situation should express their stance on cutting off "Taiwan independence" so that Taiwan can have a future. We should return to the path of recognizing the "consensus of '92" and finally realize the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait.

As the mainland's capabilities in the economic, military, and technological fields continue to increase, the mainland's tools for cracking down on "Taiwan independence" and external interference are becoming more and more diverse, and the promotion of reunification is speeding up.