
The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise

author:Chinese food cooks

Goldfish dish

The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise


500 grams of shrimp gelatin.


Greens, carrots, red peppers.


Monosodium glutamate, refined salt, corn starch, soup, cooking oil.


1. Add the shrimp gum to taste, stir well, squeeze on top of the green cabbage leaves, dot the carrots and red peppers, squeeze them into the shape of goldfish, arrange them on a plate, and steam them for 6 minutes.

2. Put the soup in the pot, mix the seasoning, add corn starch to thicken, and pour it on the goldfish.

Crispy braised abalone with shallots

The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise


1. Cook abalone with chives and secret Buddha jumping over the wall sauce;

2. Wrap the abalone in taro puree made from fresh taro;

3. Soak and fry in the oil pan and remove from the pan.

Clear oil brine goose

The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise

Ingredients: half a Magang goose

Ingredients: 10 grams of Sichuan pepper, 2 star anise, 1 cinnamon, 2 bay leaves, 3 slices of ginger, 1 green onion, a little cooking wine, appropriate amount of chicken essence, 15 grams of salt


1. Wash the goose meat and rinse it with the tap for 40 minutes to remove the blood!

2. Add enough water to the pot, add the goose meat, ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, turn to low heat and cook for about 20 minutes

3. Remove the goose meat, rinse it with cold water and drain!

4. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, add salt, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves and stir-fry until fragrant, add an appropriate amount of water and an appropriate amount of fine salt, cover the surface of the goose meat, cover the high heat and boil, turn to low heat and simmer for about 1 hour, take out the chopped pieces, put them on a plate and pour the original soup on them

Crispy bamboo shoots with pepper sesame seeds

The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise


1. Soak 10 catties of dried bamboo shoots in clean water to soften, remove and squeeze out the water, put in the broth and simmer for 15 minutes until flavorful and ripe, drain and put it in a fresh-keeping box for later use.

2. Put shallots and fresh rattan peppers into a blender at a ratio of 1:1, add a little salad oil and whip them into green onion and pepper puree, and put them in a crisper to seal and preserve.

3. Take a stainless steel basin, put 80 grams of scallion oil, 30 grams of rattan pepper oil, 20 grams of minced garlic, 15 grams of light soy sauce, 10 grams of salt, 8 grams of sugar, 6 grams of vinegar, pour 100 grams of green onion and pepper puree, stir well, put 1000 grams of simmered bamboo shoots, mix evenly, and put them into four plates

Braised shrimp with truffle

The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise


500 grams of large green shrimp,


20 grams of chopped truffles, 10 grams of green onions, 5 grams of ginger, crispy mushrooms, crispy okra, and appropriate amount of cooked asparagus


Maggi fresh soy sauce 5ml, butter 20g,


1. Remove the head of the large green shrimp, open the back to remove the shrimp line, and take out the shrimp. Add an appropriate amount of water to the green onion and ginger to make ginger and scallion water, soak the green shrimp for 20 minutes, remove and drain.

2. Put the butter in the pan on the heat, add the butter to melt, fry the green shrimp until golden brown on both sides, add the crushed truffles and stir well, cook in an appropriate amount of Maggi fresh soy sauce, stir-fry over high heat to reduce the juice, put the pan on the plate, and garnish with mushroom crisp, okra crisp, cooked asparagus tips and so on.

Kung Pao Shrimp Balls (Bit Upper Version)

The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise


1. After the large green shrimp are thawed naturally, make a double knife on the back (about 3 mm deep), absorb the water in a basin, and add salt, cooking wine, and white pepper to marinate into the bottom taste.

2. 200 grams of corn starch, 100 grams of corn starch, and 100 grams of Meimei low-gluten flour are mixed evenly to be gongbao powder.

3. Pour 30 grams of balsamic vinegar, 30 grams of sugar, 2 grams of salt, 4 grams of cooking wine, and 3 grams of soy sauce into the bucket, mix thoroughly, and then add 1 gram of sesame oil and 2 grams of water starch to make kung pouch juice.

4. Pat the marinated shrimp evenly on a layer of kung bao powder, fry it in the wide oil that is burned to four or five percent of the heat until it is set, and when the oil temperature rises to seventy percent hot, then add the shrimp and fry it until the skin is crispy, remove and drain the oil.

5. Put the wok on the heat, put a little oil, add dried chili peppers, dried red peppercorns, diced green onions, ginger slices, garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, cook in the mixed kung pao sauce, pour in the fried shrimp balls when the sauce is thick, sprinkle an appropriate amount of fried peanuts, turn over a few times to let the ingredients wrap the sauce evenly, and add a little decoration after putting it on the plate

Fruit wood roast duck

The restaurant's signature dishes are worthy of praise

Raw material:

Peking duck stuff / honey / clear water / fruit wood (e.g. longan wood, lychee wood) / oven or roast duck oven/brush


1. Wash the duck and remove the internal organs and excess fat. Use kitchen scissors to cut off the tips of the wings and feet so that they are not easy to burn during the roasting process. At the same time, use bamboo skewers to prick some small holes in the duck skin so that the flavor can be better absorbed and the fat will flow out when grilling.

2. Put the processed duck into the basin, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, ginger slices and other seasonings, spread evenly and marinate for 30 minutes to 1 hour, so that the duck meat can fully absorb the flavor.

3. Take an appropriate amount of honey and water and mix it in a ratio of 1:1, and brush it evenly on the whole body of the duck, especially the duck skin. This will make the roast duck bright red in color and crispy in texture.

4. Hang the duck brushed with honey water in a ventilated place and air dry for about 8-10 hours to dry the duck skin, so that it is easier to achieve the effect of crispy skin and tender meat when roasting.

5. Light the fruit wood, wait for it to burn into a red fire, and hang the duck in the roast duck oven. Take care of the heat and cook slowly over medium heat for about 15 minutes on each side until the skin is dark red and crispy. During the roasting process, the duck should be constantly turned to ensure that it is heated evenly.

6. Take out the roasted duck, slice it and put it on a plate after it cools slightly. It can be eaten with side dishes such as shredded green onions and cucumber strips, and wrapped in pancakes for a better taste.