
The old man said: The tombstone is not erected, and the descendants are scattered, which four are not erected? On what basis? What's so important

author:Aaron Gastronomy
Four Tombstones: An Exploration of Tradition and Meaning

The old man often said: "The tombstone is not erected, and the descendants are scattered", this sentence makes people wonder, which is the "four do not stand"? And what is the basis and emphasis? Today, we're going to find out.

1. No wordless monuments: Wordless tablets are often considered disrespectful to the deceased and cannot record the life deeds of the deceased. One of the purposes of erecting the monument is to let future generations remember the existence and contribution of their ancestors.

The old man said: The tombstone is not erected, and the descendants are scattered, which four are not erected? On what basis? What's so important

2. No singular monuments: In traditional culture, even numbers are seen as a symbol of good luck, while singular numbers can bring bad luck. As a result, the number of headstones is usually an even number.

3. Do not erect a monument of the opposite sex: This means that the name of the opposite sex is not engraved on the monument. In the past, it was believed that the presence of the name of the opposite sex on the tombstone could affect the fortune of the family and the reproduction of offspring.

4. Don't erect a crooked tombstone: A crooked tombstone is not only unsightly, but can also be seen as a sign of bad luck. Tombstones should be erected upright to show respect for the deceased.

The old man said: The tombstone is not erected, and the descendants are scattered, which four are not erected? On what basis? What's so important

The Right Place for a Tombstone: Feng Shui and Tradition Considerations

The location of the tombstone is very important for future generations, not only as it is about respect for the deceased, but also closely related to feng shui and traditional concepts. So, where is the right place to stand the tombstone? Let's take a look.

First of all, the location of the tombstone should be chosen in a quiet and quiet place, so that the deceased can rest in peace and it is convenient for future generations to come to pay their respects. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid erecting the tombstone in a noisy and noisy environment, so as not to affect the peace of the deceased.

Secondly, from a Feng Shui point of view, the location of the tombstone should follow certain rules. Generally speaking, the tombstone should be erected in a place with stable mountains and open terrain, which is conducive to the circulation and convergence of aura, and can also bring good luck and well-being to future generations.

The old man said: The tombstone is not erected, and the descendants are scattered, which four are not erected? On what basis? What's so important

In addition, the orientation of the tombstone is also very particular. According to the traditional concept, the orientation of the tombstone should be in harmony with the natural environment such as mountains and water flows, so as to achieve the effect of yin and yang balance and the unity of nature and man.

Finally, the placement of the headstone should also take into account the traditions and customs of the family. Some families may have a specific location or orientation for the monument, which is part of the family culture and should be respected and passed on.

The Relationship between Traditional Ideas and the Location of Tombstones

When it comes to choosing a tombstone location, many traditional ideas have an impact. Here are some common conventional wisdom:

1. Feng Shui Concept: Feng Shui believes that the environment has an impact on people's lives and destinies. According to Feng Shui theory, the location of the tombstone should be in an auspicious place, such as the back of the mountain and the water, the opening of the Ming Hall, etc., to bring good luck and blessings.

2. Family traditions: Some families may have specific traditions and customs that dictate the location of tombstones. This may have something to do with the family's history, ancestral home, or ancestors' wishes.

3. The concept of orientation: Some people believe that the orientation of the tombstone is related to the birth date of the deceased, the attributes of the five elements, etc. For example, certain orientations may be considered more conducive to the rest of the deceased and the well-being of future generations.

The old man said: The tombstone is not erected, and the descendants are scattered, which four are not erected? On what basis? What's so important

4. Religious beliefs: Different religions may have specific requirements for the location of tombstones. For example, some religions may require a tombstone to be facing a specific direction or located in a specific place.

5. Respect for ancestors: Traditionally, the location of the tombstone should reflect respect and respect for the ancestors. Choosing a quiet, tidy place where the ancestors can rest in peace is the wish of many people.

6. Allegorical Symbolism: The location of the tombstone may be associated with certain allegories and symbols.

Although these particulars and bases may not be recognized by everyone in modern society, they reflect the importance that the ancients attached to life and death and the expectations of future generations.