
[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic

author:Ping An Gansu
[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic
[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic

In order to implement the spirit of the provincial public security organs' "Professional Ability Improvement Year" action mobilization and deployment meeting, further increase the selection of advanced models, better play a leading role, drive the majority of police to take root in professional work, improve professional ability, and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of respecting, attaching importance to professionalism, and advocating professionalism. The Gansu Public Security Department launched a series of special reports on "Looking for Longyuan Police Craftsmen", which comprehensively demonstrated the vivid practice of the Longyuan Iron Police in the fiery police barracks, and gathered with the spirit of craftsmen to form a strong new quality public security combat effectiveness.

"A navy blue, a commitment, a lifetime of practice. The anti-narcotics police are known as people who walk on the tip of a knife, and since they choose this profession, they should pay without regrets. I will always maintain an attitude of full love for public security work, infinite reverence for the law, and a high degree of responsibility to the people, stick to the front line of the anti-drug struggle without complaint or regret, and realize my work pursuit with blood and sweat. This is the voice of Xu Teng, deputy head of the anti-drug detachment of the Linxia Prefecture Public Security Bureau.

[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic

Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, southwest of central Gansu Province, and has 42 ethnic groups, including Han, Hui, Dongxiang, Baoan, and Salar. The terrain here is complex, with river valleys and undulating hills, and it has always been the main battlefield of anti-narcotics work in Gansu Province, and the situation of anti-narcotics work is grim.

Xu Teng enlisted in the army in 1987, transferred to the Linxia Prefecture Public Security Bureau in 2005, and in the 19 years of struggle on the anti-drug battlefield, he participated in the detection of more than 220 cases of various drugs, arrested more than 320 criminal suspects, defeated more than 40 criminal gangs, and seized more than 500 kilograms of various drugs. Among them, he participated in the investigation of more than 20 major drug target cases such as ministerial governors and provincial governors. In December 2023, he was awarded the honorary title of "The Most Beautiful Veteran in Linxia Prefecture The First Hezhou in Linxia Prefecture" by the Propaganda Department of the Linxia Prefecture Party Committee and the Linxia Prefecture Veterans Affairs Bureau.

[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic

In the 19 years of anti-drug struggle, Xu Teng is both a commander and a combatant, whether it is clue discovery, character tracking, evidence search or investigation and solving cases, he always takes the lead, and always charges forward every time he encounters difficulties and dangers.

In January 2021, Xu Teng, with his keen sense of anti-drug work, analyzed and judged the information of drug-related personnel, and after a large number of verifications and comparisons, a drug trafficking gang that had been traveling back and forth to Qinghai in Gansu Province for a long time gradually surfaced. In order to solve this case, he led the police of the detachment to Xining City and Haidong City to carry out investigations many times, and assembled scattered and fragmented drug-related information step by step into a complete drug trafficking network map. After half a year of investigation, on July 19, 2021, the drug trafficking case of Ma's gang was successfully cracked, 6 suspects were arrested, 1 drug addict was seized, and more than 400 grams of heroin were seized.

[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic

"We should not take our anti-drug work lightly in every task. In the face of drug dealers, you can't let go of any clues! ”

In August 2023, in order to solve a provincial governor case, Xu Teng actively offered advice to the task force with his experience in investigating and handling drug cases, analyzed and grasped the situation of the drug trafficking gang, network structure and drug trafficking trends with the task force, and actively conducted intelligence analysis, gradually narrowed the scope of investigation, and locked up the suspects. After nearly 60 days of information investigation, analysis and judgment, and tracking and squatting, on October 7, 2023, the case was successfully detected, 2 suspects were arrested, and 17.57 kilograms of heroin were seized.

[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic

"Since I have chosen the road of drug control, I will seriously think about solving more cases, and I will fight drug dealers to the end!" In October of the same year, Xu Teng and his comrades-in-arms went to Huocheng County, Xinjiang, to detect another drug trafficking gang involving Xinjiang and Qinghai provinces, successfully arrested 4 criminal suspects, and seized 10.22 grams of heroin.

[Looking for the Long Police Craftsman] full mosaic

"This is the hometown where I was born and raised, and I want to use practical actions to guard a pure land."

From the age of 19 to 56, Xu Teng joined the army for 18 years and served as a police officer for 19 years. Half military barracks and half police barracks is Xu Teng's proudest professional experience. Whether he is a soldier or a policeman, he has always maintained his loyal nature, devoted himself to the places where the country needs it most without hesitation, planted the purpose of serving the people in his heart and externalized it in his actions, and interpreted the original mission of Communist Party members and the responsibility of the people's police with practical actions.

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