
Listen, how wonderful this extraordinary Mandarin feast is!

author:Shokin tells the story

Listen, how wonderful this extraordinary Mandarin feast is!

Source: Southern Net 2

On the afternoon of June 24th, the first "Putonghua I Speak" series of activities to promote the national common language in Kashgar (Guangdong Aid Xinjiang) was held in the studio of Kashgar Rong Media Center.

Listen, how wonderful this extraordinary Mandarin feast is!

It happened to be the flag-giving ceremony

The series of activities to promote the national common language in Kashgar Prefecture (Guangdong Aid to Xinjiang) "Putonghua I Speak" is a concrete embodiment of the spirit of the Ninth National Conference on Counterpart Support for Xinjiang, the 11th Plenary Session of the 10th Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the Enlarged Meeting of the Kashgar Prefectural Committee, guided by the Forward Headquarters of Guangdong Province's counterpart support to Xinjiang, the Guangdong Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Federation of Social Sciences, and the Propaganda Department of the Kashgar Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China, and sponsored by the Kashgar Prefecture Federation of Social Sciences and the Kashgar Prefecture Education Bureau. Guangdong Speech Society is the main organizer. The first series of activities was launched on April 23 this year, World Book Day, mainly for the counterpart support of Guangdong Province, the third division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the Kashgar Technician College, which are divided into five activities, including "Love My China" primary school students' stories, "Chinese teenagers say" middle school students' speeches, "The Most Beautiful Readers" young and middle-aged people talking, "Silver Age's Voice" elderly American literature recitation, "Poetry Club" teacher recitation, a total of 383 schools, 41 towns and streets (regiments), 471 villages (communities), 40 government agencies and institutions participated in the competition, covering more than 300,000 people.

Listen, how wonderful this extraordinary Mandarin feast is!

The representatives of the winners came to the stage to receive the awards

During the two-month competition, the winners were selected through auditions, preliminary rounds, video semi-finals and finals in each competition area. Medals were awarded to the grand prize contestants at the show, and awards were presented to the representatives who won the first, second, third prizes and the Outstanding Instructor Award, giving them their honors.

List of Grand Prize Winners

Napisha Yakep

Naizpai Abbu Belly Rahman

Ekda Azmat

Luo Jiayi

Sumaya Maimaiti

Marf Ekremjan

Ametikari Osman

Medina Usman

Cadigia Eskell

Zirinaz Abdurixit

Kasyeti Turganbayi

Ufu Amat

Kadirjan Tursun

Li Congqing

Shao Wenke

Zhang Fan

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the heavy medals in their hands, the grand prize contestants also have a special award - to go to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for exchanges!

Listen, how wonderful this extraordinary Mandarin feast is!

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At the event site, the flag of the first "Putonghua I Speak" elite group of Kashgar Prefecture (Guangdong Aid Xinjiang) went to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for inspection and exchange delegation, and launched the second series of activities to promote the national standard language in Kashgar (Guangdong Aid Xinjiang) "Putonghua I Speak" to continue to promote the national standard language.