
Application! Win a ton of oil!

author:China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau
Application! Win a ton of oil!

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Application! Win a ton of oil!



Application! Win a ton of oil!

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued a notice on measures to create new consumption scenarios and cultivate new growth points for consumption.

The details are as follows: (Swipe up)

It proposes:

Expand new scenarios for automobile consumption.

Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to relax vehicle purchase restrictions and issue additional vehicle purchase indicators.

Through the linkage between the central government and local governments, funds will be arranged to support the scrapping and renewal of old cars that meet the requirements.

Encourage qualified localities to support car replacement updates.

Expand the scope of the pilot area for the full electrification of vehicles in the public sector.

Steadily promote the commercial operation of autonomous driving, and create new scenarios for high-end intelligent driving.

Carry out the pilot application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for smart vehicles.

Carry out pilot reform of urban automobile circulation and consumption.

Combined with automobile events, self-driving camping, automobile culture experience, car modification, car rental, etc., enrich the products and services of the automobile aftermarket, and further promote the safe and convenient transaction of second-hand cars.


The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other departments have issued an action plan to carry out a three-year dragnet clean-up operation in 65 bays across the country.


Application! Win a ton of oil!

The carbon fiber metro train developed by Continental was officially released in Qingdao, which is the world's first carbon fiber metro train for commercial operation.



In 2024, Hebei Province plans to recruit 2,300 teachers of the central "special post plan", involving 28 counties and districts.

Hebei Province's 2024 Central "Special Post Plan" county recruitment position list

(Click on the table to enlarge it)

Application! Win a ton of oil!
Application! Win a ton of oil!

The details are as follows: (Swipe up)

Education Bureaus and Finance Bureaus of all cities (including Dingzhou and Xinji City), Public Service Bureaus and Reform and Development Bureaus of Xiong'an New Area, and relevant institutions of higher learning:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Deepening the Reform of the Construction and Reform of the Teacher Team in the New Era", strengthen the construction of rural teachers, promote the high-quality development of rural education, and realize the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, according to the requirements of the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Finance on the Implementation of the Plan for Special Positions for School Teachers in the Rural Compulsory Education Stage in 2024" (Teacher Office [2024] No. 1), The following notice is hereby given on the implementation of the 2024 Rural Compulsory Education Stage School Teacher Special Position Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Special Post Plan") in Hebei Province.

First, the objectives and tasks

(1) Scope of implementation

In 2024, the implementation scope of the "Special Post Plan" of the central government of Hebei Province is: the original concentrated contiguous areas with special difficulties, the key counties of the national poverty alleviation and development work in the central and western regions, and the key counties of the provincial poverty alleviation and development work.

(2) The number of recruitment

In 2024, Hebei Province plans to recruit 2,300 teachers of the central "special post plan", involving 28 counties, and the recruitment quota and position setting of each county are detailed in the "Hebei Province 2024 Central "Special Post Plan" county recruitment position table (Annex 1).

Second, the principle of work

(1) The "Special Post Plan" adopts the method of open recruitment, adheres to the principle of "openness, fairness, justice, voluntariness, and merit-based", adheres to the principle of combining with the overall management of teacher staffing, the balanced allocation of teacher resources, and the principle of combining with improving the quality of teachers.

(B) each post county must be approved primary and secondary school staff within the total number of recruited teachers. Continue to optimize the structure of the teaching force, and further strengthen the replenishment of teachers in scarce and weak subjects such as ethics and the rule of law, physical education and health, foreign languages, science, labor, arts, information technology, mental health, and special education.

(3) Focus on supplementing special post teachers for rural schools, and guide and encourage college graduates to teach in rural schools.

3. Recruitment conditions

(1) Recruitment targets

1. Graduates with a bachelor's degree or above from ordinary colleges and universities, mainly majoring in normal education.

2. Graduates of normal colleges and universities with household registration (or students) in Hebei Province (excluding graduates of early education and preschool education).

(2) Basic conditions

1. Meet the Putonghua level, physical and psychological conditions stipulated in the "Teachers Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on Teacher Qualifications" and other laws and regulations. Meet the requirements of the Ten Standards of Professional Conduct for Primary and Secondary School Teachers in the New Era, and have no criminal records and other illegal records that are not allowed to be hired.

2. Under the age of 30 (born after June 1, 1994), and not employed or have terminated the labor (employment) contract with the original unit.

3. Applicants for junior high school teacher positions must have a bachelor's degree or above in ordinary colleges and universities, and applicants for primary school teachers should have a bachelor's degree or above in ordinary colleges and universities or a normal professional college degree in normal colleges and universities. According to the requirements of the county where the post is established, the primary school teacher position with the "★" sign in the "Hebei Province 2024 Central "Special Post Plan" County Recruitment Position Table" must have a bachelor's degree or above in an ordinary college or university. For applicants who have not yet obtained a graduation certificate after graduating in 2024, they must obtain a graduation certificate before signing the "Hebei Province 2024 Rural Compulsory Education Stage School Teacher Employment Agreement", otherwise they will be disqualified.

4. Teacher qualification certificate requirements

(1) To apply for the position of junior high school teacher, you must have a primary or senior high school teacher qualification certificate, and the subject of the position you are applying for must be consistent with the teaching subject of your teacher qualification certificate.

To apply for the position of primary school teacher, you must have a primary school or junior high school teacher qualification certificate. Applicants for primary school physical education, music, art, and English positions require the teacher qualification certificate to teach subjects that are consistent with the post discipline or primary school subjects; Other primary school positions are not limited to teaching subjects with teacher qualification certificates.

The qualifications of teachers of cultural courses in secondary vocational schools may be applied for corresponding positions according to the qualifications of senior high school teachers, and the qualifications of teachers in other secondary vocational schools do not meet the requirements of the post.

(2) Candidates who have not yet obtained the teacher qualification certificate, but have obtained the "Certificate of Qualification Examination for Primary and Secondary School Teachers" or the "Certificate of Professional Ability for Teachers of Normal Students", can apply for the corresponding positions in accordance with the sections and disciplines on the "Certificate of Qualification Examination for Primary and Secondary School Teachers" or the "Certificate of Professional Ability for Teachers of Normal Students" and in accordance with the requirements in (1) above. Before signing the "Hebei Province 2024 Rural Compulsory Education Stage School Teacher Special Position Plan Teacher Employment Agreement", the corresponding teacher qualification certificate must be obtained and provided, otherwise the qualification will be cancelled.

5. Have the "Putonghua Proficiency Test Grade Certificate", Putonghua proficiency must reach the "Putonghua Proficiency Test Grading Standards" issued by the State Language Work Commission Level 2 B and above, and language discipline positions must reach the standard of Level 2 A and above.

Fourth, preferential policies

Meet the recruitment conditions, the service period has expired and the assessment is qualified for the "College Students Volunteer Service in the West Plan", "Three Branches and One Support Plan", "Selection and Recruitment of College Graduates to Work in the Village" personnel, as well as the "college students and soldiers in school retired and returning to school and graduated" personnel in our province (conscripted from Hebei Province and have been admitted to ordinary colleges and universities in Hebei Province before enlistment and have retained their admission qualifications or are studying in ordinary colleges and universities in Hebei Province, Retired soldiers who have graduated from college or above and are returning to school) who participate in the recruitment, 5 points will be added to the written test score.

5. Recruitment Procedures

(1) Publicity and mobilization

On June 24, 2024, the Hebei Teacher Education Network ( announced to the public the information on the job demand of the "Special Post Plan" in Hebei Province. Administrative departments for education at all levels and relevant institutions of higher learning should widely publicize the purpose and significance of the implementation of the "special post plan" through various forms and channels, publish recruitment targets, conditions, and relevant preferential policies and safeguard measures, and actively guide and encourage college graduates to sign up for the recruitment of special post teachers.

(2) Online registration

Hebei Teacher Education Network ( is the only website for the recruitment of special post teachers in Hebei Province in 2024, and the "special post teacher recruitment column" of the website will publish all recruitment information in a timely manner in accordance with the recruitment workflow. Applicants log in to the "Special Post Teacher Recruitment Column" of Hebei Teacher Education Network and enter the online newspaper page to register.

1. Registration time. From 9:00 on June 28 to 18:00 on July 2, overdue applications will not be accepted.

2. Registration Instructions.

(1) Applicants are limited to one post in one county, and must fill in whether they are subject to adjustment.

(2) You need to fill in the relevant information truthfully and completely according to the requirements of the registration system, ensure accuracy, and upload the information according to the following requirements.

The photo must be a recent 1-inch frontal color bareheaded white background ID photo, the head of the photo accounts for 2/3 of the photo size, the hairstyle is neat, no makeup, ears are exposed, the portrait is clear, and the demeanor is natural.

ID card, graduation certificate, electronic registration and filing form of academic certificate of the Ministry of Education, Putonghua level certificate and teacher qualification certificate (applicants who have not yet obtained the teacher qualification certificate must provide the "Certificate of Passing the Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination" or "Teacher Professional Ability Certificate for Normal Students") and other electronic pictures. For applicants who will graduate in 2024 and have not obtained the graduation certificate and the electronic registration and filing form of the Ministry of Education's academic certificate, they must provide the electronic version of the online verification report of the Ministry of Education.

Graduates of normal colleges and universities are required to provide the household registration page of their household registration book or the electronic picture of the household registration certificate issued by the public security department; If the information in the graduation certificate cannot prove that it is a normal ordinary school of higher learning and the major is a normal major, the relevant certificate can be issued by the school and the electronic version of the picture can be uploaded.

The above pictures must have a complete border, no distortion, clear handwriting, uniform brightness, no overexposure, JPG format, no more than 1MB.

(3) Applicants shall be responsible for the authenticity of the certificates, certification materials and personal information provided. During the entire recruitment process, once it is found that they do not meet the recruitment conditions or conceal relevant problems, provide false information and supporting materials, they will be immediately disqualified; If they have been hired, their employment qualifications will be cancelled, and the consequences and losses caused by them shall be borne by the applicants themselves.

(4) During the recruitment period, the contact information for the recruitment consultation of special posts in each county can be queried in the "Notice and Notice" of the "Special Post Teacher Recruitment Column" of Hebei Teacher Education Network.

(5) No fees will be charged to applicants during the recruitment process. The Provincial Department of Education does not hold any form of training courses for the recruitment examination of special post teachers, and does not entrust any institution or individual to hold relevant training courses.

(3) Qualification review

1. The time of the qualification review. From 9:00 on June 28 to 18:00 on July 3.

2. Organization of eligibility review. The qualification examination shall be reviewed online, and under the guidance of the Provincial Department of Education and the Education Bureau of the city of Jiaogang, it shall be implemented by the Education Bureau of the county where the qualification examination is carried out. The county should be strict with the qualification review conditions and procedures, and should set up a review body responsible for the main leaders of the county education bureau, establish an audit mechanism for the main leaders of the county education bureau, and carefully check the online information and certificates, certificates or certification materials provided by the candidates according to the recruitment conditions, and must give the audit results within 2 days.

3. Requirements for qualification review. Each county must complete the first review of all applicants before 9:00 on July 3. Before 12:00 on July 3, applicants who fail to pass the review due to incorrect information filling can modify and submit it again according to the review opinions, and will not be accepted after the deadline. The information of applicants who have passed the review cannot be changed.

(4) Written examination

1. Written test time. July 14, 9:00-11:30 a.m.

2. The format and content of the written test. The written examination is a closed-book examination, and the content of the examination is education laws and regulations, basic requirements for professional ethics of primary and secondary school teachers, pedagogy, educational psychology, and new curriculum concepts. The written test does not specify a bibliography and examination syllabus, but mainly examines the basic quality of teaching and the ability to analyze and solve problems. The total score of the written test is 150 points. The written examination is jointly organized and implemented by the provincial and municipal education administrative departments, the Provincial Department of Education is responsible for the unified organization of propositions, paper making, and marking, and the education bureaus of each city are responsible for the reasonable setting of test centers, examination rooms and examination organization and management.

3. Written test center setting. The written test center shall be set up by the city where each county is located. The education bureau of each city must send the test center of the city before 9:00 on July 4