
Provincial leaders went to Zhouning County for investigation

author:Clear skies
Provincial leaders went to Zhouning County for investigation

From June 27th to 28th, Huang Haikun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, went to Zhouning County, Ningde City to investigate the construction of ecological rule of law, the substantiation of the comprehensive management center, and the prevention and resolution of conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level.

Provincial leaders went to Zhouning County for investigation

In the "Sanku" ecological civilization learning and practice base, Huang Haikun revisited the vivid scene of General Secretary Xi Jinping's three trips to the forest farm that year, deeply understood a series of highly strategic and forward-looking ecological civilization construction concepts and practices initiated by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his work in Fujian, and deepened his understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

He stressed that it is necessary to vigorously practice Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, firmly establish the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", further optimize the protection mechanism of ecological judicial services, strengthen the linkage between the judiciary and the administration, innovate the compensation method of ecological restoration, and polish the ecological background of Fujian with the power of the rule of law.

Huang Haikun went deep into the Zhouning County Comprehensive Management Center and the County Court Litigation Service Center, communicated cordially with the staff, and learned in detail about the physical construction of the comprehensive management center, the special action of large-scale investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, and the "judge's e-station" and other work.

He pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, pay attention to thinking about problems and making decisions from the perspective of the people, constantly optimize the overall layout and work process of the comprehensive management center, straighten out the channels for connecting various legal remedies, and ensure that every appeal of the people is handled and every appeal is promoted in accordance with the law.

It is necessary to adhere to coordination and linkage, pay more attention to systematic thinking and strong foundation orientation, promote the organic integration and rational allocation of resources and forces of all parties such as petition reception, litigation source management, procuratorial services, and public legal services, and create a flat actual combat command system with information convergence, timely research and judgment, and smooth command, and strive to achieve "only one door and one place at most" for the masses to solve their demands.

It is necessary to persist in relying on professional strength, focusing on giving play to the roles of chief legal consulting experts, gold medal mediators, industry associations, etc., subdividing the types of conflicts and disputes in the jurisdiction, setting up mediation studios in accordance with local conditions, and continuously improving the level of professionalism and rule of law in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and disputes.

Provincial leaders went to Zhouning County for investigation

During the investigation, Huang Haikun also went to Qinxi Village, Lidun Town to learn about grassroots social governance and rural revitalization, and visited and condoled with the cadres stationed in the village.

He demanded that we should promote the study and education of party discipline to go deeper and more practical, strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations, based on resource endowment and location characteristics, identify comparative advantages, and explore the road of rural revitalization with characteristics.

It is necessary to adhere to co-construction, co-governance and sharing, effectively stimulate the endogenous development momentum of villagers, build a social governance community where everyone is responsible, everyone is responsible, and everyone enjoys, and promote the quality and efficiency of grassroots social governance.

Provincial leaders went to Zhouning County for investigation

Editor-in-charge: Huang Huier

Review: Fang Cong Gao Qi

Provincial leaders went to Zhouning County for investigation

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