
Start filling in today, pay attention to these questions!

author:Youth Airport

At 8:00 on June 29, the 2024 Hubei Province Ordinary University Enrollment Online Application officially began

Candidates are requested to log in to the system in time to complete the first centralized volunteer operation.


Fill in the volunteer website

The online filling volunteer is operated on the "Hubei Provincial College Entrance Examination Enrollment Comprehensive Information Service Platform", and the system website is


Fill in the volunteer time

The time to fill in the undergraduate early approval is from 8:00 on June 29 to 17:00 on June 30.

The volunteer time for filling in the early approval of higher vocational colleges, undergraduate general approvals, art undergraduate school examination approvals, art undergraduate unified examination approvals, art higher vocational college approvals, physical education undergraduate approvals, sports higher vocational college approvals, technical college entrance examination undergraduate batches, and technical college entrance examination higher vocational college approval is from 8:00 on June 29 to 17:00 on July 2.


Solve the problem

If you encounter any problems, you can contact the secondary school teacher, or go directly to the local admissions examination agency to deal with or consult solutions.

Hubei Provincial Recruitment Consultation Telephone:





Working hours: June 17 to July 2

(8:30-11:30, 14:30-17:00 daily)

The following frequently asked questions should be noted



How do candidates bind their mobile phone numbers?

Answer: Candidates enter the login interface of the voluntary filling system, select the corresponding function button, and bind according to the system prompts.

Candidates need to bind their mobile phone number before logging in to the system for the first time. The binding of mobile phone numbers implements "one person, one number", and candidates should choose the mobile phone number that they use, can receive text messages and receive calls, and carry with them for binding.


How can candidates fill in the volunteer if they do not have a mobile phone?

Answer: Candidates can apply through their secondary school or directly to the local admissions and examination agency with their valid personal certificates, and it will be processed according to the procedures.


Mobile phone number in a country other than Hubei Province

Can it be used for binding?

A: Yes.


Can a number ported number be used for binding?

A: Yes. However, in order to avoid not receiving the SMS verification code, please do not use a mobile phone number that has been ported for less than 1 month.


The mobile phone number that has been bound

Can I be bound to other candidates?

A: No, you cannot. The binding of mobile phone numbers implements "one person, one number", and the same mobile phone number can only be bound to one candidate number.


How do I change my bound phone number?

Answer: According to whether the bound mobile phone number can continue to be used, it can be handled in two situations:

In the first case, the bound mobile phone number can continue to be used, and the candidate can use the "change mobile phone number" function of the system to change the bound mobile phone number.

In the second case, the bound mobile phone number cannot continue to be used, and the candidate can apply for the replacement of the bound mobile phone number through the middle school or directly to the local enrollment examination agency with his valid personal certificate, and the staff of the enrollment examination agency will replace the bound mobile phone number for the candidate according to the procedure.


The bound phone is missing and needed

What should I do if I change my bound mobile phone number?

Answer: Candidates can apply for a replacement of their bound mobile phone number through their secondary school or directly to the local admissions and examination agency with their valid personal certificates. The staff of the admissions and examination agency will change the bound mobile phone number for the candidates according to the procedures.


No secure exit system lock,

How do I unlock it?

Answer: There are three ways to unlock: one is to unlock through the self-service unlocking function on the login interface, the other is to wait for 15 minutes and be automatically unlocked by the system, and the third is to apply for unlocking through the middle school or directly to the local admissions examination agency with a valid personal certificate, and it will be processed according to the procedure.


During the volunteer period,

What text messages will candidates receive?

Answer: There are two main types of text messages:

One is the verification code SMS, which candidates will receive when they bind their mobile phone number, log in to the system, initialize the login password, self-unlock, modify the login password, modify the volunteer save password, modify the bound mobile phone number, etc. The SMS verification code is a 6-digit random number.

The other type is a reminder SMS, which candidates will receive after completing the operations such as changing the initial password, saving contact information, initializing the login password, self-unlocking, modifying the login password, changing the volunteer saving password, changing the bound mobile phone number, and successfully saving the volunteer.


Can I use my mobile phone to fill in the volunteer?

A: No, you cannot.


Log in to the system for the first time

Do I have to change my initial login password?

A: Yes. When logging in to the system for the first time, please make sure that the mobile phone number has been bound, enter the 14-digit candidate number, initial login password, and SMS verification code on the login interface, enter the system, and then modify the initial login password and set the voluntary storage password according to the system prompts (the voluntary storage password cannot be the same as the modified login password), and fill in/check the contact information.


Login password and voluntary save password

What's the difference?

Answer: The login password refers to the password used by the system account to log in to the system. The password used by the candidate to save the volunteer is the password used by the candidate when saving the volunteer. The two types of passwords are used in different scenarios and cannot be set to the same.

When a candidate logs in to the system for the first time or after the password is initialized, the system will ask the candidate to change the login password and set a voluntary save password. The login password and the voluntary storage password should be composed of 8-10 digits + letters.


Where can candidates find out

How to fill in the volunteer online?

Answer: Candidates should actively participate in the online volunteer training organized by their secondary school, understand and be familiar with the operation steps of online volunteering, and can also learn through the following ways:

The first is to familiarize yourself with the steps of online filling in the volunteer operation through the "Online Filling Volunteer Must Read" and "2024 Hubei Provincial Ordinary Colleges and Universities Sunshine Enrollment Policy and Volunteer Filling Q&A" and other materials.

The second is to familiarize yourself with the steps of filling in the online volunteer operation by reading and watching the relevant materials and videos published on the WeChat official account and video account of the Hubei Provincial Recruitment Office, and the third is to consult with the local enrollment examination agency or call the enrollment consultation telephone for consultation.


Where can I find out about the call for volunteers?

Answer: The announcement of the solicitation of volunteers is released through the "College Enrollment" column on the official website of the Hubei Provincial Department of Education and the official public account of the Hubei Provincial Recruitment Office.


Candidates must keep the login password, voluntary password, and SMS verification code properly, and remember not to tell others.


Proofreading / Wang Xi

Proofreader/Guo Baiting

Editorial Board Member / Yu Zihan

Article source/Wuhan Airport

Submission email/[email protected]

Start filling in today, pay attention to these questions!

The youth mailbox is waiting for your letter

▲The following matters are not within the scope of solicitation and acceptance: resolution, appeal, and reporting matters; Matters that shall be resolved through legal channels such as litigation, arbitration, and administrative reconsideration in accordance with law; academic theories; Matters that are repetitive, vague and meaningless; Matters that do not fall under the jurisdiction of our district, etc.

Start filling in today, pay attention to these questions!
Start filling in today, pay attention to these questions!
Start filling in today, pay attention to these questions!
Start filling in today, pay attention to these questions!