
At the age of 70, you will reach the life expectancy period? If you sleep with these 6 manifestations, you may be closer to longevity

author:Zealous doctor

As we age, our functions gradually decline, and the risk of various diseases increases. The age of 70 is often seen as an important turning point in health and longevity, and the human body has entered a new stage. At this stage, some lifestyle habits and physiological manifestations may indicate the likelihood of longevity.

At the age of 70, you will reach the life expectancy period? If you sleep with these 6 manifestations, you may be closer to longevity

"People who sleep less, the longer they live?"

Is this a reliable claim?

This argument is not scientific.

Sleep is essential for health, not only does it help the body recover and repair, but it also plays an important role in mental health and cognitive function. Studies have shown that chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of several health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and mood disorders.

However, sleep needs vary from person to person, and some people may naturally need less sleep.

So-called "short sleepers" may only need 4-5 hours of sleep per night to feel energized. But that doesn't mean they live longer. In fact, most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep to stay healthy.

It's important to find a sleep pattern that works for you and make sure you sleep well. If you're concerned about your sleep, you should talk to your doctor or sleep professional instead of blindly trying to reduce your sleep time.

At the age of 70, you will reach the life expectancy period? If you sleep with these 6 manifestations, you may be closer to longevity

If you sleep there are these 6 manifestations

or closer to longevity

1. Regular sleep cycles

Older adults who maintain a regular sleep cycle of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day usually means that their biological clock is functioning well, helping to maintain the body's natural rhythms and hormonal balance.

2. Moderate sleep duration

Although older people may have less sleep needs than they did when they were younger, they still need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Moderate sleep duration helps the body's systems rest and recover adequately.

3. Good quality of deep sleep

Deep sleep is the most critical stage of the sleep cycle, helping to repair body tissues and strengthen the immune system.

If older people are able to fall into deep sleep regularly during sleep, this is usually a positive health sign.

4. Wake up less at night

Frequent awakenings during the night can be caused by a variety of health issues like prostate problems, sleep-disordered breathing, etc. If older people are able to wake up less or less at night, it usually means that they are in good health and are not affected by these underlying problems.

5. Wake up feeling refreshed

Waking up feeling refreshed and energized is a sign of a good night's sleep. This sensation indicates that the body is well-rested during the night, and that the systems are functioning properly, which helps to maintain daily activities and long-term health.

6. No sleep-disordered breathing

Sleep-disordered breathing, such as sleep apnea, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Older people who do not have these disorders have better sleep quality and better physical health.

At the age of 70, you will reach the life expectancy period? If you sleep with these 6 manifestations, you may be closer to longevity

What can be done about the frequent insomnia of the elderly

1. Establish regular sleep habits:

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to help adjust your body's body clock.

2. Dietary therapy method:

Often eat longan lotus seed soup, sour jujube kernel soup, etc., which helps to calm the nerves and help sleep. These foods are rich in nutrients that can help improve sleep quality. However, please note that dietary therapy is not a panacea, it is only used as an adjunct, and patients with severe insomnia should still seek professional treatment from a doctor.

3. Avoid night irritants:

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, as well as avoiding excessive or heavy-tasting foods, can affect sleep quality.

4. Moderate activities during the day:

Maintain moderate physical activity during the day, such as walking or light exercise, but avoid strenuous exercise close to bedtime.

5. Relax and unwind:

Relaxing activities, such as deep breathing, meditation or gentle stretching before bed, can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote falling asleep.

6. Seek medical treatment:

If insomnia persists, you should seek help from your doctor. Further evaluation and treatment, including pharmacotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy, may be required.

Medications, such as gamma oryzanol, vitamin B, Liuwei Dihuang pills, etc., can nourish the cranial nerves and help improve sleep, and should be treated according to the doctor's instructions.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any medical advice. If you have any health problems, please seek medical attention in time, and the advice of a professional doctor shall prevail.